Message: #58940
Лена Калининград » 18 Jan 2017, 22:43

Exercises for Toned Inner Thighs

1. Stand with your back to the wall, put your hands on your belt, and with a straight leg, do short swings to the side. The trick to this exercise is that the swings should not be too high (about the length of your foot), but they should be very fast. Do this exercise 10 times with each leg, and if you feel that such loads are beyond your power, then reduce the number to 5-6. 2. Lie on your right side, tighten your stomach and lift your right leg to a height of 10 cm from the floor, your right hand should be above your head. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then rest and repeat the same movements on the left side. 3. Exercise “scissors” is familiar, most likely familiar to you. Lie on your back, rest on your elbows, lift your legs and cross them for a few seconds. If you feel tired in your legs, rest for a few minutes and repeat the exercise. It is enough to do this exercise 3-4 times. 4. Walking in place also strengthens the inner thighs. When walking, try to raise your knees as high as possible. If desired, this exercise can be replaced with light running and jumping. Exercise against sagging buttocks 1. Sit on the edge of a chair, keep your feet apart. Hold an object between your knees (a book or a cushion). Sit up straight and keep your hands on the seat. Try to strongly squeeze the object with your thigh muscles and stay in this position for exactly 1 minute, then relax and repeat the exercise again. Do this exercise at least 10 times. 2. Get on your knees, put your hands on your belt. Next, you should sit on the floor, first on the left buttock, then on the right. Do the exercise until you feel tired in the gluteal muscles. Do not take the easy way, sitting on your feet, you will not achieve the effect in this way. At first it will be very difficult, but you will learn quickly enough and will easily perform this exercise. 3. Lean your back and the back of your head against the wall, bend your knees and tighten your muscles. In this position, you need to stay for about 1 minute. If you feel that you can’t hold out for exactly a minute, reduce the time. When performing this exercise, try to keep your head, back and buttocks close to the wall, otherwise the effectiveness of this exercise will be zero. 4. Grab your right knee with both hands and gently pull it towards chest, fix this position for 20 seconds. Repeat the exercise with the other knee. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times, 5 times with each leg with an interval of a few seconds. 5. Lie on your back and place your feet on the wall. Tighten your gluteal muscles and try to lift your pelvis and hips off the floor without lifting your back. At first, you will most likely not be able to do this, but gradually bring the number of such lifts to 10-12 during one exercise.

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