Message: #61829
Лена Калининград » 23 Jan 2017, 00:33

Deca for injections. How to make a course

The deca course is one of the most popular and effective “courses” of androgenic anabolic steroids, which was used by our fathers, or grandfathers of young people. The course of the deck rarely takes place alone, as a rule, compote with testosterone is brewed, and the “course” lasts at least 6 weeks, so nandrolone is not a drug for beginners! At the same time, since the drug has been somewhat demonized by various “mobi-dics”, which is most likely due to its relative availability, we consider it necessary to justify this AAS. Да, препарат не для но­вич­ков, да, есть более до­ро­гие и «безопасные» препараты, да, дека работает не на всех, но в сво­ем це­но­вом диа­па­зо­не и в умелых руках нандролон является од­ним из луч­ших ана­бо­ли­ков.Курс деки применяют, как правило, для набора мышечной массы, увеличения силовых по­ка­за­те­лей и для ук­реп­ле­ния сус­та­вов и связок. If in the next year you plan to take a doping control test, then deca is not your choice. It makes sense to use this drug during a long “off-season”, but on the other hand, it allows you to progress very qualitatively without injuring your ligaments and joints, however, nandrolone retains water, so at the end of the course you will “drain” quite a lot. Nevertheless, you should not be afraid of this, since a rollback after the course is an inevitable thing, it is important not how much you “merge”, but how much you gain in total during the season. If you hope to pierce once and forever remain a hulk, then anabolics do not work like that, you can only lose your virginity forever.

Deca course: characteristics of nandrolone

Nandrolone is an androgenic anabolic steroid that differs structurally from testosterone by the absence of a carbon atom in the 19th position, due to which nandrolone is converted by the enzyme 5-alpha reductase into dihydronandrolone, and not dihydrotestosterone. In addition, the structure of nandrolone makes it more progestin-like, so it is much more anabolic than androgenic, and aromatizes less when compared to testosterone. This is certainly good, but it is precisely this that is the reason for the so-called “deka-dika”, simply because the suppression endogenous testosterone and low androgenic activity of the drug suppress libido, which is solved by adding a “test” to the course. Вооб­ще, курс де­ки со­ло ис­поль­зу­ют крайне редко, обычно ставят надролон с «тес­том» в со­от­но­ше­нии 1 к 2.Кроме этого самого «моби-дика», других причин не любить нандролон, наверное, нет, пос­коль­ку курс де­ки, понятное дело, в тера­пев­ти­чес­ких дозах, можно ставить и при СПИ­Де. But there are a lot of positive consequences of the course: this is a set of muscle mass, and strengthening of bones, and improving immunity, and an increase in red blood cell mass, and much, much more. However, the drug may not work in two cases: hypersensitivity to progesterone or an excess of the 5-a-reductase enzyme in muscle cells. In the first case, the problem is solved by limiting dosages to 300-400 mg per week and the simultaneous use of stanazolol. In the second case, nandrolone can be placed not in the form of decanoate, but in the form of phenylpropionate.

Contraindications: pregnancy, and, in general, if you are a woman, then this is a contraindication for any AAS; carcinoma or prostatic hypertrophy, malignant tumors of the breast in men; heart failure; atherosclerosis; acute and chronic liver damage; excess in muscle cells of the enzyme 5-a-reductase; hypersensitivity to progesterone.

Possible side effects: headache, nasal discharge, rash, back pain, increased fat mass, suppression of signal transmission along nerve fibers, resulting in impaired neuromuscular communication and decreased libido. Acne, gynecomastia and hair loss are only possible at dosages above 600 mg per week, however, hyperplasia is also possible only at such high dosages.

How to make a deca course

Course duration: 8-10 weeks; the pros bet much longer, but they don’t need our recommendations.
Dosages: from 200 mg per week and, in general, tend to infinity, but for amateurs it is better not to set more than 600-800 mg per week, although the pros put 4 mg of the active substance per 1 kg of their own body weight.
Dosing frequency: at least 1 time per week, which is usually adhere to, although breaking up the intake by 2-3 times a week, especially at large doses, is quite reasonable, even though the deck is a long ether.
Compote: classic – deca and methane, since these steroids are synergists; just as often put with a “dough” in a ratio of 1 to 2; the use of 3 drugs at once is the ideal course for mass. Never combine Deca with other progestins like trenbolone and anadrol. Winstrol can be added to the course of the deck from the second week to reduce progestin activity. The course of the deck solo: 200-600 mg per week, preferably divided into 2-3 injections every other day.
Deca and methane course: 200-800mg of deca per week and 10-50mg of methane every day, methane can be taken in a slide, as in a solo course.
Course of deca and dough: 200-400mg of deca per week and 400-800mg of dough per week, respectively.
The course of deca, methane and dough: 200-800mg of deca per week, 10-50mg of methane every day and 200-400mg of dough, respectively.

PCT after deck

For long courses over 8 weeks, put chorionic gonadotropin, from about 4-5 weeks of the course. The gonad is given 500 units 2 times a week. To suppress progestogenic activity, put bromocriptine 1.25 mg twice a day, starting from the second week of the course and ending 2-3 weeks after. Bromocriptine can be replaced by a more modern analogue of cybergolin, 0.5 tablets (0.25 mg) every four days after the course, and preferably during the course. Clomid is used to restore the hypothalamus-pituitary-testes axis, which is started a week before the end of the course and ends 3-4 weeks after. Tamoxifen is not used on PCT because it increases the sensitivity of progesterone receptors. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the topic of post-cycle therapy in more detail before putting yourself any AAS in principle!

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