Message: #269840
Ольга Княгиня » 26 Nov 2017, 17:26

How to talk to your son. The most difficult questions. Valeria Fadeeva

are the same. INедь все мы разные.

What is an intimate relationship?

INрачи считают, что секс – это совокупность психических и физических реакций, связанных с проявлением полового влечения.

INлюбленные хотят быть как можно ближе друг к другу. They are attracted to each other. They experience mutual attraction. They strive to ensure that their bodies are intertwined and connected.

Many people think that "sex life", "sexual relations" or "intimate relations" is only sexual intercourse. In fact, these are kisses, and hugs, and flirting, and erotic fantasies, and masturbation, and talking about intimate relationships, and even waiting for a loved one.

WITHлова «интимное», «интим» обозначают что-то очень личное, о чем ни с кем или почти ни с кем не делятся. So when people refer to sexual relationships as intimate, they often feel that they shouldn't talk about it to anyone, even the person they're doing it with. This is not entirely correct. You need to be able to communicate with your partner and freely tell him what you want, what you like and what not, what excites you ... Then you will really enjoy and be able to deliver it to your beloved. Don't talk about your sexual relationship with anyone and everyone. This will correspond to the concept of intimacy. But between you and your beloved woman there should be no intimacy, that is, secrets.
You and the girl in love with you feel the desire to be closer to each other. It may or may not be strong in different people or in the same people at different times. It is because of sexual desire that you get an erection. And her changes, when she experiences sexual desire, are not as noticeable as yours. But that doesn't make them any less important. INлагалище начинает выделять текучую жидкость – смазку. The girl becomes wet. This is necessary in order to make it easier for the penis to enter it and move. In addition, as you already know, the upper part of the vagina expands and lengthens, and the lower part contracts, to get a tighter grip on the penis.

Why is kissing good?

6 июля – INсемирный день поцелуев. WITHначала его отмечали в INеликобритании, а потом ООН (Организация Объединенных Наций) учредила его как международный праздник. IN этот день в одно мгновение пары сливаются в поцелуе. And there are kissing contests. WITHамый долгий поцелуй зарегистрировали в Нью-Джерси (WITHША) 5 декабря 2001 года. It lasted 30 hours 59 minutes and 27 seconds.

INо время поцелуя в организме вырабатывается «гормон радости» эндорфин (поэтому тебя переполняет восторг). At the same time, it “cracks down” on the stress hormone cortisol.

Therefore, those who love to kiss are self-confident, happy optimists.

Kissing strengthens the immune system (the body's defenses). And all because with a kiss we exchange bacteria that are in saliva, and the body begins to intensively produce antibodies and thereby trains the immune system.

Kissing is good for teeth. The fact is that during a kiss, more saliva (and calcium in it) begins to stand out. And it protects the teeth (or rather, tooth enamel) from caries. By the way, saliva also contains a substance that excites sexual desire (androsterone). INот, оказывается, почему многие парни любят «мокрые» поцелуи.

INо время поцелуев пульс учащается до 110 ударов в минуту. And this means that the blood begins to run through the veins faster and diligently “supply” oxygen there, and every cell of the body is filled with vitality.

And kissing is a wonderful remedy for wrinkles (that is, their prevention), since all the muscles of the face “work” with it. WITHкажи об этом своей девушке.

Atж не из-за всей ли этой пользы девушки так любят целоваться? They attach great importance to kissing (even sometimes more than the sexual act itself).

By the way, some of them can even experience an orgasm from a kiss! True, it depends not only on the temperament of the girl, but also on the skill of the one who kisses her.

If a girl likes how you kiss her, then wait for the continuation ... But if you disappoint her, then there may not be a continuation.

What does "teen sex" mean?

Петтинг (от ангl. pet – ласкать, баловать) – это поцелуи, раздражения эрогенных зон, которые находятся «ниже пояса», в том числе и взаимные ласки половых органов без полового акта. Necking (от ангl. neck – шея) – поцелуи и объятия, ласки лица, губ, головы, рук, груди, то есть ласки «до пояса». There are three types of petting: top petting (necking), superficial and deep.

Kissing and touching not only on the lips, but also in other places can bring great pleasure to you and your girlfriend ... Caresses to the waist and below the waist. Are you intrigued? What I'm talking about is called petting.

Petting is called "teenager sex". Why? Yes, because for teenagers it replaces sexual intercourse. And it helps to relieve excess sexual tension. I think it's great. INедь заниматься «взрослым» сексом и твоей девушке, и тебе еще рано. And so I want to be as close as possible to each other and give each other pleasure.

Petting is just a "magic wand" and a wonderful "school" of sex. There are many "hot" spots (or erogenous zones) to be found on our bodies.

If you touch them, irritate them, then there will be sexual arousal or orgasm. This happens because they have a huge number of nerve endings. For both men and women, most of these "places of pleasure" are the same. This means that what pleases you is likely to please your partner as well. But besides this, there are also erogenous zones, which everyone has their own.

INот их-то вы и будете открывать и осваивать, занимаясь поверхностным (через одежду) или глубоким петтингом, когда все покровы сняты. From such caresses you can get even more pleasure than from the penetration itself. True, to be honest, you will need willpower in order not to cross the line of what is permitted.

By the way, doing petting, you will step by step reveal the sexuality of your girlfriend, and when the right moment comes to become a woman, she will be ready for it.

Are there laws about when you can make love?
IN законодательстве РФ (Российской Федерации) есть несколько возрастных порогов, которые сильно влияют на состав преступления и соответственно на уголовную ответственность за совершение данного преступления. Moreover, the age of both the subject of the crime (the accused) and the victim affects. Давай рассмотрим с тобой существующие на сегодняшний день возрастные пороги, которые касаются половой неприкосновенности и половой свободы личности (это статьи 131–135 AtК РФ).

IN AtК РФ двухлетней давности Initially, three age thresholds were distinguished: 18, 16 and 14 years. Based on them, four important age groups were identified: up to 14 years old - the age of deliberate helplessness, up to 16 years old - the age of sexual integrity, after 16 years old - the age of consent, after 18 years old - majority.

On July 27, 2009, Law No. 215 “On Strengthening Criminal Liability for Committing Crimes Against Minors” was adopted and another age limit appeared - 12 years. It outlines the circle of minors in respect of which committed non-violent acts of a sexual nature are punished most severely.

WITHовершеннолетие – самый главный возрастной порог. It gives the citizen all the rights and obligations provided by law.

After 18 years
WITHубъектом сексуальных преступлений против половой неприкосновенности личности, предусмотренных статьями 134 и 135 AtК РФ, может являться только лицо, достигшее 18-летнего возраста. WITH 18 лет гражданин несет личную ответственность за совершение любых сексуальных действий.

After 16 years
INозраст согласия – это та граница, после которой человек теряет половую неприкосновенность. IN то же время половая свобода еще остается под усиленной защитой до возраста совершеннолетия. This means that if sexual activities with a person who has reached the age of 16 occur with his consent, then such actions are not punishable by law.

WITH другой стороны, если такие действия происходили с применением насилия или принуждения, то они караются более сурово, чем если бы происходили в отношении совершеннолетнего лица.
Under articles 131 (rape) and 132 (sexual assault), sexual intercourse with the use of violence or with the threat of its use against the victim or other persons, or using the helpless state of the victim in relation to a minor who has reached the age of 16, is punishable by imprisonment for a period of 8 to 15 years.

Up to 16 years old
Sexual integrity obliges adults to avoid sexual contact with persons under the age of 16. Здесь уже начинают действовать статьи 134 и 135. However статьи 131 и 132 для данной возрастной группы не предусматривают усиления наказания – здесь продолжает действовать пункт 3- изнасилование несовершеннолетнего (see age threshold after 16 years).

Under article 134, voluntary sexual intercourse and other non-violent sexual intercourse with a person who is known to be under the age of 16 is punishable by imprisonment for up to 4 years.

However закон № 215 от 27.07.2009 г. добавил к статье 134 примечание, которое гласит, что если обвиняемый впервые совершил деяние в отношении несовершеннолетнего лица, достигшего 14-летнего возраста, то он освобождается судом от наказания, если будет установлено, что это лицо and the crime committed by him ceased to be socially dangerous in connection with the marriage with the victim.

Under Article 135, depraved acts without the use of violence against a person who is known to be under 16 years of age are punishable by a fine in the amount of up to 300 thousand rubles or in the amount of the wage or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to 2 years, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to 3 years..

IN отношении статей 131 и 132 в случае изнасилования несовершеннолетних особое наказание предусмотрено только, если жертве меньше 14


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