Message: #43182
Лена Калининград » 06 Dec 2016, 16:56

Winter teas

Have you ever thought about what time of the year you most often want to pour yourself a cup of tea? Maybe on a dank winter evening to finally warm up and recover after a long journey home from work? Or in autumn bad weather, when light rain drizzles for days on end, and so there is not enough summer sun? The main ingredients of winter tea recipes are cinnamon, ginger, cloves, citrus fruits. The best base for making drinks during the colder months is strong black tea.

You will need: black tea, apple, orange, clove sticks.

Thin slices of apples need to be dried in the oven. Then stuff the orange with clove sticks. When all the additives are ready, brew tea. As soon as the infusion acquires a deep color, it can be poured into cups, spreading dried apples and orange-clove slices in them.

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