Message: #61853
Лена Калининград » 23 Jan 2017, 02:00

Durabolin for injection. Pros and cons

Durabolin is the trade name for nandrolone phenylpropionate, which in its properties is very similar to the legendary “deca”. In general, phenylpropionate is simply a shorter nandrolone ester, and this does not make fundamental differences between these drugs, although it does introduce its own characteristics. First, it is worth saying right away that when making a choice between Deca and Durabolin, it is more reasonable to prefer the latter drug, since it allows you to gain leaner muscle mass, with fewer side effects. Во-вторых, если Вы со­рев­ную­щий­ся спорт­с­мен, то предпочтение стоит так же отдать фенилпропионату, по­сколь­ку он вы­во­дит­ся из ор­га­низ­ма в 2 раза быстрее деканоата, то есть, время его об­на­ру­же­ния при­мер­но 10-12 месяцев.Дураболин обычно используют для проработки силовых показателей и во время курсов на мас­су, соб­ствен­но, так же, как и деку. By the way, in the same way, it allows you to improve the condition of the articular-ligamentous apparatus, however, the deck copes with this better, which is associated with less aromatization of phenylpropionate. Given this and the fact that all nandrolones stop cortisol receptors, you can count on an increase in quality meat. In general, in bodybuilding it is definitely preferable to use the form of phenylpropionate, but what about the enforcers? Decanoate or phenylpropionate? It goes without saying that it is better for the security forces to put a shorter nandrolone ester, combining it with a long testosterone ester, thereby getting the best that they can give from both drugs!

Nandrolone phenylpropionate is a short ester, the length of the ether chain of which is two times shorter than that of decanoate, which explains its shorter half-life. The anabolic index of the drug is 150% to testosterone, androgenic 30%, but all nandrolones have high progestogenic activity, from which it follows that it is desirable to start using steroids of this group with phenylpropionate. Why? Yes, because a short broadcast can be quickly canceled, while long broadcasts will continue to be in the system for at least another 2 weeks, having a negative impact on the athlete’s condition. And since you are not know how your body will react to this drug, then you should prefer a short ether. Moreover, at the end of the course, it will be possible to immediately begin post-cycle therapy, and not wait another 2 weeks, using sparing dosages of short esters, before starting PCT.
Of the side effects of Durabolin, it is worth highlighting an increase in blood pressure and a deterioration in blood clotting, which indicates an increased load on the heart. That is why all swings should train the heart. Moreover, at the end of each hard workout, you should do cardio for 20-30 minutes as a hitch, allowing the heart to work in a favorable mode for it. Returning to the side effects, it should be said that all other side effects of nandrolone phenylpropionate are the same as those of other steroids, namely acne, suppression of the pituitary-hypothalamus-testicular axis, virilization in women, hair loss in men and gynecomastia. Но, кста­ти, ги­не­ко­мас­тия от нандролонов не такая болючая, как от того же тес­то­сте­ро­на эн­ан­та­та, так что это можно назвать своеобразным плюсом.Курс соло: 200-400мг в неделю, ставить препарат через день, длительность 4-6 не­дель, пос­ле от­ме­ны пре­па­ра­та можно start PCT immediately.
The course for strength: 300-400 mg of durabolin per week and 500 mg of enanthate per week, duration 6 weeks, after the abolition of enanthate for another 2 weeks, put phenylpropionate with Winstrol 50 mg per day, after the abolition of these drugs, you can start PCT.
Курс на массу: 300-500мг дураболина в неделю и 50 туринабола в день, дли­тель­ность 6-8 недель, после отмены препаратов можно start PCT immediately.

Of the unambiguous advantages of nandrolone phenylpropionate, one can single out the ability to block cortisol receptors and improve the ability of cells to absorb protein. It is clear that the negative effects associated with the heart are at the same time a plus that provides wild pumping. As the British say, every advantage is a loss, but every loss is an advantage! If we compare Durabolin with Deca, then it is worth highlighting a less pronounced aromatization, and therefore, the drug is more compatible with “androgens”. Of course, with liver failure, put steroids for the sake of achieving sports results is not the best idea, but in general, the drug does not hit the liver very much, it is sometimes even prescribed in therapeutic doses for diseases of this organ.

Course duration: 4-8 weeks, which is possible due to the short half-life, since four-week courses are meaningless on long airs.
Dosages: 200 to 600mg per week, no longer recommended as the balance of benefits and side effects shifts towards side effects, but 300-400mg per week is optimal.
Частота дозировок: не реже, чем раз в 3 дня, но лучше ставить через день, тем са­мым ни­ве­ли­руя стероидные ямы, а если Вы боитесь уколов, то покупайте препарат в 50мг ам­пу­лах, а не 25мг, впрочем, это вообще предпочтительная фасовка, просто она встре­ча­ет­ся реже.
Compote: you can put nandrolone with testosterone esters, in this case it is most meaningful to combine the intake of phenylpropionate with enanthate, since long testosterone ester and short nandrolone ester will achieve a synergistic effect.

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