Message: #56291
Аннета Эссекс » 14 Jan 2017, 20:18

Ravioli stuffed with cheese

For test:
250 g flour
2 eggs
1 tablespoon olive oil

For filling:
200 g hard cheese
2-4 yolks

Knead the dough from the indicated ingredients, it should be quite firm. Оставить на полчаса под льняным полотенцем, затем раскатать в два одинаковых пласта, на один ложкой положить начинку (для которой натереть сыр, желтки, смешать с milkм, мускатным орехом, зеленью петрушки и молотым перцем) горками на расстоянии 4 см. Тесто между начинкой смазать beaten egg. Put the second layer of dough on top and press, then cut into squares so that the filling is in the middle. Put the products in salted boiling water, cook for 12 minutes (ravioli should float to the top). Serve as an independent dish, pouring with Italian tomato sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese. You can additionally bake in the oven.

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