Message: #59649
Лена Калининград » 19 Jan 2017, 18:26

French press for triceps

For bodybuilding, the French press is one of the most important exercises, as it allows you to develop the triceps muscle along the entire length. The exercise is deservedly popular among athletes of various levels of fitness – from beginners to professionals.

There is one most controversial point regarding the technique of performing French presses, namely, the position of the hands relative to the body at the top point. According to one of the options, the arms should be at an angle of 450 to the body, then the triceps will experience a constant load. The second option says that the hands should be perpendicular to the floor. This reduces the load on the triceps, but at the same time reduces the likelihood of injury, therefore it is preferable to stick with this option, especially if the exercise is performed without insurance. Otherwise, the execution technique is the same as for the barbell presses from behind the head.

When performing the exercise, constantly control the bar so as not to accidentally drop it on yourself. Also ask your partner to back you up, and if necessary, help in the last repetitions. Technique:
Keep your body straight and keep your back straight.
Take the barbell with a narrow grip (less than shoulder width apart).
The bar is located above the chest, while the arms should be perpendicular to the floor.
Bend your arms and lower the bar to your head.
Raise the barbell up with your arms almost fully extended.

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