Message: #61841
Лена Калининград » 23 Jan 2017, 00:55

Testosterone suspension. Suitable for

Testosterone suspension is an exclusively professional drug that makes sense to use, either for powerlifters or weightlifters who have to undergo doping control. In bodybuilding, testosterone suspension is practically not used, because it simply does not make sense. On the one hand, it is more difficult to use the drug, it hurts to put it in, it is even difficult to draw it into a syringe, on the other hand, the effect of it is the same as that of enanthate when it comes to gaining muscle mass. The whole joke of the suspension is that testosterone crystallized in water is very quickly excreted from the body. If you cancel the drug 40-50 days before doping control, you will pass it. Testosterone suspension is used not only in hard sports, this drug is an integral part of the preparation of any athlete preparing for international competitions. It should be noted that “flight” is still possible, since crystallized testosterone sometimes forms a capsule right under the skin, which is expressed in characteristic bumps. The problem is that sooner or later the capsules open and the dough enters the bloodstream, well, and then follows the disqualification and other joys of “flight”. To avoid this, you can try to put the dough in different places, as well as apply methods that accelerate blood circulation. На­при­мер, можно рисовать сетку йодом на месте инъ­ек­ции, или ис­поль­зо­вать другие способы народной медицины.Соло курс: 50-100мг в день, длительность 6-8 недель, ПКТ можно проводить сразу пос­ле от­ме­ны препарата, такой курс может подойти тем, кто готовится к стартам.
Strength course: 50-100mg per day and turinabol 50mg per day, duration 8 weeks, PCT can also be done the next day after stopping the drugs.
Course for strength: 50-100 mg per day and 100 mg of propionate every other day, duration 8 weeks, PCT is carried out at the end of the course.
Heading for mass: the thing is absolutely meaningless and deeply wrong, but, in principle, you can use any course from the above for this purpose.

The suspension is the purest testosterone, which is suspended in water in the form of crystals. No oils, no foreign matter, just dough and water! It goes without saying that anabolic and steroid profiles of the drug are equal to 100%. The drug can be called ultrashort, since the half-life of the suspension is only a couple of hours, and the “half-life” is 1-2 days, and therefore, the drug must be administered daily. Injections are accompanied by some difficulties associated with the fact that the dough may settle at the bottom of the ampoule. In order for it to be normally drawn into the syringe, the ampoule must be gently shaken, stirring the substance. It is very important to avoid the formation of bubbles, so you can simply roll the ampoule in your fingers, but all this is done slowly and carefully. From the above, a very important conclusion can already be drawn: the testosterone suspension works instantly, and PCT can be started immediately after the drug is discontinued. All this allows you to properly add on the course and avoid the phenomenon of rollback. Of course, you should not expect a miracle, at the end of the course you will still lose some meat in strength indicators, but these losses will be minimal. Naturally, if you combine the suspension with long ethers, then its presence in the course will lose all meaning. As a rule, “compote” is brewed from turik or propionate. The goal of the course is usually the rise in strength indicators. On average, athletes of a fairly high level in 6-8 weeks manage to add about 50kg in the top three. An increase in muscle mass from 2 to 10 kg, which is associated with the goals of the athlete and, accordingly, his diet.

The side effects of the suspension are the same as for all other androgenic anabolic steroids. Any exogenous testosterone suppresses the secretion of endogenous, it’s just the law! Acne, gyno, baldness, the phenomenon of virilization in women, hair growth all over the body in men are all inevitable consequences of taking any androgenic anabolic steroids. Yes, in those with a higher androgenic profile, these side effects are more pronounced, but they are present in courses of even weak androgens.

How to put testosterone suspension

Duration of the course: from 6 to 8 weeks, with the abolition of the drug no later than 6 weeks before the start.
Dosages: from 50 to 100 mg per day, but there are exceptions when the numbers reach astronomical values ​​​​and cause pain even at the mere thought of them.
Frequency dosages: necessarily daily dosages, which, by the way, makes the drug meaningless for bodybuilders, that is, it will certainly work, but the course of the suspension will be associated with extra hemorrhoids.
Компот: всегда с короткими эфирами, поскольку длинные эфиры напрочь убивают весь кар­ми­чес­кий смысл курса.Соло курс: 50-100мг в день, длительность 6-8 недель, ПКТ можно проводить сразу пос­ле от­ме­ны препарата, такой курс может подойти тем, кто готовится к стартам.
Strength course: 50-100mg per day and turinabol 50mg per day, duration 8 weeks, PCT can also be done the next day after stopping the drugs.
Course for strength: 50-100 mg per day and 100 mg of propionate every other day, duration 8 weeks, PCT is carried out at the end of the course.
Heading for mass: the thing is absolutely meaningless and deeply wrong, but, in principle, you can use any course from the above for this purpose.

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