Message: #269840
Ольга Княгиня » 26 Nov 2017, 17:26

How to talk to your son. The most difficult questions. Valeria Fadeeva

normal voice and suddenly you start to squeak in a thin voice, and after only a few minutes you switch to bass. But it's not forever. Most likely, your voice will be established by the age of 17.


At this time, new mysterious changes will also take place within you. By the age of 15, male sex cells - spermatozoa - will begin to be produced. And from now on, they will ripen constantly throughout your life. The prostate gland and seminal vesicles will fill with liquid secretion. Because of this, sexual tension will arise, which will require discharge. And it will come ... for the first time in a dream. There will be a release of semen (ejaculation), and with it comes an orgasm. Such involuntary (those that happen regardless of your desire) nocturnal ejaculations are called wet dreams. At the same time, you will have erotic dreams. In them you can see some actress or pop star, your school teacher or classmate. The first wet dreams usually occur about 1 year after the onset of genital growth.

At 12-13 years old, curly hair will begin to appear on your pubis. Then you will notice armpit hair. Your skin will become oilier and smell like a man, because the sebaceous glands will work more actively. Soon pimples and the first "vegetation" will appear above the upper lip and chin, near the ears, around the nipples and even ... near the anus. Pubic hair does not happen overnight. The hair will get bigger and bigger until it covers the entire pubis. By the age of 15-16, they will grow in the shape of a diamond, and by 17-18 years they will move to the inside of the thighs.

Some young men are very hairy, while others have little or no hair in all these places. Sometimes all these signs of puberty appear in boys in a different order. For example, hair in intimate places begins to grow before the testicles and penis increase.

By the age of 15 or 16, you will sometimes really want to get rid of sexual tension. And you can start masturbating. We will talk about it later. And now I'll just say that this is normal.

It just so happens that puberty in boys begins and ends later than in girls, by about two years. For most boys it starts at 13 years old. But it can also start as early as age 11 or even earlier, or it can linger until age 15, and in very few boys, even longer.

Isn't it too early (late) am I "beginning to mature"?
It is important!

If you are worried about your slow (accelerated) development, visit an endocrinologist. He can advise remedies that can accelerate puberty.

It happens that puberty "starts" before 10 years. This is evidenced by the acceleration of growth: a boy of 8–9 years old, instead of 4–6 cm, grows by more than 7 cm per year. Such puberty is considered too early. Most of the boys this happens to are healthy. Most likely, their father, grandfather or great-grandfather also began puberty early. But just in case, it is better to see an endocrinologist.

If you are the only one in the class who has already begun to undergo changes associated with growing up, then be prepared for classmates to ridicule your awkward movements, huge growth or protruding Adam's apple. And perhaps everything will be different. And instead of ridicule, your classmates will respect and admire you. And the girls will surely begin to pay attention to you and adore you. So you can turn your nose up. But that won't happen to you, I hope?

By the way, I want to ask you - try not to offend your peers who have not yet grown up.

Sometimes puberty is delayed. The boy is already 15 years old, but his testicles do not even think of growing, and he is growing too slowly ... Most likely, this is due to heredity, and even if not as quickly as we would like, puberty will begin and the boy will become a young man. There should be no cause for concern. But still…

What else can be done? Eat foods rich in zinc: cheese, meat, mushrooms, eggs, brown rice, fish, milk, pumpkin seeds, seeds, lentils. The fact is that if it is not enough in the growing body, then you can "get" a poorly developed prostate gland and underdeveloped testicles.
And yet ... all children, sooner or later, become adults. Including those that begin to ripen later. You just have to be patient for a year or two. In addition, many of those who “start” late, overtake their peers after a while.

How does puberty happen in girls?

Hormones take over

1 - brain; 2 - hypothalamus; 3- pituitary; 4 - ovaries; 5 - testicles; 6 - egg; 7 - sperm.


First, at 9-12 years old, girls begin to grow breasts. At the same time, pubic hair appears. True, it happens that puberty begins with a “jump” in growth. In a year, a girl grows by 10–12 cm! Often, at the age of eleven or twelve, girls overtake their peers-boys in height and weight. And all because they begin to grow up before them.

In some girls, pubic hair grows before breasts begin to develop. Then hair appears under the armpits and on the legs. Hair on the head becomes oily and dandruff can appear in them. Pimples come from somewhere on the face. Sweat is released more than before. The figure changes and becomes more and more like the body of an adult woman: narrow shoulders, thin waist and wide hips.

About two years after the breasts began to grow, girls have menstruation (or menstruation). Every 21-35 days (it varies for everyone) blood is released from the vagina (this lasts 3-5 days). In this way, the body gets rid of unnecessary blood that would be useful for nourishing the child if the woman became pregnant.

A regular menstrual cycle is not established immediately, but approximately within 1–1.5 years after the start of the first menstruation. As soon as this happens, the girl's body will be quite ready for pregnancy. Of course, becoming a mother at this age (13-15 years) is too early. It's just that nature prepares the girl's body in advance. And by the time she becomes an adult girl, she will already be ready to become a mother.

And yet ... girls awaken sexuality. This means that they begin to see erotic dreams, experience orgasm while playing sports, while masturbating (what it is, you will learn by reading the book further). They have a desire to read novels and watch erotic films. And they fall in love... with whom? Of course same in boys!


Sperm maturation

1 - seminal canal; 2 - testicles; 3- развивающийся сперматозоид; 4 - mature sperm; 5 - LH, FSH; 6 - pituitary gland.


One day there comes a day when the brain gives a signal to the beginning of sexual development. In one of its parts (the hypothalamus), a large number of special chemicals (hormones) are produced, which then move to another part of the brain - the pituitary gland. Under Under the influence of these hormones, the pituitary gland secretes two very important hormones - FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone). These hormones produce eggs in a woman's ovaries and sperm in a man's testicles. As the ovaries and testicles mature, they begin to produce sex hormones. Male sex hormones (androgens) are produced in men in the testicles, and in women - in the ovaries (yes, male hormones are also found in women). In addition to them, women also have estrogen and progesterone.

In boys, the main hormone of puberty is the androgen testosterone. The bloodstream carries it to organs and tissues. This is how puberty begins. Testosterone is what makes a boy a man. Thanks to testosterone, a male body is formed in you: hair begins to grow on the face, under the arms, on the chest and in the groin, muscles, penis and testicles increase, the voice coarsens, a special, “male” smell appears, you begin to be interested in sex, see erotic dreamsgetting aggressive...

Around the age of twenty, testosterone “calms down”. Although ... the level of testosterone in the blood can rise for a short time. This happens when a man needs to act decisively. For example, when he or his beloved woman or child is in danger, when he is angry or competitive. Also, testosterone skyrockets after a win. But once puberty is over, this all-important hormone will never increase significantly again just to create a healthy, strong adult male body.

How will I grow?

It is better to measure height in the first half of the day, since in the evening it decreases by 1-2 cm. There is a special device for measuring height - a stadiometer. He is in the children's clinic. In order to find out your height, stand on the platform of the stadiometer with your back to the vertical stand, straighten up, touch the stand with the back of your head, press against it between the shoulder blades, buttocks and heels and apply a sliding horizontal bar to your head. But you can measure height at home. Instead of a stadiometer, snuggle against a wall or doorframe, and use a ruler instead of a sliding bar. Make a mark with a pencil. Now step aside and measure your height by placing a measuring tape against the wall or door frame.

Now the girls won't be able to look down on you anymore. You will catch up and overtake them. After all, in a year you will stretch out by 10–15 cm, and possibly even by

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