Message: #75564
Лена Калининград » 14 Feb 2017, 15:39

7 Exercises for those who run

Do you want to run and actively lose weight? Yes please! Here are exercises for you that will pump the right muscles. You will start to move faster, which means that you will burn more calories.
In order for jogging to bring visible results, you need to sweat a lot in the gym to pump your muscles. Strength training improves running speed and endurance. In addition, good strength training reduces the risk of injury by developing running movements and mitigating impact loads.

When you go out for a run with pumped legs instead of buzzing knees and ankles, you run faster, which means you burn more calories.

1. Squats
Squats are very useful for runners because they help you master the two main movements in running: pushing off with your supporting leg and straightening at the knee. There are a huge number of options for doing squats, you just have to choose the most optimal one for yourself, based on your strengths and the availability of equipment. Bareback or dumbbell squats are great for beginners, while those who want to challenge themselves again can try bodybar or single leg squats.
What to do:
Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing slightly inward.
Drive your hips back and begin to bend your knees, lowering your pelvis as low as possible, keeping your back straight and your heels pressed to the floor.
Hold for a moment and then slowly return to the starting position.

2. Side Plank with Kegel Clamp
Few people think about the muscles of the pelvic floor while standing in the plank. A sure way to strengthen this part of the core is to start doing Kegel exercises. Firstly, this is possibly the best exercise for training the core, and secondly, it is a real salvation for female runners who are worried about urinary incontinence, prolapse of the bladder and uterus. Just a warning: the implementation of such a plank is much more difficult, so do not be discouraged if you can’t hold out for a long time.
What to do:
Lie on your side, forearm under shoulder, thighs on the floor.
Tighten your pelvic floor muscles and then get into a side plank position. The body should form a straight line from the top of the head to the heels. Tighten all the muscles of the body and do not relax until you lower yourself to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.

3. Forward lunges
Lunges are very similar to running, but, unlike the latter, you need to make more effort with each step, due to which fast-twitch muscle fibers are included in the work. This is a very useful exercise, given that the proportion of these fibers in runners is quite low. And by regularly lunging, you will soon be able to overcome the sprint at the end of the main run. Plus lunges develop balance, stability and coordination. For the initial stage, forward lunges are suitable, which later you can mix with others.
What to do:
Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand.
Take a big step forward, lowering your body so that your bent legs form a 90-degree angle. Make sure that your knees do not deviate to the left or right. Transferring the weight of gravity to the foot of the outstretched leg, push off from it to return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.
4. Pull-ups
Not only does running strengthen the legs and hips, it also works the back muscles, rear shoulder deltas, biceps, and even the abs. During pull-ups, all these muscles are involved, and their ability to work together is also trained. Runners with strong backs have no trouble maintaining a straight posture while running and picking up speed when needed.
What to do:
Stand in front of the Graviton simulator or turnstile, grab the bar with an overhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees as if you are standing on the floor.
While tensing your body, begin to contract your shoulder blades as you rise up. Touching the crossbar with your collarbones, you can slowly lower yourself to the starting position.

5. Exercise “Shell”
Runners should not miss this exercise, because it perfectly works out the lateral muscles of the buttocks, which stabilize the hips and knees, helping with iliotibial tract syndrome (citizens suffer from pain on the outer surface of the knee joint). Begin the exercise barefoot and later tie an elastic band around your knees to increase resistance. If the load is still not enough, make sure that the legs are on top of each other and remain motionless during the exercise.
What to do:
Lie on your side, one leg on top of the other, feet pressed together. Bend your knees at a 45 degree angle so that your knees are in front of you.
Keeping your hips still, raise your top knee as high as you can while keeping both feet together.
Hold on to it position, and then slowly return the knee to its original position. Do a few repetitions on this leg, then on the other.

6. Deadlift with dumbbells
Weak thigh muscles indicate a general physical unpreparedness. The hip muscles, including the glutes, back muscles, and back muscles, form the power center of each runner. They affect the speed and strength of the step. And the deadlift trains all of the above, thereby protecting you from common lower body injuries.
What to do:
Place the dumbbells in front of you, feet hip-width apart.
Pulling your hips back, bend your knees to grab the projectile. The back should remain straight. Resting your feet on the floor, begin to unbend your legs, straightening your knees to the end. Slowly return to the starting position.

7. Push-ups
During training, especially for the upper body, runners prefer exercises that involve several muscle groups at the same time. This will give you more time to run. So – you just need to do a couple of push-ups. The exercise works the chest, triceps and anterior delta of the shoulders. In addition, the core is strengthened, which maintains an even position of the body while running.
What to do:
Get into a plank position with straight arms. Hands directly under the shoulder joints, the body forms a straight line from the top of the head to the heels.
Slowly lower your body down until your chest just touches the floor. Push off with your hands to return to the starting position.

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