Message: #72212
Марк Аврелий » 09 Feb 2017, 06:16

Ushas mudra (illumination mudra)

Ushas mudra

Ushas is a Vedic deity, the personified dawn.
Ushas mudra promotes the awakening of powerful creative energy through the sublimation of lower energies. It is as if the sun of a new vision is rising in man. His soul becomes beautiful like the dawn. And the morning is filled with delightful pastel colors. When you dive into the space of the heart, you have clarity, insight descends. Flashes of insight merge into light consciousness. The mantra serves as a catalyst for the implementation of new projects. Increases internal flexibility, spontaneity, intuitiveness. Improves the adaptability of the hormonal system.
When performing mudra, you can use the following mantras: Mantra of Christ “I am the light of the world.” Mantra Ushas, ​​deities of the dawn: “Om ushra svarupaya namah.”

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