Message: #61827
Лена Калининград » 23 Jan 2017, 00:26

Testosterone propionate: pros and cons

The course of testosterone propionate is a course for “drying”, which, of course, can be used to gain mass, or during the study of strength indicators, but this would not be rational. Testosterone propionate is usually used either in preparation for competitions, since propionate is a short ester, the detection time of which ranges from 4 to 5 weeks, or, as mentioned above, in “drying”, since a well-designed course avoids water retention. Perhaps smart-ass jocks are already beginning to wonder why they can’t avoid water retention, and the answer to this question will be popabol and beggars. Propionate is a short ester, so you have to put it on much more often, and it hurts, besides, since you have to put it on more often and more, it turns out to be much more expensive. The mass testosterone propionate course can be replaced with the enanthate course, and propik can be saved for better times. But even when these times come, it should not be used alone, it is simply ineffective, it is much better to use it together with another drug, in the hope of obtaining a synergistic effect. The classic is the course of propik and Winstrol, when propionate is given every other day at 50 mg, and Winstrol at 30 mg daily. It is worth noting that in compotes with propik, as a rule, the amount of other steroids is counted from propionate so that their total amount does not exceed the dosage of the test. This rule is not always observed, but if this is your first course of propionate, then it is better to proceed from this rule.

The course of testosterone propionate: characteristics of the drug

Testosterone propionate is testosterone, to the molecule of which propionic acid ester is attached, which, in fact, determines the nature of its action. Since the dough is, as it were, the standard of AAS, its androgenic and anabolic activity is 100%, which, translated into Russian, means that it very strongly stimulates hypertrophy and hyperplasia, but also strongly suppresses the pituitary-hypothalamus-testicular arch. The propik works for 2-3 days, but the peak of its activity falls on the day of the injection, yes, it is not taken orally, it has to be injected right in the ass. Walks through the gyms and Kachkovsky форумам байка про его локальный эффект, то есть, что, яко­бы, от инъ­ек­ций в дель­ты можно добиться большего прироста этой мышечной груп­пы, но это прос­то «муль­ка», так что можете колоть его туда, к чему душа лежит.Есть и ещё один слух, в который могут верить только полные олигофрены, поскольку суть слуш­ка в том, что курс тестостерона пропионата совершенно безвреден для пе­че­ни. На­до по­ни­мать, что печень фильтрует абсолютно всю кровь, которая находится в ор­га­низ­ме, по­это­му, глотаете Вы таблетки, или колете себе тесто прямо в вену, значения не име­ет, раз эк­зо­ген­ный тестостерон в крови, значит, рано или поздно он пройдет через Ва­шу пе­чень, а встре­ча это для печени будет неприятной. On the other hand, this side effect is not critical, the liver is a regenerating organ, moreover, this process can be facilitated on PCT. But there are many other tasty side effects like gynecomastia, acne, baldness, prostate enlargement, impotence and other delights. In general, the set is standard!

Положительные последствия курса тестостерона пропионата тоже такие же, как и у дру­гих сте­рои­дов, а имен­но: повышение уровня ин­су­ли­но­по­доб­но­го фактора роста, сдви­га­ет азо­тис­тый ба­ланс в положительную сторону и способствует пролиферации кле­ток-са­тел­ли­тов в мы­шеч­ной тка­ни, что способствует ускорению гипертрофии мы­шеч­но­го во­лок­на и за­пус­ка­ет процесс её hyperplasia. All this leads to an increase in muscle mass, an increase in strength indicators, a reduction in subcutaneous fat and, during the course, an increase in libido. In the case of a competent PCT, it is possible to avoid the negative consequences of the propik, well, honestly gained 6-7 kg of dry muscle mass will remain with you, since it will be muscles, and not “water”.

How to make a course of testosterone propionate

Duration: course: 4-8 weeks, which, by the way, is a plus of the prop, since such short courses are possible only on short broadcasts.
Doses: 50-100mg bi-day or every day, although some pros go up to 1g per day, but these are sky-high figures.
Frequency of dosages: usually put either every day or every other day, it is possible more often, of course, but, since the drug is injectable, putting it 2 times a day is very difficult, and probably pointless.
Компот: в принципе тесто можно комбинировать с любым стероидом, это как бы пре­па­рат для сво­бод­ных ху­дож­ни­ков, ал­хи­ми­ков нашего времени, но, чаще всего, его ста­вят с вин­стро­лом, треном, примой и мастероном, так же во время курса обязательно ис­поль­зу­ют ан­ти­эс­тро­ге­ны или ингибиторы ароматазы, начиная со второй недели, дабы из­бе­жать рос­та кра­си­вых полных женских сисек, что в народе именуют гинекомастией.Курс соло: 50-100мг каждый день в течение 4-6 недель, со второй недели необходимо при­ни­мать ан­ти­эс­тро­ге­ны или ингибиторы ароматазы.
Drying course: 50 mg of propik every other day and 30 mg of winstrol daily, duration 4-8 weeks, from the second week it is necessary to take antiestrogen or aromatase inhibitors.
Weight course: 50 mg of propik every other day and a course of methane in a pea of ​​10-20-30-20-10, duration 5-8 weeks, from the second week it is necessary to take antiestrogen or aromatase inhibitors.
Strength course: 50 mg of propionate every other day and turkic 50 mg per day, duration 6-8 weeks, from the second week it is necessary to take antiestrogen or aromatase inhibitors.

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