Message: #242575
Аннета Эссекс » 24 Oct 2017, 23:44

Fasting for Weight Loss

Most people have heard about fasting, but not everyone knows that with this method you can achieve not only weight loss, after a complete refusal of food for a long time, the body is cleansed and significantly rejuvenated. Yogis choose hunger, they believe that only in this way can nirvana be attained. Experienced people say that fasting for weight loss is more effective than any diet. In many women, after refusing food for a long period, the skin is leveled, the number of wrinkles decreases, vision improves and hair stops falling out.
Many doctors and nutritionists object to this method of getting rid of extra pounds, arguing that a person who does not receive all the necessary nutrients will acquire new diseases, and old diseases will worsen in him. However, the experience of many people proves that after a long refusal of food, they feel lightness in the whole body, a surge of energy and feel much better. The effectiveness of the method depends on the age of the person losing weight, his weight and the presence of a history of chronic diseases. If, despite the contradictions between folk experts and medical luminaries, the desire to refuse food has not disappeared for a long time, you should know that fasting, like any other method aimed at losing excess weight, has its own rules.
The benefits of fasting for cleansing and weight loss

Abstinence from food affects the human body in the following way:
since the body does not receive calories, it begins to use its own reserves that have been accumulated over time;
there is a cleansing of toxins and toxic substances, due to this excess weight melts, the body rejuvenates, heals, all metabolic processes are accelerated;
the body begins to work in a new mode, which allows you to forget about previously manifested diseases;
after a two-week abstinence from food, the size of the stomach decreases, so the person will continue to be saturated with less food;
even after a week of fasting, a person’s taste habits change, he begins to reject everything that is harmful and strive to switch to a healthy and wholesome diet, thanks to which weight loss continues.
Unlike dietary and low-calorie nutrition, weight does not return after fasting, but as a result of a change in eating habits weight loss continues. The exceptions are cases when fasting does not follow the rules. For most people, after such a cleansing, the digestive system works in a new mode, the liver and kidneys are cleansed, blood tests show better results. There is an aggravation of smell and taste, sleep improves.
Who should not lose weight by fasting

Fasting, as a method of losing weight, is not shown to everyone, it is contraindicated for people with diseases:
type 1 diabetes;
pulmonary tuberculosis;
malignant tumors;
heart failure;
hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver.
Refusing food is also not recommended if a woman plans to become pregnant.
How to fast properly

The benefits of fasting for weight loss and recovery directly depend on compliance with all recommendations. The longer the abstinence from food, the greater the results in losing weight can be achieved. Fasting is even called a daily refusal of food: and there is benefit from such a short-term abstinence from food. Particularly patient people can continue the hunger strike for up to a month, but this method of losing weight has more contraindications.
Fasting is recommended to be carried out in 3 stages:
refusal to eat;
gradual introduction of light foods into the diet.
When a person does not know how to fast properly in order to lose weight, specialists from a specialized clinic will help him, if there is no desire to lose weight in stationary conditions, you can organize therapeutic weight loss at home.
Effective fasting for weight loss is based on the following principles:
do not eat to your full before fasting;
make a cleansing enema of warm water with the addition of salt the day before;
take daily walks: oxygen is necessary to speed up metabolic processes;
do not take any medications during the fasting period;
always have water with you, it will help get rid of nausea, which will torment you in the first days of the hunger strike;
take a shower daily – this is necessary to cleanse the skin of decay products that have left the body through the pores.
Therapeutic fasting on the water

The duration of therapeutic water fasting is from two weeks to a month. It is during this period that you can get rid of toxins and lose weight. Few people manage to immediately withstand such a long period without food, so experts recommend starting with unloading days on the water. These days, you can check how the body will react to the refusal of food, and gradually get used to the feeling of hunger.
Proper fasting on the water at home is the observance of the following principles:
you can not eat any food, fruits, vegetables, drinks, and even tea;
you can only drink water, it is better to do it in small sips so that there is no feeling of nausea;
any water is suitable for a water hunger strike: mineral, spring, purified, carbonated;
it is allowed to drink up to 3 liters of water per day (but not less than 2 liters).
During fasting, you should be prepared for the fact that unpleasant sensations will arise, you need to psychologically set yourself up for them and not panic.
Unpleasant sensations can manifest themselves as follows:
from the first days of fasting, a white coating appears on the tongue – this happens because the body is quickly cleansed;
after a few days, nasal breathing may be disturbed due to the fact that a large amount of mucus is formed;
the color of the stool changes almost immediately, sometimes it contains an incomprehensible type of inclusion and even foreign bodies.
Usually, discomfort does not bother you for more than a week, if it lasts longer, you need to consult a doctor.
To alleviate your condition, you can apply the following methods:
spend more time outdoors
take warm baths in the evenings;
brush your teeth and tongue more often, removing white plaque from it with a brush;
throughout the fasting every other day, do cleansing enemas with salt.
If headaches, bouts of nausea, insomnia and tachycardia begin on the 5-7th day of fasting, it should be stopped, but this should be done gradually. Refusing food for a long time may not work, for the first time a week is enough. Usually during this period a person loses up to 6 kg of excess weight, if fasting is extended for a longer period, weight loss will occur much more slowly – losses can be up to 8-10 kg, but for rejuvenation this is the optimal period of abstinence from food.
Way out of fasting without harm to health

The right exit from any diet is necessary for health, and after a long fast, the gradual introduction of products into the diet is simply vital. The exit period must not be less than the one for which the hunger strike lasted.
During this period you must:
continue to do cleansing enemas every other day;
give up sugar, flour products, alcohol, meat, fats;
lead an active lifestyle and walk.
Consider how to gradually introduce new foods into the diet.
1 Week

In the first week of fasting, freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, half diluted with water, are allowed. Beetroot and grape juices are not suitable for 1 week of fasting, as they contain a large amount of sugar. It is allowed to drink up to 2 liters of juice per day, a glass for one meal.
2 weeks

At week 2, only juices also remain in the diet, but pulp can be added to them and not diluted with water.
3 week

On week 3, the following dishes are allowed:
buckwheat and rice porridge with vegetables, cooked without milk and sugar;
salads from fresh and boiled vegetables without salt and oil.
At the last stage of losing weight, you need to try to resist the desire to eat something tasty, the reward for this will be getting rid of excess weight and a rejuvenated, full of strength body. Fasting is not an easy way to get rid of extra pounds, but it has a persistent and lasting effect and will help to maintain a beautiful figure for a long time, and most importantly, health.

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