Message: #269840
Ольга Княгиня » 26 Nov 2017, 17:26

How to talk to your son. The most difficult questions. Valeria Fadeeva

лет (см. предыдущий возрастной порог).

WITH точки зрения субъекта преступления, начиная с 14 лет, несовершеннолетнее лицо несет ответственность за совершение только тяжких преступлений (в их числе и насильственные действия сексуального характера).

If a juvenile offender under the age of 16 is charged under Articles 131 or 132, then the lower limit of punishment is reduced by half, and the upper limit cannot exceed 6 and 10 years of imprisonment for especially serious crimes. Intentional crimes, for which a penalty of imprisonment for a term of more than 10 years is provided for, are especially grave. In relation to articles 131 and 132, especially serious crimes include violent acts of a sexual nature against a minor.

Up to 14 years old
A person under the age of 14 cannot be the subject of any crime, even the most serious one. WITH этого возраста вводится еще большее ужесточение наказания за совершение преступления в отношении этих лиц.

Under articles 131 (rape) and 132 (sexual assault), sexual intercourse with the use of violence or with the threat of its use against the victim or other persons or with using the helpless state of the victim in relation to a minor who has not reached the age of 14 is punishable by imprisonment for a term of 12 to 20 years.

Under Article 134, voluntary sexual intercourse and other non-violent sexual intercourse with a person who is known to be under the age of 14 is punishable by imprisonment for a term of 3 to 7 years.

Under article 135, depraved acts without the use of violence against a person who is known to be under the age of 14 are punishable by imprisonment for a term of 3 to 6 years.

Up to 12 years old
Under article 134, voluntary sexual intercourse and other non-violent sexual acts with a person who is known to be under 12 years of age are punishable by imprisonment for a term of 7 to 15 years.

According to Article 135, depraved acts without the use of violence against a person who is known to be under 12 years of age are punishable by imprisonment for a term of 5 to 12 years.

What are contraceptives?

Contraception - protection from unwanted pregnancy using various contraceptives and methods. WITHлово это произошло от лат. contra - against, and conceptio - conception. Contraceptives (contraceptives) are medicines and methods that help you avoid unwanted pregnancies. The task of contraception is to prevent abortion and infection with diseases that are sexually transmitted.


Preventing unwanted pregnancies is a common task for you and your girlfriend. It would be good to consult a doctor about this.

Perhaps you yourself understand that it is too early for you to be a father. INедь ты не думаешь, что детьми должны заниматься только мамы малышей или кто-то еще?! The baby needs so much. There will be enough work for everyone, you will get it too, and at this time your friends will study, travel and have fun.

A man needs to have children when he has already received an education, a specialty and has the opportunity to earn money in order to feed himself, his beloved woman and child.

What to do, you ask, if you are in love and want to have a close relationship with your girlfriend? «INам необходима контрацепция», – отвечу я.


To date, there are many different contraceptives. But none of them are 100% reliable. That's why, before you have sex, think about what will happen if your girlfriend gets pregnant?

IN этом вопросе нельзя доверять ни опыту подруг и друзей, ни Интернету, ни рекламе. Let's look at modern methods of contraception and "try on" them, that is, find out if they can suit you, you and your girlfriend, or not.

How reliable are condoms?

If you are already sexually active, always carry a condom with you (preferably several). Он предохраняет не только от зачатия, но и от заражения венерическими заболеваниями и WITHПИДом. True, remember that most STDs can be “caught” during oral sex.



Archaeologists have discovered that the ancient Greeks, Romans and ancient Egyptians used condoms. IN Национальном музее в Каире хранится кожаный презерватив, который принадлежал фараону Тутанхамону. True, it is not known whether it was an ornament or used as a contraceptive.

Until they learned how to make rubber (and this happened in the 19th century), condoms were made from sheep intestines. They also used a condom in the form of a linen bag with ribbons and ropes, which was soaked in a solution of salts and herbs. IN 1919 году появился первый презерватив из латекса. At него отсутствовал неприятный запах, и он был гораздо тоньше резинового.
A condom is probably the most suitable method of contraception for you. WITHлово «презерватив» произошло от франц. "preservative", from Late Lat. "praeservo" - I protect. Еще одно его официальное название – кондом (ангl. condom). And in common parlance it is called "gum", "prezik" or "gondon".

They are made from latex. Therefore, although they are thin, they are strong. Yes, and you can find polyurethane condoms. Soие «резинки» понадобятся, если у тебя или у твоей девушки возникнет аллергия на латекс (появятся сыпь и раздражение). Soое случается редко. But just in case, be aware of polyurethane condoms. They don't cause allergies.

There are also condoms that are coated with nonoxynol-9 spermicide instead of regular lubricant. This substance destroys spermatozoa. And most importantly, both of you will be able to enjoy intimacy, as you will be sure that you are protected from both unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

You can buy condoms everywhere - in supermarkets, shops, kiosks, nightclubs… Only in this case there is no guarantee that they were stored in proper conditions, and there can be big doubts about their quality. Therefore, I advise you to buy condoms only in a pharmacy. You don't need a recipe for this. Let go of embarrassment and shyness. No one will judge or laugh at you for this. In fact, sellers do not care what you buy - a condom or drops for a cold. When buying, pay attention to the size, quality and expiration date indicated on the package.

The condom should fit you. WITHлишком маленький – плохо, большой – тоже. Take a condom with a margin in length. In terms of diameter, SICO condoms have a slightly larger diameter than CONTEX condoms, while CONTEX has a slightly larger diameter than DUREX.

How to use a condom correctly?

Store the condom in a cool, dry and dark place.


WITHпециальная смазка (ее называют лубрикант) продается в аптеке. Do not lubricate the condom with baby cream, vegetable oil or petroleum jelly, as these substances can damage its integrity.


Although rare, it happens that condoms break. That's why, прежде чем кончить, будучи в презервативе внутри партнерши, убедись, что он надет как следует и что он цеl. A condom can break from friction if there is little or no lubrication. Therefore, if you need it, then lubricate it.


A condom is a disposable item!

INозьми упаковку и надорви ее сбоку так, чтобы презерватив, который находится внутри, не пострадаl. I know that not only you, but also many men would prefer to tear the package with their teeth, but the bitten condom will have to be thrown away immediately without unfolding.

WITHлегка надави на противоположную сторону упаковки и осторожненько достань презерватив. WITHожми его кончик, чтобы удалить из него воздух и чтобы он не лопнуl.

Now put this "cap" on the head of the penis. The rubber band must be on the outside. Roll the condom all the way to the end of your penis. Hold the end all the time. The condom will not reach the very base of your “friend”, as the “crumpled” skin at its base interferes with it. Just pull the condom over this thickening, then it will hold tight and will not slip during intercourse. If he suddenly rolls, immediately return it to its original place. And if he completely slipped and remained in a partner? Just don't panic. Gently grasp the condom with your fingers and remove it. A girl can help you if she tenses her abs at this time.


To “come out”, carefully remove the penis from the vagina while holding the condom firmly at its base. To remove the condom, pull the top of the condom with one hand (grasp 2-3 cm below where the semen has collected) and roll the condom from the base of the penis with the other hand.

Wrap the used condom in a tissue and throw it in the trash. I hope you understand why you shouldn't flush him down the toilet?

Do coitus interruptus or scheduled sex prevent pregnancy?

Both of these methods do not suit you, as they are very unreliable !!!


IN прерванном половом акте извержение спермы происходит вне влагалища, т. е. пенис вынимается оттуда заблаговременно до эякуляции (семяизвержения). Therefore, spermatozoa do not have a chance to meet the egg and, therefore, fertilization cannot occur, i.e., pregnancy will not occur.

Most often teenagers use this method. But what guarantee is that you will be able to stop in time at such an exciting moment? That's right, none. But it is absolutely certain that you will not be able to relax and get maximum pleasure in such a situation. And besides this, as you already know, sperm can also be in the pre-ejaculatory fluid that is released during arousal.

WITHекс по расписанию придумал японский врач Огино. The calculation is made as follows: the first day of the period favorable for conception is equal to the duration of the shortest of the twelve cycles minus 18; последний день – продолжительность самого длинного цикла минус 11. Soим образом, для цикла, колеблющегося от 26 до 32 дней, этот период начинается с восьмого и


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