Message: #62070
Лена Калининград » 23 Jan 2017, 15:26

Oxandrolone course: characteristics of the drug

The course of oxandrolone is one of the best pharmacological courses from which any home-grown oligarch can begin his acquaintance with sports pharmacology. “Oksana” is an icon of pharmacology, and any religion costs money, and a lot of money. But she’s worth it! Ес­ли для пер­во­го кур­са ААС Вы вы­бе­ре­те ок­сан­дро­лон, то пос­ле 6-8 не­дель Вас ждут не толь­ко но­вень­кие 4-6кг.Курс оксандролона – это один из самых безопасных и дорогих курсов ААС, который, как пра­ви­ло, ис­поль­зу­ют или на «сушке» или в том случае, когда не хотят переходить в бо­лее тя­же­лую ве­со­вую категорию, то есть, он подходит, как кочкам, так и лифтерам. The course of oxandrolone can be safely recommended as the first course of anabolics, and this first course can be taken at therapeutic dosages that will not cause any harm to the body, but will give a good increase in dry muscle mass. This is possible only if you have a virgin hormonal system, and you know how to properly train, eat, sleep and, in general, adhere to the regime. Такой пер­вый курс пред­став­ля­ет со­бой 20мг «оксаны» в день в течение 6 недель, да Вам даже ПКТ по­том не по­на­до­бит­ся!Курс оксандралона для более опытных бойцов, конечно же, будет совершенно иным, да и, вооб­ще, ско­рее все­го, это будет «компот», а не «соло» курс, но зато и результаты бу­дут по­кру­че. You can often find information that “oksana” is not a drug for gaining mass, which, in general, is true, but this does not mean that it cannot or should not be put in a mass-gaining course. On the contrary, if you have enough shekels, be sure to include Oksana in any cycle, this will allow you to slightly reduce the dosages of other drugs and thereby reduce the risk of side effects, moreover, the result of the course will be of better quality. If you have not yet built enough ziggurats for gold mining, then save the “oksana” for “drying”.

Oxandrolone course: characteristics of the drug

Oxandrolone is a pharmacological icon, about which a wide variety of myths circulate in the Kachkov environment, launched, most likely, by smart-ass dealers who are trying to expand their customer base. For example, it sometimes goes so far as to argue that “oksana” does not suppress the axis of the pituitary-hypothalamus-testicles through feedback. This is pure nonsense, because, like any AAS, oxandrolone is an exogenous hormone, the presence of which in the blood tells the hypothalamus to produce statins. Да, дозировка в 20мг в день в течение 6 недель на выработку эн­до­ген­но­го те­сто­сте­ро­на не повлияет, но даже соло курс оксандролона в 40-50мг в день на про­тя­же­нии 8-10 не­дель доведет уровень эндогенного теста до нуля.По сути, «оксана» представляет собой крайне мягкий андроген и не очень сильный ана­бо­лик, что вы­ра­жа­ет­ся в ин­дек­сах препарата 24 и 322-630 андрогенный и ана­бо­ли­чес­кий со­от­вет­ствен­но. These qualities are due to the fact that its chemical formula does not allow it to interact with the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, which prevents it from being converted into a more powerful dihydro form. That is why it practically does not aromatize, does not flood with water, but at the same time, that is why it is much weaker than testosterone. As the British say, “any gain is a loss, but any loss is a gain”! Nevertheless, the drug still has a lot of positive qualities.

Firstly, the course of oxandrolone allows you to increase protein synthesis, secondly, “oxana” increases the level of growth hormone, thirdly, it blocks cortisol receptors in the membranes of muscle cells, and fourthly, it increases the concentration of creatine phosphate. Another important fact is that the drug reduces the level of SHBG, thereby increasing the level of free testosterone in the blood, which, in general, makes it an almost indispensable component of any complex “course”. Since the drug does not aromatize, it can be used by athletes even with high blood pressure. Well, like any short ester, oxandrolone allows you to even out the hormonal background on the course with long esters. The most diverse myths hover around the course of oxandrolone. The most popular tale is that there is no negative feedback effect, but this is not the only myth. For example, some argue that “oksana” in itself has a miraculous fat-burning effect, or that it is not toxic at all and does not affect the liver in the slightest. We hasten to disappoint you! The chemical formula of oxandrolone looks like this: 5alpha-androstan-2-oxa-17alpha-methyl-17beta-ol-3-one. This means that the drug is a 17-alpha alkylated oral steroid, which is what protects it as it passes through the liver, but that is what makes it toxic. Yes, it’s time to remember the ill-fated British. As for the fat burning effect, this is just an unfounded fiction.

Summing up, we can state that the course of oxandrolone is the best choice for beginners, women, crazy adherents of a healthy lifestyle, those who like to spend a lot of money, and in general all those who decide to become a “chemist”. On the other hand, “oksana” has all the side effects that are common to all AAS, just in a less pronounced form, so if you smoke oxandrolone, and not methane, this does not mean that you are practically “natural”.

How to make a course of oxandralone

Course duration: 6-12 weeks, pros use as a bridge between courses of 30-60mg per day, but this is the fate of the most frostbitten bumps.
Dosages: from 20 to 80 mg per day, it makes no sense to put more, especially if “oksana” is the only drug on the “course”.
Dosage frequency: at least 2 times a day, since the drug acts for 8-12 hours, but it is better to break the daily rate into 3-4 doses, which will provide a more even hormonal background.
Компот: как правило, оксандролон ставят с сустаноном, тестостероном и при­мо­бо­ла­ном, что за­ви­сит от целей, предпочтений и финансовых возможностей спорт­сме­на.Соло курс: 20-40мг в день в течение 6 недель, которые обеспечивают юного химика при­рос­том ка­че­ствен­ной мы­шеч­ной массы или редукции подкожно-fatty tissue depending on the diet.
The course “oksana” and “propik”: 40 mg per day and 50-100 mg every other day, respectively, for 6-8 weeks.
The course “Oxana” and Materon: 40 mg per day and 100 mg every other day for 6-8 weeks, respectively, will provide you with the best impressions and high-quality muscle mass.
The course “oksana” and “prima”: 50 mg per day and 400-600 mg per week, respectively, for 6-8 weeks – this is just a Kachkovo resort that provides the “chemist” with mass, strength and good recovery.
The course of “oxana, propik” and winstrol: 50 mg per day, 400-500 mg per week and 50 mg per day, respectively, for 6-8 weeks is a compote for experienced bumps.
The course of “oksana”, “propik” and trenbolone: ​​50 mg per day, 400-500 mg and 300-400 mg per week, respectively, for 6-8 weeks.

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