Message: #92028
Аннета Эссекс » 24 Mar 2017, 22:42

Going from the rear: exercises for cellulite on the buttocks

Problem areas are called problem areas because they are difficult to normalize in the usual ways. It often happens that overall weight loss goes on, and individual parts of the body still look unattractive …
This usually applies to the thighs and buttocks. Loss of shape and elasticity, sagging of soft tissues, flabbiness – the trouble is not only for women, but also for men over 40 years old. Therefore, today we offer you special exercises that will tone the hips and buttocks. The exercises are divided into three blocks. They must be performed in the order in which they are given. However, the block of those exercises that solve your main problem must be done 3 times, and the rest 1-2 times. If all three troubles poison your life, then complete all the blocks 2 times. It is advisable to do at least three times a week.
1st block of exercises
Problem: flabby buttocks and hamstrings, cellulite.
1. Weighted squat
This exercise is considered the most effective for the buttocks in general. Pick up small dumbbells or just water bottles. Lower your hands along your hips, place your feet approximately shoulder-width apart. Flatten your shoulder blades, don’t slouch, don’t round your lower back, look straight ahead without lowering your chin. Squat and rise, keeping your back straight and tense. Hands freely fall to the floor. If you have healthy knees, you can squat low so that your buttocks touch your calves. Otherwise, squat only to the horizontal. Get up smoothly, without jerking, do not bring your knees together at the beginning of the lift.
Three sets of 10-12 reps.
2. Deadlift on straight legs
Deadlift is an exercise from power triathlon, we offer it in a lightweight version (without bending the legs). Starting position as for a squat, be careful not to slouch. Be sure to spread the shoulder blades and do not round the lower back, otherwise the entire load will go to the lower back, and not to the problem area. Take dumbbells or water bottles in your hands, press your hands to your hips in front. Lean forward as far as you can, ideally so that your palms are 15 cm from the floor. Do not bring your hands forward, the dumbbells slide along your hips, slightly moving forward only at knee level. Rising, strain your hips behind and buttocks, trying to straighten up at the expense of them. You will feel how problem areas are loaded.
Three sets of 10-12 reps.
3. Steps sitting
It is better to do it in short shorts, you can do it on a massage mat. Sit on the mat with your legs stretched out in front of you. The back is straight, do not slouch, arms are bent at chest level. As if stepping from one buttock to another, crawl forward, then back. Vigorously waving your arms, set the amplitude of movement.
Three sets of 1 minute.
2nd block of exercises
Problem: sagging, cellulite “tuberosity” of the skin of the buttocks, inner, front and back of the thigh.
4. Lunges with balance
For this exercise, you will need a stick like a shovel handle, you can take a regular mop. Place the stick low on your shoulders so that you do not have to tilt your head forward, hold it with your hands at your sides. Starting position as for squats, only place your legs already shoulder-length. Watch your posture, bring your shoulder blades together and do not round your lower back. Step forward with one foot, while resting mainly on the heel. The stride length should be such that the angle at the knee is at least 90°. Moreover, the larger the angle, the less effective the exercise. The leg standing behind is transferred to the toe and unloaded as much as possible, the weight of the body is on the front leg. Look ahead, do not lean forward too much. If there is enough balance, the leg standing behind can be slightly torn off the floor. Step back and lunge with the other leg. Move smoothly, without jerks.
1 rep = lunge with left and right leg.
Three sets of 8 reps.
5. Lying pelvic lift
Take the mat, get down on your back. Bend your knees at about a 45° angle with your feet, head and shoulder blades pressed to the floor. Stretch your arms along the body, you can rest your palms on the floor. Lift your pelvis off the floor and slowly raise it as high as you can. The movement is made at the expense of the hips, while squeezing the buttocks. Also slowly lower the pelvis down, but do not put it on the floor and do not relax the buttocks. You can lower the pelvis and relax only in between sets.
Three sets of 8-10 reps.
6. Standing leg emphasis
Take a chair. Stand with your back to the wall, lean your hands on a chair. You can bend forward, but don’t drop your chin or round your lower back. Bring your knees together, bend one leg and plant your heel against the wall. You may need to move your chair. Push your heel into the wall, feeling your buttocks and thighs tense. You can press with a constant effort, you can change it.
Three sets of 1 minute.
3rd block of exercises
Problem: Riding breeches and flabby, cellulite-affected inner thighs.
7. Plie Squats
Get into the starting position for squats, paying attention to your posture, chin and lower back. Put your hands on your belt. Spread your legs wider than your shoulders and turn your toes out. Tension should be felt on the inner thighs. Perform squats slowly, tensing the inner thigh muscles. The wider the legs are apart, the more effective the exercise will be.
Three sets of 10–15 повторений.
8. Leg abductions
Lean on a chair, leaning forward slightly, do not drop your chin and do not round your lower back. Put your feet together. Without spreading your knees, bend one leg, lifting your heel. Smoothly, without jerking, lift the bent leg to the side. The knee and hip should still be in the same vertical plane with the supporting leg, neither going forward nor backward. Try to raise your knee to the level of the pelvis. Tension should be felt in the outer thigh. After doing the prescribed number of repetitions, change legs.
Three sets of 15 reps on each leg.
9. Leg information
Lie on your back. Raise straight or slightly bent legs vertically up (you can help yourself with your hands). Stretch your socks, tighten your legs. Squeeze them tightly, feel how the inner surface of the thigh is squeezed. Then gently spread apart (you can support with your hands). Then close again (try to do this without the help of your hands) and squeeze again.
Three sets of 10–15 повторений.

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