Message: #62103
Лена Калининград » 23 Jan 2017, 16:04

Proviron. Why you need it and how to take it

Proviron is an oral androgenic steroid that is able to inhibit aromatase and bind globulin, so it is often added on the “course”. The ability of Proviron to stimulate potency leads to the thought of some athletes to use it during post-cycle therapy, which is fundamentally wrong. Yes, Proviron is a weak steroid, but PCT is designed to restore the independent work of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testes arc, but if you maintain testosterone levels with small doses of steroids, then your PCT will turn into a “bridge”. Имен­но по­это­му использовать данный препарат рекомендует толь­ко на «кур­се», или же в ка­чест­ве «моста» между ними, но нужно так же понимать, что со­че­та­ет­ся про­ви­рон не со все­ми сте­рои­да­ми.Провирон яв­ля­ет­ся вспо­мо­га­тель­ным пре­па­ра­том во вре­мя «кур­са», ко­то­рый спо­со­бен пре­пят­с­т­во­вать аро­ма­ти­за­ции бо­лее силь­ных ан­д­ро­ге­нов, но так же его мож­но при­ме­нять и со­ло, по­с­коль­ку зна­че­ние име­ет не аб­со­лют­ный уро­вень тес­тос­те­ро­на, а его со­от­но­ше­ние с эс­тро­ге­ном, в этом смыс­ле, ес­ли Вы су­ме­е­те пре­до­т­вра­тить аро­ма­ти­за­цию эн­до­ген­но­го тес­тос­те­ро­на в эс­т­ро­ге­ны, то по сути, провирон – это пероральная форма мастерона, поэтому использовать его сле­ду­ет с те­ми же целями, а именно, на «сушку» и во время проработки силовых по­ка­за­те­лей. During a set of muscle mass, of course, this drug will not hurt, since it will prevent the accumulation of water, due to which the gained mass will be tougher, but a lot depends on your goals and genetics, since a certain aromatization is needed. In any case, androgens are recommended to be used in conjunction with nandrolones, since dehydrotestosterone not only combines well with progestins, but also eliminates side effects such as deca-dik. On the other hand, if you have no problems with potency, then Proviron can cause its excessive manifestation, which will interfere, since an erection can occur at any time and, it would seem, for no reason.

Proviron is an aromatase inhibitor, although this does not eliminate the possibility of gynecomastia, but the ability binding globulin in the blood has been proven, therefore, although the drug does not greatly affect the overall level of testosterone, it definitely increases the percentage of free testosterone in the blood. Also, the advantage of mesterolone is the way it is alkylated in the 5-alpha position, due to which the steroid does not “kill” the liver so much. Of course, the advantage is the improvement in the quality and increase in the number of spermatozoa, and, in general, in medicine it is used as a potency stimulator, but it is difficult to call the latter a plus for sports purposes. А вот его способность, как ди­гид­ро­тес­то­сте­ро­на, повышать ар­те­ри­аль­ное дав­ле­ние яв­ля­ет­ся одновременно плюсом, поскольку это способствует пам­пин­гу, и ми­ну­сом, пос­коль­ку высокое артериальное давление плохо сказывается на здо­ровье.Все сказанное выше не делает провирон каким-то безопасным препаратом, который мож­но да­вать чуть ли не children, but relative to other steroids, it is milder. Имен­но по­это­му тем, кто уже ре­шил для себя использовать «химло», мы рекомендуем на­чать с че­го-то по­про­ще, более легкого, как, например, аптечный допинг, или про­ви­рон, ко­то­рый спо­со­бен сместить Ваш гормональный уровень в сторону тес­то­сте­ро­на, не при­во­дя к росту его абсолютного значения, а лишь благодаря своей спо­соб­нос­ти свя­зы­вать гло­бу­лин. It is recommended to use it during the power phase of training and during preparation for competitions, or the beach, but only as a solo course or as part of a complex course, since it is not effective on PCT and it is better to replace it with tamoxifen, which is a more effective antiestrogen.

The use of Proviron begins on the 2nd week of the course, if the athlete uses long esters, or from the first days, if it is necessary to increase the effectiveness of the use of short preparations. It is recommended to use Proviron with drugs with progestogenic activity, due to its ability to increase libido. It is recommended to take 25-100 mg per day, breaking the dosage into three doses. The drug is suitable even for girls, but girls should not exceed the minimum dosage, unless, of course, their ideal is Natalya Trukhina. Taking more than 100mg per day is not recommended. principle, since higher dosages will be less effective and side effects will increase. Proviron is canceled immediately after the end of the course of steroids, after which PCT begins.

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