Message: #352777
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 23:07

Express diets for slender goddesses. Fast, safe, comfortable. Anna Vladimirovna Vishnevskaya

ложка красного винного уксуса.

Помидоры очистите от кожуры и нарежьте cubes. Remove the seeds from the pepper and cut it into thin strips, cut the cucumbers into strips. Add finely chopped garlic, tomato sauce, vinegar, cayenne, chili, salt and pepper. Decorate salad with radish slices.

• Cabbage soup.

• Russian chicken kebab

225 g skinless chicken breasts, 6 pcs. young beets, 6 tomatoes, 1 red onion, cut lengthwise into quarters, 1/2 red pepper, cut into 6 pieces, 2 skewers.

Boil the beets. Cut the chicken breast into small pieces, alternately string chicken pieces, beets, tomatoes, peppers and onions onto skewers, grill until tender.

• Winter salad

110 г побегов брюссельской капусты, 110 г белой мякоти лука-порея, 3 абрикоса, 1 яблоко, сок и цедра 1/2 лимона, 1 ч. ложка свежей мелко нарезанной петрушки, 1 ч. ложка низкокалорийной приправы, 2 ч. spoons апельсинового сока, salt, ground black pepper.

Thinly slice the Brussels sprouts and place them in a large salad bowl. Cut the leeks into rings. Slice apples and pour over lemon juice. Finely chop the apricots. Put everything into a bowl. Посыпьте салат parsley. Добавьте апельсиновый сок и цедру lemon. Stir.

• 110 ml low-fat natural yoghurt.

7th day


• "Melon Island"

Remove the seeds from the melon half. Inside, put 50 g of cherries and 50 g of grapes, pour orange juice (1 teaspoon).

• Cabbage soup.

• Oriental Blend

1 крупная морковь, 1 кабачок, 2 стебля сельдерея, 1 стебель лука-порея, небольшой кусочек имбиря, 2 ч. spoons соевого соуса, 1 ч. ложка смеси из пяти основных специй, сок и мякоть цедры 1/2 лимона, соль и перец, 1/2 ч. spoons свежего рубленого кориандра.

Peel and cut the vegetables into strips, onion rings and cook in the microwave until fully cooked. Mix ginger and spices with soy sauce. Добавьте цедру и сок lemon. Sprinkle this mixture over hot vegetables and garnish with coriander.

• Tropical fruit punch

For 4 servings - 1/2 ripe pineapple, 4 large juicy oranges, 4 kiwis, crushed ice, orange slices.

Peel the pineapple, remove the middle and cut into pieces. Peel and chop the kiwi.

Put the pineapple and kiwi into the juicer and squeeze out the juice.

Squeeze juice from oranges. Mix all the juice obtained, add crushed ice, garnish with orange slices.

• Cabbage soup.

• Stewed celery with orange

For 2 servings - 1 celery root, 1 large peeled orange, juice of 1/2 orange, 50 g vegetables, 1 teaspoon finely chopped rosemary.

Peel the celery root, cut it in half and put it in a microwave-safe dish, put the orange slices in the same place, pour over the orange juice and add the vegetables. Sprinkle with rosemary before serving.

• Strawberry milkshake

Combine and process with a food processor a handful of strawberries and 220 ml skim milk. Serve in a tall glass.

1st day (меню № 2)


• Refreshing fruit cocktail

Mix 50 g of strawberries and 50 g of raspberries with 220 ml of low-fat natural yogurt.

• Grilled grapefruit

Roast the grapefruit at medium heat, it should blister and turn brown. Sprinkle with cinnamon and ginger and garnish with a mint leaf.

• Chinese cabbage soup

For 5-6 liters of soup: 1 cabbage, 6 carrots, 5 medium onions, 2 green or red seedless bell peppers, 3 large tomatoes, 5 celery stalks, 110 g raw brown rice, 6-8 thinly sliced ​​onions, 2-4 ч. spoons соевого соуса, 1 ч. ложка китайской пасты чили, соль и молотый черный перец.

Cut vegetables into small pieces and place in a large saucepan. Add onion, soy sauce, chili paste, salt, pepper and cold water so that it completely covers the vegetables. Bring to a boil and cook for another 10 minutes. Lower the heat on the stove, close the lid and let the soup simmer until the vegetables are tender.

The soup is cooked for about an hour. While the soup is cooking, prepare the rice. When the soup is ready, add rice and spices to taste.

Tip: If you don't feel like cooking a lot of Chinese soup, just add onion shoots, soy sauce, and chili paste to regular cabbage soup.

• Chinese kiwi salad

1/2 small pineapple, cut into cubes, 1 tangerine, cut into pieces, 6 strawberries, 1 kiwi, juice of 1/2 orange.

Cut fruit, put in a salad bowl and pour over orange juice.

• Tea with ice and mint.

• Cabbage soup.

• Fruit pudding

For 2 servings - 2 peaches, 2 nectarines, 150 ml of orange juice, 1/2 vanilla pod, a few sprigs of mint.

Warm up orange juice with vanilla. Add fruit (previously removing the seeds), close the pan with a lid and simmer until the fruit is soft. Decorate мятой.

2nd day (меню № 2)


• Cabbage soup.

• Hot milk punch.

• Cabbage soup.

• Jacket potatoes baked with vegetables

Large potato, white part of a leek, 1 stalk, 1/4 bell pepper, 1 teaspoon low-calorie seasoning, salt, ground pepper.

Cut the onion and vegetables, mix with the seasoning, put the mixture on the potatoes and bake in the oven.

• Russian salad

1 большая свекла, 1 красная луковица среднего размера, 2 ч. spoons красного винного уксуса, 110 мл нежирного натурального йогурта, 1 ч. ложка мелко нарезанного зеленого лука.

Boil the beetroot, peel and refrigerate. Peel and cut the red onion into small pieces, put it in a bowl of water and bring to a boil. Boil no more than 1 minute! Drain the water. Cut the beets into small pieces or grate, mix with onions, add vinegar. Decorate салат йогуртом и посыпьте зеленым луком.

3rd day (меню № 2)


• Classic fruit salad

1 melon slice, 1 nectarine, 1/2 tangerine, 1/2 apple, 8 strawberries, 8 seedless grapes, juice of 1 orange, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fresh mint

Cut all the ingredients into cubes and mix in a salad bowl. Drizzle with orange juice before serving and garnish with mint.

• Cabbage soup.

• Beetroot with rosemary

На 4 порции – 3 свеклы средних размеров, очищенных и порезанных на четвертинки, 6 средних красных луковиц, очищенных и порезанных на четыре части, 4 побега розмарина, 450 мл овощей, 2 ч. spoons яблочного уксуса, соль, молотый черный перец, 1 ч.spoon low-fat natural yogurt, rosemary shoots.

Simmer the onion in the microwave until half cooked. Put the vegetables in a saucepan and pour over the vinegar, add the beets and onions with rosemary. Доведите до кипения и оставьте вариться на медленном огне в течение часа, пока свекла не станет soft. Remove the lid and boil until the liquid has evaporated. Transfer everything to a warm dish, pour over with yogurt and garnish with rosemary shoots.

• Spicy vegetable stew

110 г broccoli, 110 г цветной капусты, 110 г брюссельской капусты, 150 мл нежирного натурального йогурта, 1/2 ч. spoons молотого тмина, 1/2 ч. spoons молотого кориандра, 1 ст. a spoonful of fresh coriander.

Simmer vegetables until tender. Mix spices with yogurt and pour this mixture over the vegetables. Add ground fresh coriander.

• Baked apple

Удалите сердцевину яблока, положите яблоко на огнеупорное блюдо, добавьте немного воды или натурального несладкого яблочного juice. Mix 1 tbsp. ложку черники с 1 ч. ложкой подсластителя и 1/2 ч. spoons корицы, смесь положите внутрь яблока. Bake so that the apple becomes soft, but retains its shape.

• Cabbage soup.

• Salad of mushrooms and canned artichokes

4 консервированных артишока, 225 г грибов, 2 ч. spoons лимонного сока, 1 ч. ложка семян кориандра, 1/4 ч. spoons семян тмина, 1 зубчик чеснока, 1 ч. ложка уксуса, 1 абрикос, кольца красного и белого лука, chopped coriander leaves.

Rinse mushrooms in water and cut in half. Place the artichokes in a large saucepan. Boil a pot of water, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to the water, put the mushrooms and cook for 1 minute. Rinse the mushrooms with cold water and add to the artichokes.

Make an apricot puree, add coriander, cumin seeds and garlic crushed in a mortar, mix and boil for about 1 minute. Add the remaining lemon juice and vinegar and cook for another minute or two. Put the prepared mixture on the mushrooms and artichokes. Transfer the salad to a salad bowl and refrigerate for 4 hours.

Before serving, garnish the salad with onion rings and coriander.

• Baked pineapple

Peel off the skin of half a pineapple, cut out the core, cut the pineapple into slices and place in a fireproof dish. Bake over medium heat or in the microwave.

Before serving, pour 55 ml of warmed orange juice over the pineapple and garnish with mint leaves.

4th day (меню № 2)


• 2-3 baked bananas.

• Hot milk punch.

• Cabbage soup.

• 2 bananas.

• Indian yogurt drink

220 мл нежирного натурального йогурта, 220 мл обезжиренного молока, 4 капли розовой воды, 1/2 ч. spoons корицы, немного подсластителя, 4 кубика льда.

Place all ingredients into a food processor. Add 50 ml of cold water, stir and pour into a tall glass. Serve chilled.
Afternoon snack: • 440 ml skimmed milk.


• Cabbage soup.

• Banana milk shake

Combine sliced ​​banana and 220 ml skim milk and pour into a tall glass.

• Hot milk punch.

5th day (меню № 2)


• Cabbage soup.
Dinner: • Cabbage soup.


• Chicken shish kebab with tomatoes

225 g skinless chicken breast, 8 small green tomatoes, a few fresh bay leaves, 2 skewers, 2 ripe tomatoes, a few basil leaves, 1 teaspoon low-calorie seasoning. Для маринада: 1 ч. ложка нежирного натурального йогурта, 1 ч. ложка лимонного сока, соль, молотый черный перец, 1/2 ч. spoons смеси сухих трав.

Cut the chicken breast into small pieces. Mix all the ingredients for the marinade, pour the marinade over the chicken and refrigerate for a couple of hours.

Thread chicken pieces, small tomatoes and bay leaves onto skewers and grill until tender.

In the meantime, chop large tomatoes and make a salad dressing with basil leaves.

Serve shish kebab along with salad.

• Hot milk punch.

6th day (меню № 2)


• Tuna salad

1 small can of canned tuna, 1/2 red bell pepper, 1/2 green bell pepper, 1/2 orange bell pepper, 3 radishes, 1 full cup mushrooms, half a small cucumber, 1/2 stalk celery, 1 teaspoon low-calorie seasonings, lettuce, spinach, watercress.

Drain the liquid from the tuna. Mix


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