Message: #62441
Лена Калининград » 23 Jan 2017, 23:02

Neck Tension Relief Exercise

If you have a sedentary job, in which you have to spend a long time at the computer, you are probably familiar with tension and aching pain in the neck. It is more likely that you have headaches from time to time, there are “lumbago” in the neck and shoulder, and possibly even dizziness.
All this is the sad consequences of the constant tension of the muscles of the neck and the resulting cervical osteochondrosis. In order to prevent serious diseases of the circulatory system and the musculoskeletal system, it is necessary to relieve this overstrain and give your neck a rest.
Please pay attention to your shoulder joints: – whether your shoulders are raised (to find out, try to raise your shoulders as much as possible, and then lower your shoulders as much as possible, then it will immediately become clear whether they were raised or not)

– is there tension in the upper part of the trapezius muscle

Main cause of stress:
The trapezius muscle is very often overloaded:

– as a result of emotional or physical stress or simply fatigue;

– if the shoulders are raised up (this often happens if the table does not fit the chair, you are anxious or just cold);

– if the shoulders are brought forward (this happens to those who slouch). The neck is a bridge between the body and the mind

Such a philosophical definition of the neck can be found among specialists in oriental relaxation practices, and that’s why they think so. Of the six sense organs, four are located in the head, and therefore it determines the direction of movement of the body. At the same time, it is the neck that makes it possible to realize the movement by turning the head.

In the cervical-collar zone, there is a very important, from the point of view of Chinese medicine, energy and reflexogenic zone, which is responsible for brain activity and hand movement.

The human head weighs an average of 4-8 kg and is supported only by seven small cervical vertebrae, which are cushioned by intervertebral cartilage. But to help the vertebrae, nature gave a person a complex of 32 cervical muscles that hold the head in an upright position, actively contribute to its movement and perform protective functions. And there is something to protect! There are 4 major arteries and 8 major nerves in the neck area, not to mention the spinal canal. They carry out blood supply to the head, organs of the thoracic part trunk and upper extremities, carry out various types of irritations, controlling nervous activity.

If the muscles of the neck and collar area are overstrained, then this is reflected in the work of blood vessels or nerve endings, and in the blood supply to muscle tissues, impairs metabolism and oxygen supply to the brain. As a result, you feel pain in the muscles of the neck and collar area, as well as severe headaches, stiffness of movements in the shoulder girdle. Prolonged tension of the neck muscles can provoke the earlier formation of wrinkles on the forehead, jowls, edema on the face, nasolabial folds, the development of migraine, visual impairment, swelling, salt deposition, pinching of the spinal nerves, as a result of which sciatica develops and disruption of the organs under their control and other troubles.There are several simple techniques that will relieve muscle tension in the neck and collar area, relieving you of pain and discomfort.
Let’s now try to relieve excess tension from the trapezius muscle and release pressure from the lower part of the cervical spine:

– bring the chest forward (this movement is important for those who stoop)

– raise your shoulders up, and then lower them as far as possible down

– Relax your neck and shoulders.

Exercises to relieve tension in the neck begin with the correct setting of the head. To do this, slightly pull the back of the head up, imagining that the head is hanging in the air on an invisible thread attached to the top of the head. “Pick up” the chin, giving it a “pecking” movement towards you. The movements of “hanging by the crown” and “picking up the chin” are designed to promote relaxation in the neck and head, as well as getting rid of the habit of lowering or lifting the head. In addition, this position is an important condition for free breathing and proper posture.

Next, relax your shoulders and stretch the crown of your head up. At the same time, stretch the cervical vertebrae as much as possible, while at the same time carefully making small turns of the head to the right and left. After that, lower your head to your chest, trying to “rub” your collarbones with your chin. Gradually, without making sudden movements, increase the radius of turning the head to the right and left sides. Then tilt your head back and try to “rub” the lower part of the neck with the back of your head. Return to starting position “hanging by the top”.

During the day, pay attention to the position of the shoulders and as soon as they begin to rise up, lower them back down to the correct position. Thus, you will relax the trapezius muscle and release the neck from excessive tension. Soreness and spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the shoulder and neck may also be associated with manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis. If you go for a massage, remember how uncomfortable it is to massage the collar zone. Tension in the trapezium (this muscle is involved in various movements of the head, upper body and shoulder girdle) leads to an overload of the muscles of the neck and head, which in turn overloads the cervical spine.

This tension is one of the causes of: headaches, neck pain, stiffness of movements and, of course, cervical osteochondrosis.

You can relieve these painful sensations and relax your muscles with a simple exercise.
Do not forget about preventive measures that will help the neck muscles not to strain and this will significantly reduce pain in the collar zone, or maybe get rid of them altogether:

Watch your posture, get rid of excess weight, train the abdominal muscles – this will reduce the load on the spine and strengthen the muscles that hold the head upright, preventing it from tilting forward.
During work, do not lean low over the table, create a comfortable workplace for yourself, take a break every hour to move around and change the position of the body.
So that the neck muscles do not strain, let them rest more often, during long work at the table, sit comfortably so that the neck does not swell from a static posture, take breaks to move around.
Even in a working environment, you can afford a simple exercise to strengthen the neck muscles: sitting at the table, “turn” your shoulders, imagine that your spine is a perfectly even column, straighten your neck, stretch your crown up, cover it tightly with your hand and, lowering your eyes down, slightly put your hand on your head. Feel the stretch in your scalp and neck muscles. Relax completely and then repeat the exercise 10 times. It will relieve some compression and strengthen the neck muscles.
Get rid of the habit of pressing the telephone receiver with your ear to your shoulder or combing your hair with your head thrown back – no need to stretch the muscles of the neck without much need;
Neck pain can be caused by an uneven mattress, an oversized pillow, or an uncomfortable sleeping position (such as sleeping on your stomach). Only during sleep on a hard mattress and a low pillow do the muscles fully relax.
Learn to relieve the stress accumulated during the day with an evening walk in the fresh air, a warm shower, a cup of tea with mint and honey, and, finally, a full healthy sleep.

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