Message: #62066
Лена Калининград » 23 Jan 2017, 15:19

Turinabol course: characteristics of the drug

The turinabol course is an excellent option for inexperienced youngsters and slow, wise old people. In fact, turik is a “lighter” form of methandrostenolone, which already speaks in its favor. Этот фар­ма­ко­ло­ги­чес­кий пре­па­рат час­то ис­поль­зу­ют не толь­ко в бо­ди­бил­дин­ге, но и в дру­гих тя­же­лых ви­дах спор­та, и да­же в тя­же­лой ат­ле­ти­ке.Курс туринабола представляет собой массонаборный курс ААС, который так же от­лич­но по­дой­дет и для наработки силовых показателей, поскольку прием турика не со­про­вож­да­ет­ся аро­ма­ти­за­ци­ей и, как следствие, не приводит к резкому росту «сырой» мы­шеч­ной мас­сы. Курс туринабола именно вследствие отсутствия ароматизации менее эф­фек­ти­вен в мас­со­на­бо­ре, чем метан, но зато безопаснее и сопровождается менее яр­ко вы­ра­жен­ным фе­но­ме­ном отката.Курс туринабола в бодибилдинге, естественно, предполагает совершенно иную схему при­ема, при­чем, этот препарат очень редко принимают соло, поскольку соло курс ту­ри­ка да­ет при­бав­ку чис­то силовых показателей. Powerlifters, especially in light weight categories, on the contrary, often use turinabol alone, or in combination with testosterone. There is another sacred reason in the choice of a turk by the security forces, which is that after taking this AAS, you can safely pass a doping control in 1.5-2 months, depending on the individual characteristics of the athlete. But, in general, turinabol is popular not only in “heavy” sports, it is also happily accepted by athletes, however, in much smaller dosages.

Characteristics of the drug:

Turinabol is an oral androgenic anabolic steroid that is essentially a milder form of methandrostenolone. From a chemical point of view, the differences lie in the extra chlorine atom on the fourth carbon atom. Such an insignificant and hardly understood difference, but what enormous differences it carries! Turik has a fairly strong anabolic activity, which equates to 180% of testosterone, while androgenic activity is only 50%. For comparison, methane has an anabolic index of 200%, and androgenic also 50%. Но ключевая разница не в этом, а в том, что метан аро­ма­ти­зи­ру­ет­ся, а ту­ри­на­бол нет.Отсутствие ароматизации на курсе туринабола не позволяет достичь выраженной ги­пер­тро­фии, но зато, поскольку препарат не «заливает водой», полученная масса более жест­кая, а фе­но­мен отката более soft. This, by the way, does not mean that the turik can be taken for “drying”, since a small accumulation of water is still possible. We are talking about “drying”, that is, preparing for the championship, and not about banal weight loss, which everyone has now proudly called “drying”. For you to understand, “drying” is when the muscles on the ass are split, and not when the abs are slightly visible. These are fundamentally different physical states, the process of achieving which differs, like the first and 99 levels in Tetris. Да, прин­цип один и тот же, да, чтобы пройти 99 уровень, нужно прой­ти и 1, но это раз­ные процессы, которые требуют разных усилий.Возвращаясь к туринаболу… его «мягкость» позволяет бодибилдерам щелкать его, как се­меч­ки, тем бо­лее, что пре­па­рат принимается орально. This is a big plus, since turik is a short ether, so you need to take it several times a day. Since the drug contains a methyl group in the 17alpha position, it has a toxic effect on the liver. In general, Turinabol is considered a “soft” steroid, but you must understand that there are no “soft” and “heavy” steroids. All steroids, without exception, have a negative effect on the liver, stimulating the development of cancer, all suppress the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis, all, sooner or later, lead to gynecomastia, acne, baldness and other joys.

If you have made your choice and decided to take steroids, then taking turinabol is not the worst decision. The drug is not expensive, effective, goes well with other AAS, in addition, there is a way to check the quality of turik at home. Did you study chemistry at school? Then use the Beilstein method, but be careful, these Jews never miss their 2%. If you were a loser, like me, then pick up an alcohol lamp, copper wire and, in fact, the sample of turinabol itself. Turik will need to be crushed to a homogeneous powder, then bend the end wire, which is fired in an alcohol lamp, after which the powder is poured there. When you bring the powder to the flame, it should intensify and become greenish. If the flame gives off green, the turk is real.

How to make a course of turinabol

Duration: 6-12 weeks, in fact, as with methandrostenolone, since turik is a short ester, which is suitable for both long and short courses.
Dosage: 40mg per day to 100mg per day, although the pros sometimes swallow well over 100, but this is the lot of very big guys claiming titles.
Dosage frequency: daily, preferably 2-3 times a day, since the ester is short, so the peak concentration of AAS in the blood occurs after 3-4 hours, and the half-life is 16 hours.
Компот: прием туринабола комбинируют с большим количеством препаратов, как пра­ви­ло это длинные эфиры, ну, а любимой комбинацией силовиков является турик и эн­ан­тат.Курс соло: 40-60мг туринабола в день, длительность курса 6-8 недель, принимать ААС сле­ду­ет 2-3 раза в день, ПКТ можно начинать на следующий день после отмены пре­па­ра­та.
Compote for beginners: Turinabol 50mg per day and enanthate 100mg per week, duration 8 weeks, it is desirable to take turinabol 3 times a day, and enanthate 2 times a week.
Compote for security forces: 40-80 mg of turik per day and 500 mg of enanthate dough per week, the dough can be replaced with a deck of 300-400 mg per week, the course lasts 8 weeks, and for another two weeks only turik, after which you can start PCT.
Компот для опытных дебилдеров: первые 9 недель ставят турик по 60мг в день, эн­ан­тат по 500-750мг в неделю и болденон 1000мг в неделю, затем 3 недели станозолол 60мг в день и пропик по 200мг через день, сразу после отмены препаратов можно на­чи­нать ПКТ, the total duration of the course is 12 weeks.

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