Message: #51362
Лена Калининград » 04 Jan 2017, 13:52

Train your reserves with fasting

The body may lack food, water, oxygen, information. Their conscious, artificial limitation stimulates the use of reserve capabilities, i.e. their workout. Let’s call this process briefly: reserve – trainings, let’s see what exercises can be used for this purpose.

Exercise 1 – dosed starvation.
Let’s limit the intake of food and get a wonderful method of restoring the body known since ancient times – fasting. This is a temporary, voluntary, complete refusal of food. The purpose of such fasting is the transition to internal nutrition, i.e. use of reserves. This is possible only under the condition of a simultaneous, complete cessation of power. Only water, and as clean as possible. A glass of juice, for example, drunk during this period interferes with the transition to internal nutrition, blocks the mechanisms for a balanced consumption of reserves, and nothing good comes of it. The results of the research suggest that with complete short fasting, food from one’s own reserves completely satisfies all the needs of the body and is even more complete than regular food. All the necessary substances at one time were already assimilated, “sorted out”, and now for further participation in the metabolism they do not require a considerable amount of energy and time. One of the reference books may be the book “The Miracle of Fasting” by Paul Braga. Here is what he wrote about this:

“Every week, without a single pass, I do a 24 or 36 hour fast. In addition, I fast 7-10 days four times a year. Over the years, when I follow this schedule and keep myself in excellent condition, I live like a dynamo coming to life. My day is more busy than another person’s year. I have unlimited energy for work and play. I never get tired, never sleepy. I am constantly active both mentally and physically. I have enough time and energy for everything.” This famous American died at the age of 95, doing … surfing – a difficult and dangerous sport. According to the conclusion of pathanatomists, his organs and vessels were in excellent condition.

Exercise 2 – “dry” fasting.
Now let’s see what happens with the so-called “dry” fasting, when we stop not only eating, but also drinking. Water makes up about 70% of the body, it comes with drinking and as part of food, but in addition, about 400 ml per day is formed internally as a result of fat oxidation. During “dry” fasting, the amount of this metabolic water increases significantly and satisfies the needs of the body for some time. At rest at a comfortable temperature, a person can go without drinking for up to 10 days.

With “dry” fasting, our body becomes like such an amazing creation of nature as a camel, which can wander through the desert without food and water until it uses up its reserves – a hump with fat reserves. Our “hump” is excess fat, atheromas, atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels and other “garbage” that the body cannot remove under normal conditions. According to some reports, the regenerating and cleansing effect of dry fasting is 2-3 times higher than that of water fasting. The author tested this for himself and it seems that this is indeed the case. Once a week, he began to announce a 36-hour “dry” hunger strike to the aging process (started with 24 hours on water) and after each of them he feels great: a surge of energy and strength is felt, memory improves, vision, hearing, smell, taste become more acute, performance. Let’s call this exercise “Camel-36” and let’s do the calculations: 4 times a month for 36 hours is 6 days of “dry” fasting, which in terms of efficiency is equal to about 15 days of fasting with water. It turns out that, as if for half a month, the body is in a state of purification and restoration. The aging process slows down.

Exercise 3 – oxygen starvation.
With a lack of oxygen, hypoxia occurs, i.e. oxygen starvation. The complete absence of oxygen leads to irreversible changes and death, and the time is counted in minutes and seconds. In connection with such a rigid dependence in the body, there is a powerful antihypoxic system. Она обеспечивает реакцию, как на кратковременное, так и на длительное oxygen starvation. With short-term hypoxia, the heart begins to beat more often and more powerfully, pumping more blood; a reserve amount of blood comes from the blood “depot” – the spleen; the vessels of the brain, heart, lungs expand – vital organs that are most sensitive to a lack of oxygen; the level of hormones of the adrenal cortex increases, etc. With prolonged hypoxia, for example, high in the mountains, the mass of lung tissue increases, new capillaries form in all organs and tissues, and the amount erythrocytes, the content of myoglobin (oxygen reserve in muscles) increases, oxygen-free energy exchange is activated, hormone production increases, the number of active mitochondria per unit mass of the cell increases, i.e. the overall energy level rises. In the process of aging, everything happens exactly the opposite: the energy level drops, blood supply to organs worsens, hormone production decreases, etc., so judge for yourself how important training of the antihypoxic system is for a long-liver.

Artificial hypoxia can be achieved in many ways. The most accessible is the so-called ventilation hypoxia – breathing exercises with reduced lung ventilation. In the literature, you can find a large number of respiratory systems with a delay in inhalation, exhalation, deceleration of exhalation, etc. All of them will be effective, because they give short-term hypoxia and train the antihypoxic system. An example is the breathing exercise of Indian yogis “kevala-kumbhaka”, which means “absolutely calm pause”. The exercise consists in the complete cessation of breathing against the background of the most relaxed muscles. The pause lasts as long as you can stand and repeats several times a day.

Exercise 4 – information starvation.
With regard to information, nature has provided for a natural periodic information starvation in the form of sleep. During sleep, the flow of information from the outside is as limited as possible: we do not see, hear, smell or touch the skin, taste buds rest. This is not about superficial, but about deep, full sleep. The conditions for it are a darkened room with good ventilation and sound insulation, comfortable temperature and air humidity, and a comfortable bed. A sign of normal sleep is good health and mood after waking up.

You ask, where are the reserves? The fact is that during sleep, the brain is not at all idle. There are two phases of sleep – slow and fast. It has been established that in the phase of REM sleep, the activity of nerve cells in most parts of the brain increases, reaching the level of wakefulness. The function of the brain is the processing, storage and transmission of information, so its active work with limited external information indicates that the backup is being processed. information stored in memory. You sleep, and the brain continues to solve your problems, attracting all the experience accumulated earlier. No wonder they say – “the morning is wiser than the evening.” Many great discoveries have been made in dreams.

A person has another need associated with the limitation of external information – the need to periodically be alone. Solitude is also a type of information starvation. A person is a powerful irritant for a person, requiring constant attention and tension. Lack of opportunity to be alone can lead to mental disorders.

If you combine all four exercises, it turns out that the ideal means of rejuvenation is a long sleep, because during sleep we do not eat or drink.
All the methods that we have considered are based on the fact that the body does not receive something from the outside, but after all, there is less money in our wallet not only when we do not receive it, but also when we spend it hard. Thus, we can force the body to use its reserves with the help of periodic enhanced work of individual organs and systems.

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