Message: #56402
Лена Калининград » 14 Jan 2017, 23:58

6 exercises for beautiful calves

We all want toned, sexy calves, but how do you get them that way? My personal trainer suggested some exercises to add to your regular workout. And here are 6 easy calf exercises… for beautiful calves!1. Raising one leg

It’s very simple! Stand straight, feet together, arms, for support, put on the bar or on a chair, bend your right knee. Stand on your left toes and stand for 3 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat for 3 sets of 20 reps with each leg. It feels like a normal ballet, doesn’t it?

2. Raising the legs while sitting on a chair
This is another simple exercise for beautiful calves that you can do at home, in the office, or at the gym. The gym has special equipment for this exercise, so we will skip this description. But at home or in the office, this exercise is done like this: sitting on a chair, bend your knees, feet should touch the floor. Place some heavy object on your knees, slowly raise your bent knees. Then, return to the starting position. Repeat for 3 sets of 20 times.

3. Running, walking or brisk walking
Running, brisk walking or just walking is a great exercise for perfect calves. It is also a good cardio exercise.

4. Stepper
There is a stepper in the gym, a great exercise machine for your perfect calves. At home, in the office, or even at the school stadium, there are ladders that can be used instead of a stepper. Remember to wear comfortable shoes to avoid injury.

5. Circular rotations of the knee
Yes, while doing the knee rotation exercise, you will look ridiculous, but this exercise will make your calves perfect. Stand up straight, hands on hips, feet together, stand on your toes, then slowly rotate your bent knee. Do this exercise in the gym, and maybe after it you will start dancing.

6. Ankle circles
Now back to reality, where calf exercises aren’t all that fun. Stand straight with your hands on your hips, lift your left leg out in front of you, then draw a circle in the air with your toes. Hold on to a bar or chair to maintain balance. Repeat for 3 sets of 20 reps with each leg.

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