Message: #92016
Аннета Эссекс » 24 Mar 2017, 22:21

Goodbye cellulite! A set of exercises from a Pilates instructor

Cellulite, as you know, can be eliminated with the help of “heavy artillery”: proper nutrition, cosmetic procedures and physical activity. A set of exercises developed by Pilates instructor Rina Naftaliyeva will help you learn how to breathe correctly, tighten the muscles of your legs and abdomen, reduce the volume of your hips and buttocks, and, finally, defeat the hated “orange peel”.
This set of exercises gives a load on all the necessary muscles. During their implementation, the instructor advises, you need to keep your posture and tighten your abdominal muscles – this way the muscle corset is strengthened. At the same time, watch your breathing – you need to breathe with your lungs, and not with your stomach.
Each exercise should be performed 8-12 times. You can perform them every day, if this is not possible, it will be enough and 2 times a week. And you will notice the first changes after 15-20 sessions.
Anti-cellulite exercise 1
Feet shoulder width apart, feet parallel to each other. The abdomen is drawn in. We inhale, raise our hands and squat.
On the exhale – rise. Make sure your knees are parallel to each other.
Anti-cellulite exercise 2
Feet shoulder width apart, wide stance. Socks are deployed, the pelvis is forward.
On the inhale we squat, on the exhale we rise.
Anti-cellulite exercise 3
We squat and, remaining in this position, raise each leg alternately on the toe.
Anti-cellulite exercise 4
We lie on our side. The abdominal muscles and waist are tightened – the waist should not lie on the mat. On the inhale, lift the leg up, on the exhale, pull the heel down. We do not lower the leg to the end and do not touch the other foot with it.
We repeat the same exercise with the other leg.
Anti-cellulite exercise 5
We get on our knees and on our elbows. We stretch one leg and stretch the heel up. On the exhale – the heel up, on the inhale – down.
At the end of the exercise, you can leave your leg at the top point and make 8-12 springy jerks up.
We repeat the exercise with the other leg.
Anti-cellulite exercise 6
We stand on all fours, the leg is bent at the knee. On the exhale, we stretch the heel up, on the inhale – down. At the end of the exercise, we do 8-12 springy jerks.
The exercise is repeated with the other leg.
Anti-cellulite exercise 7
We lie on the floor, arms along the body, legs lie on a chair.
On the exhale we raise the pelvis, on the inhale – the pelvis is at the top, on the exhale – we lower it. The pelvis should be raised from the coccyx, and lowered slowly – vertebra by vertebra, starting from the shoulder blades.
Here it is important to monitor the shoulders and neck – they should be as relaxed as possible.
Anti-cellulite exercise 8
Starting position – as in the previous exercise.
Raise the pelvis on the exhale and, remaining at the top point, alternately raise the legs. At the same time, the abdominal muscles should be well tightened: we try to pull it under the ribs to make a kind of bucket.
Anti-cellulite exercise 9
We lie on our side. Legs bent 90˚.
As you exhale, raise your knee, while inhaling, lower it. We do the same exercise, lying on the other side.
Anti-cellulite exercise 10
We lie on our side. We take the feet parallel to the buttocks.
Raise one knee as you exhale, lower as you inhale.
In this and the previous exercises, emphasis should be placed on the buttocks and thigh, especially on the “ears”. Therefore, you need to concentrate and strain your leg well.
The exercise is repeated with the other leg.
Anti-cellulite exercise 11
Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet hip-width apart, parallel to each other.
On exhalation, starting from the coccyx, slowly raise the pelvis vertebra by vertebra. The buttocks and hips should be well tucked up, especially at the top point.
At the top point, inhale and squeeze the buttocks. On exhalation, we lower the pelvis – in the same way as we raised it, slowly, vertebra by vertebra.
Anti-cellulite exercise 12
We are standing. The supporting leg is bent at the knee.
We put the foot of the other leg on the knee, stretch our arms forward. We take the pelvis back and stretch the thigh.
We perform the same exercise with the other leg.
Anti-cellulite exercise 13
We are sitting. The foot of one leg is near the thigh of the other.
On the exhale, we stretch forward and thus stretch the thigh.
Stretch the other thigh in the same way.

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