Message: #70228
Аннета Эссекс » 06 Feb 2017, 14:23

Valloise sauce

For the recipe you will need:
dry white wine – 3/4 cup
vinegar 3% – 3 tbsp. spoons
butter (melted) – 1 cup
concentrated meat broth – 1 teaspoon
onion – 1/2 onion
egg (yolks) – 3 pcs.
black pepper – 2 peas
соль – 1/2 ч. spoons
red pepper – a pinch
To prepare Sauce Valloise you need:

Prepare in the same way as Béarnais sauce. Залить вином и уксусом мелко нарзанный лук, tarragon, перец горошком, chervil и уваривать на слабом огне 20-30 минут, пока объем не уменьшится на половину. Stir the yolks with salt and pour in the wine mixture while stirring constantly (make sure that the yolks do not curl up!). Then, put the dishes in a water bath, continuing to stir, pour in the melted butter in a thin stream. Stir until the sauce looks like heavy cream. Add concentrated beef broth. Strain the finished sauce, add finely chopped parsley and a pinch of red pepper. При желании можно так же добавить по чайной ложке мелко рубленного tarragonа и кервеля. The sauce goes well with chicken and eggs.

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