Message: #92018
Аннета Эссекс » 24 Mar 2017, 22:24

Plank Pose is a cellulite killer

It’s no secret that many of us are too lazy to regularly perform cellulite exercises due to the fact that it is difficult to find a suitable place during the day and seize a convenient moment for all sorts of jumps, swings, squats, bends and other physical activity.
But there is a way out!
There is an exercise that can fully replace the whole complex of anti-cellulite fitness. It allows you to deeply and efficiently work out the muscles of the whole body – from the shoulders to the shins, and it does not require time, space or special equipment. You can perform it at any time, it will take no more than 2-3 minutes and 1.5 meters of free space for it. If you wish, you can even perform it completely unnoticed by others, secluded for a while in a room;)
What is the benefit of plank pose?
This is a universal exercise that allows you to tighten and strengthen the muscles of almost the entire body, to tone your hips, buttocks, and stomach. It can also help improve posture. Plank is an excellent prevention of osteochondrosis and other spinal problems caused by a sedentary lifestyle.
As for cellulite, this exercise seems to be created to combat it. Within 10-12 seconds, if performed correctly, you will feel how the muscles of all traditional cellulite-problem areas are being worked out: the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms. Like all static exercises, it allows you to use even deep-lying muscle fibers, improve blood circulation, “accelerate” metabolism and significantly speed up the fat burning process.
The result of regularly performing the plank: a decrease in body volume, more slender legs, a thin waist, elastic buttocks and a flat stomach. And all this – at home, with minimal time!
How to do the plank pose exercise?
Starting position: lying on the floor, on the stomach. Rest on the floor with your elbows and toes. Raise the body, transferring the entire weight of the body to the elbows and toes. Stay in this position for as long as possible. Get down on the floor, rest. Repeat 2-3 more times.
When doing the “bar”, keep an eye on the following points:
the body, from the shoulders to the buttocks, should form a straight line. Do not bend in the lower back, do not raise the pelvis – this will increase the load on the spine and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise. Be especially vigilant if you have problems with your lumbar spine;
not поднимайте подбородок во время выполnotния «планки» – голова должна быть опущена, взгляд направлен в пол;
control that the arms from the elbow and above form an angle of 90 degrees with the floor;
put your legs as close as possible – with a wide setting of the legs, the muscles of the thighs are worse worked out. Но если со сведенными ногами стоять тяжело, можно для начала ставить их на шириnot плеч;
на протяжении всего упражnotния мышцы спины и живота должны быть напряжены, помогая удерживать корпус ровно и защищая от перегрузок позвоночник;
заканчивая выполнять упражnotние, опускайтесь на пол плавно, без рывков – сначала упритесь коленями, затем опустите туловище.
How long should you do plank pose?
You need to start with at least 15-20 seconds in one approach. Когда сможете стоять в планке минуту без перерыва, можно начинать выполнять усложnotнные варианты упражnotния – с отведением в сторону одной руки, с подъемом одной ноги, с отягощением и т.д.
Если даже 20 секунд продержаться тяжело, выполняйте облегченную планку – разведите ноги чуть шире или упирайтесь в пол not пальцами ног, а коленями. Постепенно ваши мышцы укрепятся, главное – проявить notмного настойчивости и терпения!

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