Message: #269840
Ольга Княгиня » 26 Nov 2017, 17:26

How to talk to your son. The most difficult questions. Valeria Fadeeva

20–25! This will happen at about 13-14 years old. But it happens that accelerated growth can begin after 15 years. Then your growth will gradually slow down and stop at the age of 19-20. True, it happens that some boys by the age of twenty-one can grow a few more centimeters. But after twenty-one years, growth does not change. Girls, on the other hand, grew intensively two years ago, and now until the age of 18 they will add only 1-2 cm per year.

It's great if you're happy with your height. But if you are worried about the fact that you are below your peers, then something needs to be done about it. First of all, let's try to understand why this is happening. First, each teenage boy has his own pace of development. Perhaps you will come to school after the summer holidays - and ... oops! You will be difficult to recognize. You will grow so much!

Secondly, it is important how tall your parents are. If they are tall, then most likely you will not remain a baby forever. But, really, in the event that you do not smoke and get involved in alcohol from an early age, since these bad habits can forever put an end to your dream of becoming strong and tall. Another reason that slows down your growth may be any disease. Your height will increase as soon as you heal.

But be that as it may, in order for your body to develop and grow normally, it is important to take care of the cleanliness of your body, not have bad habits, move a lot, do gymnastics and sports. But at the same time, keep in mind that you should not exhaust yourself too much with training. The fact is that excessive loads can also slow down your growth.
If you want to grow well, then try to eat right (see the section on nutrition). It is also important to get enough iodine (preferably from iodine-containing vitamins). For teenage boys, the daily norm is 150 g. The fact is that iodine is now needed by the thyroid gland. And she is just responsible for ensuring that you turn into a courageous young man in time.

If you want to accelerate your growth, play basketball, volleyball and swimming. Special exercises will also help.

Are there exercises to speed up my growth?
Yes, of course there is. First you need to warm up: spend a couple of minutes walking, then make 5-7 circular rotational movements with your hands, lean forward several times, sideways, bend back, put your hands on your waist and turn your torso to the right and left several times. The results achieved must be consolidated with a five-minute jog.

A set of exercises for growth

Exercise #1 Draw a line high on the wall. Then stand facing the wall, rise on your toes and stretch upward, trying to reach this line.

Exercise number 2 Hanging on the horizontal bar, first try to turn the body to the right and left, then swing your legs like a pendulum. Underтянись, потом опустись, несколько минут повиси на турнике.

Exercise number 3 Notice some high-hanging object or attach it yourself to something. Underпрыгивай и старайся достать этот предмет.

Exercise number 4 Lie on your back, stretch your legs, spread your arms to the sides. Underнимай то одну, то другую ногу по очереди, так чтобы между полом и ногой образовался прямой угоl.

No. Description of the exercise

Exercise number 5 While lying on your stomach, stretch your legs, and clasp your hands behind your back in a “lock”. Now bend over.

Exercise number 6 Lie on your stomach, stretch your legs, stretch your arms along the body. Close your legs and lift them up.


1. To perform this exercise, you can use a gymnastic horizontal bar.

2. When performing the exercise, you should relax your muscles.

3. Performing the exercise, push off from the floor or the ground, first with the left, then with the right, and then with both feet.

4. To perform this exercise, you can use a gymnastic horizontal bar.

5. Having bent over, you should raise your head and shoulders and take them back, and your hands, clasped in the lock, up.

6. When training, you need to reasonably increase the load.

I am clumsy. Can this be fixed?
Surely you noticed that, growing up, you suddenly became awkward: either you constantly hit objects, or you bump into other people. This is normal and will soon pass. The thing is, your bones don't grow at the same time. Yes Yes. To give an example, the bones of the palms begin to grow about four months earlier than the bones of the forearms. Because of this, they seem so huge until the other bones of the hands grow.

The bones of the hands and feet grow the fastest, followed by the bones of the skull, and last but not least, the trunk. Therefore, for a while, one of your legs may be longer or your arm larger than the other. Muscle growth lags behind bone growth. And at the same time the nervous system does not keep up with muscle growth. Because of all this, you become clumsy.

But you can fix the situation. There are special exercises for this. If you do them at least two or three times a week, then soon your movements will become beautiful and precise, and your posture will be correct. Try!

A set of exercises for the development of plasticity of movements

Exercise number 1 Spread your arms to the sides, smoothly stretch your straight leg forward, then to the side, then back and return to the starting position. Repeat the same movement, but with the other leg. Let's complicate the task: the movements of the legs remain the same, we change the location of the arms - first they are stretched up, then they are laid behind the head, in the final - the hands are on the shoulders.

Exercise number 2 Bend your leg at the knee, lift it, then spread your arms to the sides, linger in this position for 3-4 and return to the starting position. Repeat the same but for the other leg.

Atпражнение № 3 Underними одну ногу, плавно вытяни руки сначала вперед, потом вверх, затем в стороны и, наконец, опусти руки. Return to starting position. Repeat the same while standing on the other leg.

Exercise No. 4 Stand on your right foot and perform circular movements with your hands, first with both at the same time, then with each hand in turn. Repeat the same while standing on your left leg.

Exercise number 5 Put your hands on your belt. On the count of 3-4, rise on your toes, then return to the starting position.

No. Description of the exercise

Atпражнение № 6 Underнимись на носки, поверни голову в одну сторону, затем в другую и вернись в исходное положение. Now stretch your arms forward, then up, then to the sides. Standing on your toes, close your eyes and make several head tilts back and forth, left and right.

Exercise number 7 Stand on your right foot and grab the foot of your left foot with both hands. Now stand on your left foot and grab the foot of your right foot with both hands.

Exercise number 8 Standing on one leg, hands on the belt, try to reach the forehead with the knee of the other leg. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Exercise No. 9 Perform the “swallow” exercise: stand on one leg, take the other back, and spread your arms to the sides, tilt your torso forward. Repeat the exercise with the other leg. Now make a “swallow” and change legs, jumping up. Perform the “side swallow”: put your hands on your belt, take one leg to the side, and tilt your torso to the other side.

Why do my arms and legs hurt?
So called "growing pains" is not a very pleasant phenomenon at the stage of formation of a maturing organism. But this is quite normal, so if they already caught up with you, don't worry. This phenomenon is temporary. "Growing pains" occur due to the rapid growth of bones.

Most often they appear in the knees. In the evenings or at night, you can feel a aching aching pain not only there, but also in different places of the legs or arms. This happens because the long bones in the legs grow and stretch the muscles that grow slowly. At the same time, they put pressure on the part of the bone to which the muscles are attached. Or maybe the reason for the pain is that you play sports too hard?

Rub the sore spot. The pain should pass quickly. You will feel better if you keep your feet and hands warm at night. Rest more during the day and drink.

Why is correct posture so important?

In order to find out if you are the owner of the correct posture, ask someone to measure the distance from your seventh cervical vertebra (it protrudes more than others) to the lower angle of the left and then the right shoulder blades with a measuring tape.

If you have a normal posture, then these distances should be the same. During the measurement, you must be undressed to the waist and stand as you normally would.


An attractive young man has the right posture. You've probably heard the expression: "He's poised." This means that he took the correct posture: he turned his shoulders, slightly raised his head and pulled in his stomach. Posture is the ability to maintain the correct posture without undue stress while walking, playing, sitting.

Probably, more than once, your mother told you when you were sitting at the table: “Sit up straight!”, “Stand up!”, Or

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