Message: #115181
Аннета Эссекс » 20 May 2017, 23:11

How to get rid of inner thigh fat? Simple Truths

the rollers are treated as entertainment for the young, then in Europe they are increasingly preferred by people of the older age category. The fact is that during skiing, the load is given not only to the muscles of the legs, but also to the entire body. As a result, the work of the musculoskeletal system improves, fat disappears from the buttocks, knees, the inside of the legs, and an excellent insistence appears. By the way, skates (regular or roller skates) are a pretty good alternative to running.

If you have problems with being overweight, be sure to buy a subscription to the pool. If you wish, you can sign up for water aerobics, where you will perform sports elements under the supervision of an instructor. It's not just swimming from side to side. This is a whole set of exercises developed by specialists.

People who decide to train on their own and have chosen a wild body of water (river, lake), where there are no lifeguards, should be especially careful. Never go deep if the water is cold or you have just warmed up. In this case, the muscle may cramp.

Latina, salsa, pole-dance, step - in all these directions, the double load goes exactly to the lower part of the body. You don't even have to go on a diet to get fat off your calves and insides of your legs. Excess weight will go away much faster than if you sign up for a gym.

Morning and evening exercises
Being engaged at home on your own, you are unlikely to lose more than two or three kilograms. But to keep yourself in shape, it is still worth doing elementary exercises every morning. This will keep you awake and keep you awake at work. Also, if you do not visit the gym, you should do a set of exercises twice a week to tone your muscles.

Exercise one: leg raise
Lie on your right side, lean on your elbow, put your other hand behind your head. On the count of one, we raise the left leg up, on the count of two, we lower it down. We do three sets of fifty times. During a break, we do not put the ankle on the floor, but keep it fifteen centimeters from the surface.

Exercise two: cat
Get on all fours. At a fast pace, we raise the right and left legs forty times. At the same time, the back should bend, and the head should rise as high as possible (ideally, it should be in contact with the toe). it will not only burn fat, but also develop flexibility.

Exercise three: high chair
Place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees as if you were sitting on a chair. Watch your posture - your back should remain straight at all times. Stay in this position for five minutes until your muscles start to ache. Then put your palms on your knees and start rocking your buttocks up and down. After two minutes, lean on the floor and continue to do these movements.

In the first two or three months, it will be difficult for you to complete even half of these exercises. In the future, you can gradually increase the load. To take the correct position, first use a regular stool. So, we sit comfortably on it, then carefully remove it from under us. If after that you do not lose your balance, then you did everything right.

Exercise Four: Raising the Pelvis
Lie on your back, put your feet near the buttocks and clasp them with your palms. Raise and lower your pelvis at a fast pace fifty times. Between sets, hold the body at the top for two minutes. Repeat three to four times, depending on your fitness level.

Modern ladies and healthy lifestyle

Rejection of bad habits

Unfortunately, in our time, only a few lead a healthy lifestyle. According to statistics, almost every second girl has tried alcohol and cigarettes at least once in her life. The bad habits that beauties acquire have a very strong effect on their body. And if, nevertheless, the fair sex wants to get rid of addiction, the body begins to react sharply to the lack of nicotine. As a result, extra pounds appear, and fat begins to grow.

In order to minimize the negative consequences and not get better after giving up cigarettes, it is recommended to drink a vitamin course during this period. It is not necessary to buy expensive pills, you can buy regular pills at the pharmacy. They will be affordable for every girl.

Body care

If fat suddenly began to appear on the legs, while other parts of the body remain normal and do not change in any way, you should immediately consult a doctor. By the way, a complete medical examination should be done at least once a year. And, of course, at least once a month it is recommended to go to the sauna or spa. Don't forget to consult with a specialist first.

Before the steam room, the body is rubbed with honey or alcohol, due to which the metabolic process is accelerated, sweating increases. As a result, the fat literally melts and exits through the pores. For greater effect, ask to walk through problem areas with a broom.

A sauna differs from a bath in dry hot air (up to twenty percent humidity), which, by the way, has the same effect on the human body. It is recommended to go here for girls who have problems with metabolism and skin. After the steam room, you can do a massage to get rid of subcutaneous fat or cellulite.

Scrub and wraps
Wraps can be done both in beauty salons and at home. In the first case, the beautician will use special creams and oils. These products help you lose weight quickly. But if you do not have the opportunity or desire to go to spas, you can carry out such procedures yourself.

So, first mix blue clay (fifty grams), water (a quarter cup), essential oil (a couple of drops). At the end, add regular cinnamon (no more than ten grams). Be careful with seasoning. Even a little overdone, you can get burned or you will develop an allergy.

Now we spread the resulting slurry with a thin layer on the problem area, then wrap everything with cling film. After two hours, rinse the skin with plenty of water. Repeat this procedure every other day and until all the fat disappears. If the treated area burns or itches, wash off this remedy immediately. A slight tingle is not so bad.

Please note that wraps can only be done for girls who do not have health problems. If you have varicose veins or vascular disease, you will have to look for another way to lose weight. In this case, it is better to try to prepare a mixture of seaweed.

When signing up for a massage, be sure to check for certificates and a diploma confirming qualifications. Only a professional who has received the appropriate education will be able to drive fat from your body. In this case, the usual spanking and stroking will not help you. After such a procedure, some girls have bruises, and the body hurts. Usually the course lasts about ten to fifteen days.

Active lifestyle

Weekends, vacations and holidays spend not at home, but outside the city. Walk in mountains, hiking with a backpack, in the forests, ride a savage to the sea. Just do not sit still, but let's put as much load on the legs as possible. Of course, you should not immediately go on a two-day walk. It will be difficult for an unprepared person to walk even two kilometers. Gradually increase the distance and weight of the provisions.

Hardening of the body

it не значит, что вам нужно зимой при минусовой температуре купаться в прорубе или бегать голышом по снегу. To get rid of fat deposits on the body, it is enough for a girl to take a contrast shower. Direct the jet to the place where there are wrinkles, cellulite, etc. Just be careful not to get a cold and get bruises. After water procedures, problem areas are wiped with a terry towel.

Stop worrying about trifles

When a person is worried, afraid or throws tantrums, a substance is produced in his body that stimulates the appearance of fat cells. To calm down, drink chamomile or linden tea, eat a small piece of dark chocolate.

Ideal figure: everything is in your hands

In fact, losing weight and getting rid of body fat is much easier than it seems at first glance. It just takes a little effort and patience. Never rush and do not overestimate expectations, because the first positive results are sometimes even invisible. And remember, an active lifestyle, proper nutrition and training in the gym is the key to your health.

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