Message: #269840
Ольга Княгиня » 26 Nov 2017, 17:26

How to talk to your son. The most difficult questions. Valeria Fadeeva

years old, then her parents' permission will be required.

The main thing - no amateur performance! In no case should you try to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy on your own.

In order to make an interruption under the compulsory health insurance program (i.e. free of charge), you will need to go to the antenatal clinic or polyclinic to the obstetrician-gynecologist or general practitioner (family doctor), in rural areas - to the obstetrician-gynecologist of the district hospital or a local hospital doctor. He will issue a referral to the gynecological department for an abortion and recommend passing the necessary tests.

Abortion is called artificial termination of pregnancy. There are many reasons why they do this. At каждой женщины – своя. But in any case, abortion is murder. Even if it's legal. And you are both responsible for this act - both a man and a woman.

I think you should know this. Then, I hope you will do everything possible so that your beloved woman does not have to go through this nightmare.

Medical (drug) abortion
Soой аборт выполняется до 6 недель беременности, то есть до 21 дня задержки. It can only be done if the woman is sure that she is pregnant.

Medical abortion can only be done under the supervision of a doctor and in a hospital setting.


To terminate a pregnancy, take a drug that blocks the action of progesterone, a hormone that maintains pregnancy. After 36-48 hours, you need to drink another medication. After taking it, painful uterine contractions, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and malaise appear. Therefore, several hours should be spent in the clinic or be close to it. Bleeding is very life threatening!
A few hours after taking the second drug, a fetal egg usually comes out. But this method does not always work, since each organism reacts to it differently. WITHлучается, что беременность может продолжаться или плодное яйцо не вышло полностью. Then you have to do a real surgical abortion.

mini abortion
It is done at an early stage of pregnancy, up to 7 weeks (counting from the first day of the last menstruation) or 28 days of delay. It is best to carry it out at 4-5 weeks of pregnancy.

INыполняют мини-аборт методом вакуум-аспирации. IN матку вводят трубку, прикрепляют к ней специальный шприц и ребенка, который находится в утробе, высасывают наружу вакуумным насосом.


Despite the fact that a mini-abortion is performed earlier than an ordinary abortion, it still kills a conceived child - a human life.


mini abortion проводят под местной анестезией. INся операция длится всего 1,5–2 минуты (не учитывая времени, необходимого для ее подготовки).

Complications after mini-abortions are much less than after abortions performed in the traditional way. But to сожалению, они все-таки случаются. Two to three days after a mini-abortion, you may experience menstrual-like discharge that can last for 7-10 days. But it's not menstruation. So организм реагирует на гормональную перестройку после проведенной операции.

Surgical or instrumental abortion
Soой аборт производится до 12, в крайнем случае, до 14 недель беременности. INыполняется он под общей анестезией.

In this case, the doctor acts almost “blindly”. WITHтенка матки – очень мягкая и тонкая. With one wrong movement of the surgical instrument, it can be pierced through. If это случается, то возникает маточное кровотечение. IN этой ситуации спасти пациентку можно только, если удалить ей матку.

This means that a surgical abortion can lead to infertility purely mechanically, without taking into account other possible consequences - inflammation and complications... After the operation, the uterine cavity is cleaned using a vacuum extractor. After the end of the operation, the patient is brought to her senses and transported to the ward. An ice pack is placed on the stomach. IN течение 2–3 часов за ней наблюдают и, если все хорошо, выписывают домой.

Artificial childbirth
This type of abortion is performed at terms of 14 weeks and beyond. In artificial childbirth with the help of medicines, the same mechanism is triggered as in conventional childbirth. This means that the girl goes through all the same labor pains. But at the same time, she knows that she will not have a child.


Artificial childbirth в России возможны только по медицинским показаниям, т. е. если существует угроза жизни матери или у плода обнаружили какое-либо уродство, несовместимое с жизнью.


Soая процедура совершенно непредсказуема, так как невозможно предвидеть, как на нее будет реагировать организм. One common complication is uterine bleeding, which is extremely dangerous.) In addition, if the dosage of the drug is chosen incorrectly, then it can kill the failed mother.

What does our law say about abortion?
Let's see what the Law of the Russian Federation says about abortion.

IN соответствии с Основами законодательства Российской Федерации об охране здоровья граждан от 22 июля 1993 г. каждая женщина имеет право самостоятельно решать вопрос о материнстве. Abortion is carried out at the request of a woman with a gestational age of up to 12 weeks, according to social indications - with a gestational age of up to 22 weeks, and if there are medical indications and the woman's consent - regardless of the gestational age. Abortion should be carried out only in facilities licensed for the specified type of activity, by doctors with special training.

INопрос об искусственном прерывании беременности в поздние сроки по социальным показаниям решается в учреждениях, получивших лицензию на медицинскую деятельность комиссией в составе руководителя учреждения, врача акушера-гинеколога, юриста, специалиста по социальной работе (при его наличии). The Commission considers a written application of a woman, an opinion of an obstetrician-gynecologist on the duration of pregnancy, documents confirming the existence of social indications for artificial termination of pregnancy, approved by a Government decree Russian Federation dated August 11, 2003 No. 485. The list of social indications for artificial termination of pregnancy includes:

– availability of a court decision on deprivation or restriction of parental rights;
- pregnancy as a result of rape;
- stay of a woman in places of deprivation of liberty; the presence of a disability of the 1st group in the husband or the death of the husband during pregnancy.
If there are social indications for artificial termination of pregnancy in the later stages, the woman is issued a conclusion with a diagnosis, certified by the signatures of the members of the commission and the seal of the institution.

Medical indications for termination of pregnancy arise if its continuation can lead to the death of the mother and will not allow saving the child, while abortion will save her life.

WITHогласие на медицинское вмешательство в отношении лиц, не достигших 15 лет, и граждан, признанных в установленном законом порядке недееспособными, дают их законные представители.
WITH точки зрения современного российского законодательства, криминальным (незаконным) считается искусственное прерывание беременности, произведенное лицом, не имеющим медицинского сертификата по специальности «врач акушер-гинеколог» (статья 123 AtК РФ). Illegal artificial termination of pregnancy entails criminal liability established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
WITHогласно Atголовному кодексу РФ (ст. 123) производство аборта лицом, не имеющим высшего медицинского образования соответствующего профиля, наказывается штрафом в размере до 80 тыс. рублей или в размере заработной платы или иного дохода осужденного за период до шести месяцев, либо обязательными работами на срок from 100 to 240 hours, or by corrective labor for a term of one to two years. However если указанное деяние повлекло по неосторожности смерть потерпевшей либо причинение тяжкого вреда ее здоровью, виновному грозит наказание в виде лишения свободы на срок до пяти лет.

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