Message: #69683
Аннета Эссекс » 05 Feb 2017, 17:58

Vareniki with potatoes

A proven recipe for dumplings with potatoes (or any other filling, such as cabbage or mushrooms), which is passed down from generation to generation in our large family! Vareniki are delicious and gobbled up with a bang!

Dough Ingredients:

kefir – 300 ml.
egg – 2 pcs.
soda – 2 gr.
flour – 630 gr.
salt – to taste
Ingredients for potato filling:

fried onion
salt to taste

First we prepare the filling. Варим potato до готовности в подсоленной воде, затем воду сливаем и толчем potato до состояния пюре, а затем заправляем его обжаренным в подсолнечном масле луком.

Then knead a stiff dough. We roll out a tourniquet from the dough in the form of a sausage, then cut it into small pieces and roll them into round cakes, 1-2 mm thick. Раскладываем potato на лепешки (примерно 1 столовая ложка толченой картошки) и защипываем противоположные концы лепешки, так чтобы получился вареник в форме полумесяца. Throw dumplings into salted boiling water and cook until tender, about 5 minutes.

At the end, dumplings can be seasoned with fried onions and carrots or butter and sour cream. And voila – the whole family will be fed!

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