Message: #291323
Ольга Княгиня » 22 Jan 2018, 17:02

How to bring real pleasure to a man. Realization of sexual fantasies. Phillip Hodson, Ann Hooper

side by side for many years does not mean at all that you know his body so well. Couples are often amazed at their discoveries about each other when they play an exciting game called "Find the Erogenous Zones." The trick is to touch every part of your partner's skin, even those that you may not consider sensitive in any way. Ask at the same time: “Do you like it this way? Did I hit the target? And let your partner evaluate your touch on a minus-plus scale. The highest score for successful touches is "plus three". A weak response is scored as "zero". And unpleasant sensations are estimated as "minus three". Using this method, you can make a kind of terrain map in relation to the "hot spots" on each other's body.

- Create and act out scenarios. For example: “I am a successful business woman interviewing you, a handsome young man who is so in need of a job that he will agree to do everything, even the most unusual things. For example, I can ask you to slowly undress in front of me. You are completely at my disposal and must carry out all my orders.

- Don't forget about the sex picnic game. Your living room is a bright green meadow, and in your basket is all kinds of food on silver trays. After you've treated him to exotic fruits and offered him champagne, you take him for a dip in the stream (the nearest bath, pre-prepared), undress him, and submerge him in the water. Offer him a few more sips of champagne and pop some frozen strawberries from the fridge into his mouth. After lulling him into the bath and slowly lathering him, you slowly undress. Give him warm fluffy towels, and then, after drying him, bring him back to the meadow. Spread out a large picnic blanket (towel) and lie down on it. You — пиршественный стол, и на вашем теле раскладываются сочные кусочки фруктов (или другая подобная снедь). His task is to eat them without touching them with his hands ... The essence of the idea is clear, isn't it?

- Rent a video cassette with an erotic (or pornographic) movie and set up a video player and TV so that you can watch in bed.

- Agree to listen to any (we repeat, any) sexual requests of a partner this evening, without laughing at him, without criticizing or evading him. Вам не обязательно это делать, но еслand inы согласитесь, это может придать небывалый оттенок вашим отношениям: «Все эти годы я мечтал о том, чтобы ты… медленно до упора… и при этом была бы без всего в постели…»

Sometimes, no doubt, couples want to move away from the stage simplicity of traditional sex and turn to more sophisticated and overtly staged games. In the next chapter, you will find some scenario ideas for your own RPGs.

Само собой разумеется, что еслand inы хотите наслаждаться полноценным физическим сексом, вам необходимо заниматься полноценным умственным сексом. The fullness of sensations during orgasm is determined by the release of tension in the mind and body. Therefore, the more obstacles you put in the way of immediate gratification, the more pleasure you will eventually experience.

And in this you are helped by timely varied prolonged physical caresses. Как и мучительные мысли о том, что наслаждение так близко and inместе с тем так далеко. The art of love is the art of timing. In this chapter, we will show you how to master this art by using the dynamics of limitation to bring your partner to the brink of ecstasy. Undoubtedly, too long, not ending in a discharge of excitement can give rise to frustration and boredom. Однако еслand inы будете следовать подробным инструкциям этой главы, вы добьетесь фантастического хронометража. Research показывают, что властные, успешные люди обоего пола относятся к числу тех, кому нравится играть в постелand in психологическое подчинение.

Before you start

1. Don't play these kinds of games with people you don't trust or don't know very well. The purpose of such sexual role-playing games is to expand the boundaries of already existing close relationships. You используете свое знание о партнере, чтобы еще дальше проникнуть не только в его тело, но and in его ум, а потому не стоит даже и думать о применении подобных сценариев при случайной связи.

2. Both parties must show interest in this. Such games are out of the question if the partner suffers from claustrophobia or is tormented by nightmares related to the topic of sexual control.

3. Before tying the first knot, agree to use a special phrase or code word in case either of you wants to stop the game early. Sometimes it is better to use not a word, but a gesture or a special exclamation.

4. You should not use these games if any of you have health problems.

5. Do not compress the airway and do not use constriction agents that interfere with normal blood circulation to restrict freedom of movement.

- Do not overdo it. В последующие неделand inы можете дойти и до using more specific attributes, but for the first time try to keep it as simple as possible. To tie your hands, you can use a beautiful chiffon scarf. You may need more than one. You также могли бы надеть чулки, которые потом, когда вы их снимете, можно было бы использовать в качестве веревок.

— Еслand inы хотите привязать партнера к кровати, подумайте о том, где закрепить веревки. Practice ahead of time to make sure they hold up.

Get a bandage (or goggles) for sleeping. For starters, you could probably use it regularly when you go to bed, just to "keep the light out of your eyes." Then it will always be at your fingertips, on the table near the bed, when you want to start the game.

- As mentioned in Chapter 6, you can get massage gloves lined on one side with velvet and on the other with faux fur; это замечательное секретное оружие, которое вы можете пускать в ход, когда партнер лежит перед вами голый, со связанными руками и с завязанными eyes.

— Среди прочих полезных аксессуаров — затычки для ушей или наушники от плеера (еслand inам хочется блокировать еще один орган чувств партнера), массажное масло и (по возможности) кубики льда.

There is a "balance of power" in every relationship. Different people have different skills and different knowledge. Perhaps a woman can speak more authoritatively on issues of tax law, and a man on contraception, or maybe vice versa. Different people also have different levels of energy and desire. In some cases, you may have a strong desire to provoke a man to have sex, and in others, you may need to passively accept the efforts of a partner. We all enter adulthood with the experience of special relationships, the nature of which was determined by the first authority figures in our lives - our parents. And the memories that they fed us from childhood are able to color our deepest desires and fantasies.

Потому, когда вам приходит мысль заговорить на тему игр в эротическое рабство, спросите себя, каков этот баланс властand in ваших отношениях. Youказывал ли партнер когда–нибудь хотя бы малейший интерес к играм в эротическое доминирование или эротическое подчинение? What does your intuition tell you - to proceed with extreme caution or Is it safe to knock on an already half-open door? Your mutual behavior should give you answers. You когда–нибудь устраиваете сеансы вольной борьбы друг с другом или позволяете себе хлопнуть друг друга по ягодицам, проходя из одной комнаты в другую? Does your partner respond positively to teasing touches and firm hugs, even when there are no plans to have sex? Does he share your rapture with prolonged foreplay during sex, or is he usually in a hurry to get an orgasm? Has he ever let you know that he likes to "feel submissive"? Did he ever show a hint of wanting to fall at the feet of a "dominant woman"?

Еслand inы намерены воспользоваться моментом, то все случаи подобного рода как раз и представляют собой возможность попробовать начать такие игры. As they say, who does not take risks, he does not drink champagne. You могли бы, к примеру, испробовать такое начало: «Забавно, что ты это говоришь. I would just like to be your mistress tonight. I want to make you cry with pleasure. It's just one thing - will you allow it?

The following is a sample script that you could follow during your first attempt at heating up the sexual atmosphere in your bedroom. In this case, you should adhere to a gentle and trusting tone and speak in a muffled and soothing voice until the partner is immobilized.

Obtaining permission: Start in the usual way. Make sure he is sufficiently excited and full of desire before moving on to the main action.

Preparing the Ground: Give him a verbal picture of how much you enjoy petting and stroking the innermost corners of his body, but don't actually follow it. Caress nearby, and not in those places where he would most like to feel your touch. The key to success is "the despair of waiting." Let him get used to the fact that you bypass his most sensitive areas, and then, as if by chance, barely touching, run your finger over his genitals. Еслand inы делаете это как надо, он должен застонать от наслаждения.

Increasing intensity: Now you need to inspire your partner that he should obey you even more: “Do you want to experience unlimited pleasure, reach a frenzy of desire, feel helpless from passion? Want? Then keep your hands behind your head while I I'll get


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