Message: #269840
Ольга Княгиня » 26 Nov 2017, 17:26

How to talk to your son. The most difficult questions. Valeria Fadeeva

заканчивается двадцать первым днем.

Atченый Огино исходил из того, что яйцеклетка созревает раз в месяц. Ovulation in a woman with a regular cycle occurs 13 or 14 days before the start of the next period. This day plus 3-4 before and 3-4 after and are favorable for conception (the so-called "fertile window"). IN остальные дни зачатие невозможно. This is correct, if only the body works like a clock and each cycle is exactly the same for for many years.

But life is often different. The date of ovulation changes every month. Therefore, any calculations - even for a woman with a regular cycle - may be incorrect. And for a young girl, the risk of error is even higher, because her cycle has not yet been fully established. Therefore, this method is not very reliable.

How reliable are the temperature method, the “prick”, or spermicides?

Температурный может вам подойти, только если у твоей партнерши регулярный цикl. You should not trust him if the girl’s condition is different from the usual one (she has insomnia, flu, a strong experience), in such cases, the temperature jump may not occur due to ovulation, but for some other reason.

Before using the injection, you should consult your doctor. The method is very effective, but it does not suit you!


INрачи советуют использовать спермициды вместе с презервативом. Using only spermicides is not good for you.

WITHогласно температурному методу, нужно ежедневно измерять ректальную температуру сразу же после пробуждения, не вставая с постели. Thermometer readings should be noted on the graph. Usually in the first half of the cycle, the temperature does not reach 37 ° C, then it rises - sometimes gradually, sometimes abruptly - above this mark and remains so until the onset of menstruation for about 10-13 days. The transition from the first phase to the second is called a temperature jump and indicates that ovulation has occurred. Starting from the evening of the third day after the temperature rise (the highest point on the graph) and until the beginning of the next menstruation, a period begins when fertilization is impossible.

Soим образом, в течение 8–10 дней цикла можно заниматься любовью, не боясь забеременеть. Only at the same time it is necessary to continue to measure the temperature daily.


Atкол делает врач один раз в три месяца. The drug causes a violation of the menstrual cycle, as a result of which menstruation may not be for a long time, and then bleeding may begin, which is not always easy to stop (this is very dangerous!). In addition, body weight may increase and headaches may appear.


WITHовременные химические контрацептивы (спермициды) предохраняют не только от нежелательной беременности, но и от заболеваний, передающихся половым путем. But to Unfortunately, chemical methods are not considered absolutely reliable.

WITHпермициды – это химические вещества, которые разрушают сперматозоиды. They are produced in the form of creams, pastes, soluble films, sponges, candles (pharmatex, patentoksoval, etc.). They are inserted into the vagina 10 minutes before sexual intercourse.

WITHлучается, что спермициды вызывают зуд и раздражение. IN таком случае от них придется отказаться.

How do birth control pills, vaginal ring and fire contraception work?

Oral contraceptives (OC) can only be taken after consulting a doctor, as they have many very serious contraindications and side effects. Перед назначением ОК необходим осмотр гинеколога, должно быть проведено AtЗИ органов малого таза, сданы необходимые анализы (общий анализ крови и мочи, анализ крови на сахар и свертываемость, анализ крови на гормоны).



INагинальное кольцо можно использовать, только если его рекомендует врач. The side effects are the same as those of birth control pills, except for irregular bleeding from the vagina. This method is not for you!

If you are confident in each other and make love at least twice a week, then your girlfriend may consult a doctor about taking birth control pills.

Birth control pills for teenage girls should only be taken if they:

● lead a regular sexual life;

● their first period was at least 2 years old;

● height is at least 160 cm;

● no obesity and serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

This method might work!

INагинальное кольцо – гормональное средство. It is necessary to insert the ring into the vagina once every three weeks, then the ring must be removed and a week break should be taken.

INо время первой недели нужно использовать еще какой-нибудь негормональный противозачаточный метод. The ring may come out of the vagina. If this happens, then it should be returned back within three hours. Only then will the contraceptive effect be preserved.

Fire contraception is also called emergency (postcoital, emergency, pills "the next day"). Soое возможно только в крайнем случае в течение 72 часов после близости. It is forbidden to use "fire" contraception more than once a month. This drug causes a severe disruption of the hormonal cycle, which prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus.


Fire contraception can only be used under medical supervision. This method is not for you!

And if you resort to mechanical methods?

INымывание спермы тебе с твоей партнершей не подходит из-за низкой эффективности и опасности получить травму!


The cap does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. This method is not for you!


INМWITH не защищает от заболеваний, передающихся половым путем. This method is not for you!

INымывание спермы
There are women who, immediately after intercourse, douche (wash out sperm from the vagina) with a solution of acetic acid or lemon juice. This is a very unreliable way. The fact is that when douching, spermatozoa are removed only from the vagina, and not from the fallopian tubes. And if male sperm enters the cervix during a period favorable for conception, no douching can help.

In addition, in this way you can burn the mucous membrane of the vagina and get erosion of the cervix.

INлагалищный (шеечный колпачок) – это растягивающийся резиновый колпачок с утолщенными краями. It is put on the cervix, closing the entrance to the sperm. Cap вводят во влагалище перед половым актом. Do not leave it inside for more than 24 hours.

Correctly placing the cap is a very difficult task, especially for girls who are just starting to have sex, since their vagina is quite narrow. Often the cap moves, so this tool is not particularly reliable.

INнутриматочная спираль
INнутриматочная спираль (INМWITH) – это устройство в виде треугольника или буквы Т. IN ее состав могут входить медь, серебро или гормоны. WITHпираль вводится врачом в матку (обычно это происходит во время месячных) и находится там постоянно в течение 5–10 лет. WITHпираль предохраняет от нежелательной беременности, так как не дает оплодотворенной яйцеклетке прикрепиться к стенке матки.

This tool is considered very reliable. Although in 1-2% pregnancy can still occur (and often this pregnancy is ectopic, which is very dangerous).

In addition, any foreign object in the uterine cavity is a danger of developing infections. Therefore, girls under the age of 18, and all women who have not given birth, are not recommended to insert an intrauterine device.

how is this happening for the first time?

INы должны доверять друг другу. Agree with your girlfriend that she will tell or show you what is pleasant for her and what is unpleasant or painful. And this is especially important for the first time, when both of you can worry about whether everything will go the way you want.


Defloration (deprivation of virginity) in Latin literally means "to pluck flowers."

Your girlfriend agreed to become yours, to become a woman? Does she really want this, is it her deliberate decision? So, you have a very responsible "case". Yes, yes, deprive her of her virginity. Of course, many men dream of becoming the "first". And you, perhaps, too? You almost feel like a hero, don't you?!

INыбери время и место
To get started, choose the right time and place. WITHкажу тебе по секрету: все девушки боятся потерять девственность. They are afraid of pain.

First of all, take care of a suitable place where it will take place. The back seat of your car is not suitable for this. Find a place where you'll be alone, feel safe, and relax. Atбедись, что там есть ванная с горячей водой, туалет и, конечно, удобная прочная кровать.

It's great if you create a romantic atmosphere - twilight, slow calm music, candles, fruits, juice or mineral water, sandwiches, flowers ... It's better not to scatter them on the bed, but give them to your girlfriend. WITHкажи ей, что ты в нее влюблен, как много она значит для тебя…

Even if your girlfriend is taking birth control pills (of course, after consulting a doctor), it is better that you use a condom during the first sex. Safe sex implies not only the prevention of unwanted pregnancies, but also sexually transmitted diseases. So stock up on condoms.

Also buy a special lubricant (lubricant) at the pharmacy. There are lubricants with lidocaine (a local anesthetic).

How best to do it
Do not rush. Be gentle and caring. Offer the girl fruits, juice, dance with her. It is better to do without alcohol.

Start with kissing, touching, caressing the breasts, the clitoris ... They should be gentle and long. You know what your girlfriend loves, right? She will get excited and "flow". The more lubrication, the better (then the girl will not be so hurt). So you can add lubricant.

Try to first gently insert one finger shallowly, and then two into the vagina and very gently stretch the entrance to the vagina and the hymen.

As for the position to start with... The main thing is that you both feel comfortable, especially if this time is the first time for you.

Probably, you should not try to sharply and strongly enter the girl - she may be frightened. INведи сначала головку и упрись ею в малые губы. Underожди чуть-чуть, чтобы девушка привыкла. Then

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