Message: #61825
Лена Калининград » 23 Jan 2017, 00:18

Winstrol for injections

The Winstrol course is one of the classic AAS courses of Russian bodybuilding, in any case, Winstrol is one of the three most famous androgenic anabolic steroids, along with the king “methane” and “deca”. The course of Winstrol is usually pierced to prepare for competitions, which, in general, is reasonable, since fans of Winstrol either do not need it at all, or are needed only to suppress progestogenic activity in complex courses. Естественно, хитрожопые дилеры, на­обо­рот, под­би­ва­ют каж­до­го юного аполлона проколоться всеми мыслимыми и не­мыс­ли­мы­ми пре­па­ра­та­ми, а, пос­кольку станозолол «сушит» суставы, то юный кочка, про­ко­лов­ший­ся вин­стро­лом, обязательно прибежит ещё и за «декой».Это не значит, что мы не рекомендуем Вам курс винстрола, но принимать его стоит толь­ко, как сос­тав­ную часть какого-нибудь «компота». True, we generally do not recommend switching to the dark side of the force, because if you are not a competitive athlete, then this is pointless and can lead to a number of side effects. In any case, if you decide on a “course”, then before tearing your whole ass with a needle, be sure to take tests and consider post-course therapy. Если это Ваш пер­вый курс, тог­да Вам луч­ше начать с другого препарата, например, для набора мы­шеч­ной мас­сы луч­ше по­дой­дет метан соло, а, если Вам какой-то товарищ по­со­ве­то­вал ста­но­зо­ло­лом «про­су­шить­ся», то при встрече обязательно пошлите его в пе­шее пу­те­шес­твие, а «суш­ку» проведите на оксандролоне.Курс винстрола – это не детская забава, это очень серьезный препарат, который профи ис­поль­зу­ют при под­вод­ке к соревнованиям, причем, как правило, препарат под­клю­ча­ет­ся не сра­зу. The point is not that it is ineffective, on the contrary, it does what no other drug does, but there is always a “but”. If you find out that some athlete “teared” during training, know that he most likely used winstrol. Понятное де­ло, что про­су­шить туш­ку ве­сом в 90-100кг до 80-85кг чистого мяса можно и без фармы, но все мы лен­тяи, все мы хо­тим получить побольше, потратить поменьше, а вы, пацаны, взрос­лые маль­чи­ки, по­это­му, раз уж решили «course”, “course” at least correctly. As for girls, girls do not need pharma in principle, and Winstrol even more so, unless you want to get a rough male voice and hair on your boobs. What’s the matter? And here is what…

Winstrol: characteristics of the “course”

Stanozolol is a chemical sold under the brand name Winstrol. The drug is an aqueous suspension of a dihydrotestosterone derivative, although it is more pronounced in its anabolic rather than androgenic manifestations. The drug has a short half-life, so when it enters the bloodstream, its level rises sharply and then drops just as sharply. Stanozolol does not aromatize, lowers the level of progesterone, does not lead to accumulation of water, so the course of Winstrol is usually pierced on the “drying”. Час­то мож­но ус­лы­шать, что винстрол так же снижает уровень ГСПГ, что, в об­щем-то, прав­да, но нуж­но учесть, что этим свойством обладают все ААС, просто по­то­му, что по­вы­ше­ние уров­ня эс­тро­ге­на стимулирует выработку ГСПГ в печени, а тес­то­сте­ро­на по­дав­ля­ет.Винстрол обладает так же и всеми отрицательными свойствами ААС, поскольку так же, как и мно­гие дру­гие ви­та­ми­ны алькилирован по 17-альфа, вследствие чего большие до­зи­ров­ки мо­гут при­вес­ти к мышечным спазмам, облысению, временной стерильности, по­вы­ше­нию ар­те­ри­аль­но­го дав­ле­ния, гинекомастии и другому. Separately, it is worth highlighting the fact that winstrol dries the joints, leads to frequent muscle spasms and ruptures, and is also a very toxic drug. That is why the Winstrol course is usually used only in the last 6-8 weeks before the competition. It is also worth noting an unpleasant fact – from frequent injections of Winstrol, the skin becomes dense and scars appear on it, and you need to inject stanozolol often.

The good news is that Winstrol can be taken orally, and you can drink directly the capsules themselves, and not just the tablets, but injecting it is much more effective. As a rule, injections are made in the shoulders, or arms, some manage to inject it into the calves, but after that they experience all the joys of moving on crutches, because the calves hurt like hell. It is best to prick in the biceps, triceps or shoulders, as this allows you to externally increase the pierced muscle group. Before injection, the contents of the syringe must be mixed, but not in in any case, do not shake it so that foam or bubbles do not form, just twist the syringe between your palms. It is necessary to change injection sites often, since it is easier to make an abscess by piercing suspensions rather than oils. It is also worth mentioning another side effect of stanozolol, namely that it increases the concentration of low density lipoproteins, as a result of which the risk of atherosclerosis increases. But, nevertheless, in fairness, let’s say that the wolf is not as scary as it is drawn. Yes, it will not work to poke a needle in the ass – this is a minus, but there are also pluses, and if Winstrol doses are relatively small, as part of the course, then it can play a positive role. For example, if you take Winstrol with Deca or any other testosterone, then the risk of injuring the joints is reduced to nothing. You can take chondroprotectors, drink OMEGA-3 in order to reduce “bad” cholesterol. Вооб­ще, лю­бое приобретение есть потеря, и любая потеря есть при­об­ре­те­ние, прос­то на­до по­нять, что и зачем Вы делаете!Курс для новичков: 30-40мг в день, которые можно принимать в виде таблеток, что поз­во­ля­ет из­бе­жать руб­цов на коже и паники перед уколами; the duration of the course is 6-8 weeks, during which you can dry out if you apply the appropriate diet and training, or gain 3-4 kg of pure muscle mass.

Weight course: for schoolgirls 50mg of winstrol and 50mg of propionate every other day, it is better to inject winstrol, duration 6-8 weeks; for normal boys, a course of oxandralone winstrol and propionate 50 mg every other day, also lasting 6-8 weeks, is suitable; мож­но по­про­бо­вать клас­си­чес­кие курсы: метан+винстрол и дека+винстрол, дли­тель­ность так же 6-8 недель, дозировки деки от 200 до 600мг в неделю, дозировки ме­та­на та­кие же, как на курсе соло, винстрол 50мг в день.Курс на сушку: винстрол 50мг в день и примоболан 100-300мг в неделю, которые мож­но про­ка­лы­вать все сра­зу раз в неделю, или 2-3 раза в неделю частями, что не очень важ­но, по­сколь­ку это длинные эфиры, тоже касается и деки. Winstrol power cycles do not exist, because there is a risk of injuring the joints, or tearing a muscle, but if you really want it so much, you are a crazy bump, then be sure to put on power cycles and a deck.

Before the use of Winstrol should be rolled out in a syringe, and not shaken; on the course, take chondroprotectors, OMEGA-3 and hydrolyzed collagen; duration of the course is not more than 6-8 weeks; take solo only when necessary and only for “drying”; on the mass it is best to cook compote from winstrol and deck; you need to put winstrol often and in different places, preferably in deltas or hands; very likely to get a muscle tear.

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