Message: #28611
Рита Мимллер » 12 Oct 2016, 09:45

Types of kiwi diets and sample menu

One of the most rational kiwi diet menus can be considered the use of a normal and healthy eating style (without fat and excess carbohydrates, fried and salt with sugar) in combination with fasting days twice a week for kiwi. This will give the body the necessary building blocks for the body, but will not allow you to retain extra calories and stress the body. Kiwi mini diet So, let’s choose Tuesday and Saturday for unloading and make a “menu”: We take about a kilogram of kiwi, if you like them, you can do more, divide into 4-5 doses, add kefir or yogurt, ryazhenka at night, and lunch with kiwi – boiled poultry breast without skin and salt. If you are hungry on such a fasting day, add a slice of whole grain bread or bran bread to each meal. Attention! With a weak intestine, do not get carried away with kiwi – it clearly weakens the stool, and fasting days should be done no more than once a week. At the time of unloading, you can drink herbal or chamomile tea, green tea or coffee without sugar, mineral water without gas for thirst.
A big diet for kiwi For the duration of this method of losing weight, it is necessary to abandon semi-finished products and preservatives, canned food and sausages, fatty and fried foods, sugar and salt. Alcohol, sauces and marinades are banned. Ideally, you still need to cut out coffee and strong tea, but if you can’t live without them, drink no more than 2 cups in the morning without sugar and cream. Kiwi diet options (with the addition of sprouts, cereals and flakes), plying the pages of the Internet, are very hungry and irrational – such a diet can get bored already in the first week from the monotony and abundance of sprouts. Therefore, from the point of view of medicine, we will offer you another way. It is more gentle for the body, will help cleanse digestion and lose up to 5-7 kg. If this style of eating suits you, you can sit on such a diet for two or three weeks until you get bored or lose weight. The basis is kiwi and various desserts from it, it is both tasty and burns fat due to enzymes. Kiwi diet menu Monday Breakfast: oatmeal with prunes – 200 g, a slice of hard cheese – 10 g, bran bread. Snack: kiwi and apple with a spoonful of low-fat sugar-free yogurt. Lunch: mushroom soup – 200 g, skinless chicken leg, 100 g zucchini puree. Snack: 2 kiwis. Dinner: cottage cheese 5% fat with berries, tea. At night: kiwi smoothie with yogurt. TuesdayBreakfast: buckwheat with vegetables – 200 g, tea with lemon and 2 biscuits. Snack: sliced ​​kiwi and strawberries with 5% fat cream (1 tablespoon). Обед: овощной суп – 200 г, паровая говяжья котлета с рисом – 150 г. Snack: 2 kiwis. Dinner: vegetable stew with zucchini and cauliflower – 200 g, tea, a piece of cheese. At night: kefir. Wednesday We do a fasting day as described above (but without the chicken breast). Only fermented milk products and kiwi, tea and water are allowed. Thursday Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with currants – 200 g, coffee. Snack: 2 kiwis. Lunch: vegetarian cabbage soup 200g, boiled fish with stewed cabbage – 150g. Snack: kiwi and strawberry smoothies with yogurt, fat content 2.5%. Dinner: rice porridge – 200 g, tea with biscuit cookies – 2 pcs. At night: kefir. Friday Breakfast: oatmeal with dried apricots – 200 g, coffee, cheese – 10 g. Snack: kiwi and pear salad. Обед: суп с лапшой – 200 г, рагу из кролика с овощами ( без картошки) – 150 г. Snack: 2 kiwis. Dinner: cottage cheese with fruits and berries – 100 g, whole grain bread with tea. At night: yogurt with kiwi. Saturday Breakfast: 2 egg steam omelet with dill, coffee. Snack: 2 kiwis. Lunch: fish soup – 200 g, steamed beef meatballs with rice – 150 g. Snack: kiwi, cherry and melon salad. Dinner: porridge – multi-cereal – 200 g, bread, tea. At night: kiwi and pear smoothies with low-fat yogurt. Sunday – We eat our usual diet, remembering the rules of nutrition: without fat, salt and sugar. Diet is contraindicated Kiwi is very aggressive for a patient with gastritis of the stomach or intestines with inflammation. Therefore, if you have problems with digestion, give up a large consumption of kiwi. Carefully kiwi should be treated with kidney disease and stones – it can cause profuse convergence of edema and movement of stones – ask your doctor for permission before using the diet. And for everyone else, this diet is not complicated, tastes good and provides an opportunity for creativity. But do not be zealous on Sunday, breaking away for the whole week!

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