Message: #291327
Ольга Княгиня » 22 Jan 2018, 17:06

Smart women don’t sleep alone, or How to hit the jackpot in your personal life. Tatyana Andreevna Shishkina

say that these men are scoundrels. Yes, but women should also think about why they allow themselves to be treated this way.

For love? But is it love? Wounded pride - maybe, but not love for a woman.

The example you will read below clearly demonstrates how blind we are sometimes to men.

I познакомилась с Игорем в небольшом кафе. The man at the next table ordered me a cake and showered me with compliments. We walked along the embankment, he was ready to fulfill my every whim and perform the most daring feat, brought flowers, invited me to the cinema. I must say right away that I had no relationship with Igor, except that I gave him a hand when I got out of the car.

One Sunday afternoon, we accidentally met with Igor in a cafe. He was with a friend Sergei. Our sympathy flared up instantly. After exchanging a few words with them, I said goodbye and left. But after 10 minutes Sergey caught up with me in a traffic jam.

We moved slowly in the flow, exchanged phrases, then switched to the phone, and after ended up in a cafe.

Sergey spoke about the conscience that torments him. Nothing bothered me. INо-первых, отношений с Игорем у меня не было, во-вторых, их и не могло быть. But as it turned out from the conversation, Igor had other plans. After the meeting, he introduced me to Sergey as a future bride and asked for his assessment.

I видела метания Сергея, и через пару дней мужская солидарность восторжествовала: он признался в нашем кофепитиии и своей симпатии ко мне другу.

And then I learned a lot about myself. Igor scribbled a queue of messages for me faster than a machine gun. I была названа самыми неприличными словами. My phone has never heard so much foul language. I добавила его в черный список, но через три дня успокоившийся Игорь позвонил с другого номера. He tried to talk nicely and well-mannered with me and invited me for coffee. Having received a refusal, he broke again, but I no longer listened to him.

A year later, I met Igor at an expensive party. We greeted each other with our eyes and nothing more. Igor was with a pregnant girl; when he saw me, he began defiantly stroking her on the shoulder and paying special attention to her.

Without waiting for the end of the event, I went home. In the parking lot, I saw a disgusting scene. Enraged, Igor shouted obscenities at his pregnant companion and sent her away. A sobbing girl sat on the curb.

When Igor left, I offered to give her a ride home. The girl told me about how attentive Igor was at the beginning, how he gave armfuls of flowers, how beautifully he spoke about the family, and how terribly he began to behave in this very family. He often made scenes, and swearing quickly became the norm for him. The girl sincerely hoped that when they had a child, Igor would become different.

Some women live with a man because of the fear of being alone and do not see that sometimes being with a man can be even more lonely.

We learn the true face of a man during a breakup or conflict.

Note to women
What NOT to do when breaking up with a man
Before we meet our soulmate, we try a lot of strangers.

INступая в новые отношения, мы нередко считаем, что это именно он, но через какое-то время нас постигает разочарование, и неминуемо наступает конец головокружительному роману.

Often the beginning of the end takes off the masks and shows the true face of the one with whom we once enjoyed fell asleep and woke up. This applies not only to men, but also to women.

Let's talk about beautiful...
Многие считают, что предложить расстаться надо обязательно первой, чтобы не быть брошенной, кинутой, оставленной самим a man. And leave the relationship with your head held high, erotically shaking your hips :)

INсе мы живо рисуем картины, как бывший любимый тоскует и грустит до конца дней своих и не может найти достойную замену. But life brings different surprises. Sometimes parting with a man does not go according to our scenario.

It happens that the initiator of a triumphant separation is another partner, and moreover, this separation deprives the "left" of the ability to think clearly.

This is where all the “unworthy virtues” come to the surface.

The first thing that the abandoned one “hits” is with a hot word. IN ход идет все, что может как-то зацепить личность обидчика. Insults, comparison with the animal world and pointing out the weaknesses of an already former partner. INсе это помогает выплеснуть гнев, но далеко не поднимает вас на пьедестал почета.

INторое – «чистосердечные признания»: «I тебя никогда не любила!», «Да и вообще, я уже три года жду, когда ты уже от меня уйдешь!», «I изменяла тебе последние пять месяцев!», «I была с you for food!"

But, as practice shows, such “discoveries of the soul” are not always true. INысказываются они скорее для того, чтобы «уходящий» испытал такую же боль, как и вы. И часто они нацелены на то, чтобы не расставаться с a man.

Revenge is what it is...
The third option: I will take revenge, and my revenge is terrible! Painted cars, punctured wheels, gossip, seducing your best friend, drawing stripes on dough, dolls with needles, love spells - what a woman's fantasy is only capable of.

But when all methods are tried, emptiness and tears come. Night calls, sobs at the door, an appeal to conscience through his mother, self-flagellation, drawing bruises under his eyes before a meeting, falling to his feet. «I же отдала тебе лучшие годы!», «На кого ж ты меня..?», «Ты пользовался мной?!», «Ты такой же, как и все!».

INсе это глупые попытки задержать любимого рядом и повесить на него чувство вины за вашу «растрепанную» жизнь.

Let's admit to ourselves: all of the above methods of dealing with the "infidel" is the last chance to return him to the bosom of your love. However, in life they create a reverse Effect. After a couple of "successful" tricks, the partner will run away from you, thanking the universal mind for the fact that you are no longer his life partner ...

I прекрасно понимаю, что разлуки причиняют боль и всегда неприятно, когда надежды разбиваются о камень чужого равнодушия. INсегда ужасно расставаться с мужчиной, который был близок. I знаю, как остро можно чувствовать нехватку того, кто был когда-то родным.

But this is not a reason to trample yourself into the dirt on your own and waste time on soul-destroying actions and thoughts.

Severe men with a vulnerable soul
Andrey, by the age of 40, ate a big belly and gained cynicism. He easily converged with women, even easier with them at odds.

He was a favorite of the public and gathered a groovy company around him. Everyone looked at him with admiration and envied his chosen ones. Andrei gave the impression of a self-confident and serious man who takes no one and nothing to heart.

He vividly supported all the jokes, participated in practical jokes and brushed aside serious relationships. Although in the depths of his soul he dreamed of meeting the very one for whom the whole world would open.

But every time the relationship moved in the direction of depth, Andrey turned the bait and devalued what was happening. Any woman who became significant to him automatically turned into a danger. Andrei could not stand jokes about his feelings and was terribly afraid of being ridiculed in a relationship. It was easier for him not to let a woman in at all than to open his soul. He was good at hiding his wounded heart behind his activity, and a large amount of attention from women was necessary for him in order not to stick to any.

If he was offered to be introduced to an interesting and well-mannered girl, Andrei was very inspired. But as soon as it came to concrete actions, he devalued the candidacy, made various jokes about her. Although secretly from everyone, he watched with interest the ladies he liked on the Internet.

After talking with Andrei, it turned out that he grew up among the sisters. Mom gave it to her grandmother for the summer, where all the children of close relatives were taken. He was the only boy, and, accordingly, the object of constant ridicule.

When Andrei first fell in love with a girl from a neighboring village and brought her sweets, this caused even more barbs in his address. Andrei's grandmother did not come in the head to protect the feelings of a grandson. "Isn't it too early for you to play love?" - she said with a mockery to a ten-year-old boy.

Since then, Andrei has learned well: women are dangerous people. They should not be trusted. Feelings should not be opened either. It will hurt. And Andrey began to build his life, avoiding "sharp corners".

Andrey married, as he himself said, "for charity." She was a good girl from a decent family. Without thinking twice, he proposed to her, in the hope that he would someday fall in love in return. But the miracle didn't happen. Андрей по-прежнему искал внимания других женщин и агрессивно реагировал на подколки wives. The wife became more and more caustic, Andrey more and more irritable. The marriage fell.

It happens that often a deep childhood trauma is hidden behind the "loud" behavior. When a man needs a lot of female attention, this does not always indicate his gigantic male power. Sometimes this is a signal of his male weakness and increased anxiety.

Activities that scare men
Real experiment
Everyone is talking about men needing sex on every corner. And as soon as a man receives it, that's it! No interest to be seen.

There is


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