Message: #291323
Ольга Княгиня » 22 Jan 2018, 17:02

How to bring real pleasure to a man. Realization of sexual fantasies. Phillip Hodson, Ann Hooper

to work."

На караул: Однако очень нелегко держать рукand inсе время за головой, когда тебя подвергают сексуальной пытке чуть ниже пояса, так что ваша жертва должна в конце концов уступить вам и подчиниться. Now you offer a solution. "Will you do as I ask? Will you hold your wrists together and let me tie them up so I can really take care of you and make you happy without distractions? Well, how? Will you do it for me?" (Для полной уверенности руки можно также привязать к кровати, а еслand inы оба считаете нужным, то и ноги. Однако в первый раз не забывайте о том, что меньшие усилия могут давать большую отдачу! Да и к тому же вам не нужно забывать о томthen it will be your turn).

Проверка узлов: Используйте рифовый узел скаутов — «слева направо and inнутрь; справа налево and inнутрь», — поскольку его легко можно развязать, потянув за один из свободных концов и стянув оставшиеся петли. (It turns out that scout training can be useful ...)

Blindfold: Then help your partner achieve the appropriate mental gearshift by whispering in their ear: “No need to stress, relax, forget what day it is, forget where you are, forget about problems, don’t think about me, let your thoughts go free, let them lead you to that secret erotic place that only you know about, ”and at the same time make your caresses more insistent and at the same time more teasing, slowing down the rhythm of movements even more. Lightly, barely perceptibly touching with your nails, run your fingers left and right along his neck. Then do the same way from the armpits to the thighs, run your fingers along the inside of the thighs, along the sides of the buttocks and groin. Let a visit to the genitals become a rare event. Tem же приглушенным голосом прошепчите ему, что ему будет приятнее, если он закроет глаза, погрузится в темноту и сосредоточится на своих мечтах, и намекните, что ему будет легче этого добиться, если он наденет вашу повязку на глаза.

Precautions: Since this is the "first time", be prepared to switch to more familiar love games if your partner asks for it. If he doesn’t ask, then he is probably already completely in your hands and ready for a little more psychological pressure. "Do you like that I'm touching here?" you ask, while your fingers touch the nipple for a second or slightly stroking the swollen head of the penis. "Nice? Do you want more? “Oh,” you say, “the fingers are completely tired, they don’t want to move anymore.” And then say, “Are you willing to pay to get them moving again?”

Чем платить: This тоже не должно идтand inразрез с уровнем психологического комфорта вашего партнера во время игры. Maybe you just get him to say, "I beg you, caress me there" - or you will demand that he say the word "please." He may also pay by having to endure ice cubes on his navel (or any other pink area of ​​his body) or mild slaps on the buttocks, the amount of which is to be negotiated. Whatever you decide, do not forget to raise the price a little higher - remember that the most intoxicating caresses should be interrupted before the partner begins to wait for them to stop.

Completion: When your partner reaches the "point of no return", stop the game and use your hands, lips or genitals to begin vigorous sexual stimulation until he orgasms.

After the game: Return to your daily roles, become loving and caring again, give him all kinds of thanks and praise - and let him know that next time you will probably want to be in his role if he dares to switch roles ...

Mark, 28, software dealer;

Jane, 25, sales manager

Mark and Jane have been together for a little over three years and have a one-year-old daughter, Ellie. Джейн страдала послеродовой депрессией, и для нее оказалось трудным возобновить сексуальную жизнь спустя месяцы после родов and inо время кормления грудью. The turning point came one day when Mark threw off his gentlemanship and forced her to give in to his onslaught, warning that she would not get rid of him so easily ...

Марк очень милый мужчина — симпатичный, коренастый, с преждевременной сединой в волосах и смешливыми eyes. Here is what he says: “I was acutely worried that Jane had lost interest in sex. I have looked at all the books that talk about the hormonal changes that occur in a woman's body after childbirth, and about the psychological difficulties experienced by a young family with the advent of a child. Мы много времени проводилand in постели, просто лежа и обнимаясь, либо она доводила меня до оргазма рукой. But I wanted her to feel sexual pleasure. Поэтому однажды вечером, когда мы рано леглand in постель, я попросил ее залезть под одеяло, которое я подоткнул под нее со всех сторон. Then he sat down on her chest, facing her feet, pressing her hands with his feet. Leaning forward, I began massaging her feet, biting and sucking on her toes, causing her to drift off into a dreamy state. Then I slowly moved up the body until I reached the clitoris. Поза была несколько неудобной, но я твердо прижимал ее руки and inодил языком в такт любимым записям в стиле соул. She resisted - but I apparently managed to find some kind of secret point, because she suddenly opened her legs and allowed me to do whatever I want ... "

Jane is of average height, dark hair, curvaceous and very feminine. She has beautiful lips that easily break into a smile since she got over her depression. “I'm not sure I'll ever want another child. Now I adore Ellie and would die for her if I have to, but at the time she seemed to have robbed me of my sanity and destroyed my sex life. I didn't even want to know about sex. I generally doubted that I would ever return desire, but that night, when Mark turned me on and forced me to be "selfish", I really began to return to normal life. I felt so guilty, I was so ashamed that I did not return his feelings. This было очень ловко сделано, что я не могла отвечать на его прикосновения. I couldn't even see his face. So, of course, I immersed myself in my dreams. I loved the way he caresses my legs - oh, it was wonderful!

Alexander, 36, police officer;

Mireille, 29 years old, teacher

Alexander and Mireille have been dating for seven months now. They are French, middle-class, energetic and adventurous, and both don't spend much time talking about sex. Онand inстретились, почувствовалand inлечение друг к другу и оказались вместе в постели, наслаждаясь традиционными радостями секса. “In France, we are not used to talking a lot about these topics. By the very fact that you are French, it is assumed that you are a wonderful lover, ”says Alexander. Однако однажды вечером после нескольких выпитых рюмок брэндand in загородном домике, которым в трех поколениях владела его семья, в их любовных отношениях наметились some changes.

Alexander has a scar on his neck, which only adds to his swarthy appearance a little more mystery. Alexander himself, a tall and well-dressed man, says that the scar is not romantic: he just fell off roller skates as a child. However, it is associated with one of the first experiences of transferred pain. The memory of her was stirred up when she and Mirei made love: “Mireille caressed me intoxicatingly on the sofa in the living room. I was tired from drinking. It even seems to me that I dozed off for a moment. When I woke up, I found that Mireille had tied my hands to the heating pipes running along the wall high from the floor. I lay on my back in the position of the crucified.

Then she stood in front of me, turned off the overhead light so that only the table lamp illuminated her. I saw only the outline of the body of this beautiful woman, but I could not distinguish her face or anything else. Then she came up to me, pulled up her skirt to her hips and began to play with me. She provoked me: she approached me, knelt over me, and stopped a few centimeters from my lips. No matter how I twitched my hands, no matter how I pulled the ropes, I could not touch her. I could only inhale the delicious smell of a woman and cry from impotence. But she remained ruthless and refused to give in to me, no matter how much I begged. She even laughed and began to masturbate in front of me, and then fell asleep herself! Since I became a grown man, I have never been treated like this…”

Mireille, who wears glasses, may seem like a blue stocking, however, she is very warm, approachable and very friendly person. After the divorce, she used to beware of men who make easy promises, and began to protect her independence: “I wanted to amaze, shock Alexander. He is so powerful, every day he controls the fate of people. I suddenly thought that he might like to be in the shoes of those criminals and immigrants with whom he deals. Besides, I wanted to show him my body and tell him that he would enjoy it only if I let him. I also wanted to stretch out the pleasure, because usually he turns me on so quickly that I don't have time to really enjoy it. Of course, he is wrong in saying that I was cruel. He forgot how much he drank.


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