Message: #28612
Рита Мимллер » 12 Oct 2016, 09:46

Water fasting and the water diet for weight loss

There are contraindications, consult your doctor. If your goal is to get rid of excess weight, then turn your attention to water – a simple and useful “tool” for losing weight. Following the recommendations below, you will learn how you can lose weight with water. Water diet 1. Drink water throughout the day – this will help you stay full without eating extra calories in the form of coffee and snacks, or consume less of the same coffee and snacks. By reducing the number of calories consumed per day, the process of losing weight is accelerated. 2. Drink a glass of water before every meal. According to some studies in overweight people, drinking water before a meal helps prevent overeating later on and thus encourages weight loss and helps to maintain the results. The effect of drinking water before meals is more noticeable in older people than in younger people. But regardless of age, using this method of stimulating weight loss, you should not forget about counting calories and the amount of food you eat. Some nutritional reports suggest that drinking a glass of water before, during, and after meals can help with digestion and promote weight loss. 3. Replace sugary drinks with water. Instead of soda, alcohol, smoothies, and other high-calorie drinks, try drinking plain water. By replacing the mentioned drinks with water, you will not absorb hundreds of extra kilocalories – this will significantly speed up weight loss. 4. To speed up your metabolism, drink cool water. In a study of the body’s heat metabolism, scientists found that drinking cold water increases energy expenditure in the body of men and women. This is because the body needs energy to heat the water to body temperature. According to the study, men use fats to heat water, while women use carbohydrates. The effect of accelerating metabolism in the study group became noticeable 10 minutes after drinking water and reached its peak after 30-40 minutes. 5. Accompany any amount of alcohol with the same amount of water. According to the Water Diet, this amount of water is not included in the daily allowance. 6. To lose water weight, drink water but cut back on salty foods in your diet. By reducing salt intake (table, as well as contained in canned, frozen foods, processed foods, etc.), you can quickly get rid of excess water in the body, especially if you increase the amount of fluid intake per day. Read more: How to remove excess fluid (water) from the body? 7. Try a cleansing water diet, which involves short-term absorption of fluids in large volumes in order to flush out toxins from the body. Also, as a cleanser, you can use foods containing a lot of water – for example, watermelons, leafy green vegetables, soups. 8. Combine low-calorie diets with water diets. By drinking half a liter of water before each meal and limiting your calorie intake (up to 1200 kcal for women, up to 1500 kcal for men), you can give a good boost to weight loss and maintain the results achieved. Water fasting 1. Try completely replacing one meal with water. If you have never taken such measures before, prepare your body for the new regimen gradually. Water is quite possible to replace such a meal as lunch (second breakfast). 2. Daily hunger strike. To conduct a daily hunger strike should be prepared within a week. Before fasting, you will need to avoid foods and drinks that are high in sugar, fat, and caffeine. 3. Replace unhealthy foods with lean meats, salads, and fresh produce. Increase your fluid intake until you can safely drink about 2 liters of water per day. 4. Consider using herbal supplements to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance. Although sweeteners or solid foods should not be consumed during a water fast, certain supplements or natural salts are often recommended to prevent water intoxication. 5. For breakfast, you can drink green tea without sugar, and for second breakfast (lunch) – seltzer water. As soon as you feel discomfort or stomach pain from hunger, drink water. If desired, a little lime juice can be added to tea or seltzer water. Tips: You don’t have to go on a water diet – try fasting for a while and drinking only water. In some cases, without the supervision of specialists, such hunger strikes can be dangerous to health, but many people note that this method perfectly cleanses the body of toxins, normalizes the work of the digestive tract, restores energy and gives a good impetus to weight loss. An optimal fluid balance in the body is necessary for the normal movement of electrolytes across cell membranes, circulation of oxygen and nutrients in the blood, elimination of toxins and waste products from the liver and kidneys, regulation of the digestive tract and body temperature. Without enough water, all tissues, organs and cells of the body will not be able to function properly and thus may prevent weight loss. Severe dehydration can cause organ failure or even death. In order to stay healthy and safely lose excess weight, you need to drink enough fluids. Those involved in sports should consult with their doctor about how much water to drink during exercise. Your doctor may recommend drinking special sports drinks that contain electrolytes instead of water during workouts. You can also follow the rules of the Water Diet, which emphasizes the absorption of more fluids, and changes in diet and exercise are not required. Although such diets may pose certain risks, in particular for those who do not get enough minerals and electrolytes. For some people, water diets help to get rid of a lot of excess weight. Studies show that both a relative and a significant increase in fluid intake per day helps to achieve better results in losing weight. Try to drink at least a little more water than recommended daily. The average recommended values ​​​​in relation to the amount of fluid absorbed are as follows: 3.7 liters per day for men, 2.7 liters per day for women. Liquid from any sources is taken into account (drinking water, soups, drinks and other products). It is recommended to increase the amount of fluid you drink per day for best results in conjunction with exercise and a healthy balanced diet. Be careful! – Be prepared for the fact that drinking more fluids will lead to more frequent trips to the toilet. – Do not drink too much water, as this can lead to electrolyte imbalances, cause severe stress on the kidneys, or even lead to death. You can not replace all food with water! Fatalities: – Fatal water poisoning is rare, but cases have been reported. For example, a schoolgirl from England, Lee Bette, in 1995, celebrating her birthday (18 years old), first took an Ecstasy pill, and then drank as much as 7 liters of water in just 1.5 hours. Death came after 4 hours
In 2002, in Spring Valley, USA, a mother decided to punish her child with water. She made her 4 year old daughter drink almost 4 liters of water. The child died, and the mother went to prison.-
In 2007, a radio station called KDND in Sacramento, California had a very stupid contest. It was called like this: “Don’t pee – get a game console!”. One of the participants – Jennifer Strange, who drank more than 7 liters of water, died before reaching the final.

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