Message: #190683
Арнольд Железо » 19 Sep 2017, 13:16

Power Man

Power Man

PowerMan sports nutrition is produced by the German company HECH®. In Europe, HECH® is synonymous with quality and performance in sports nutrition.
The history of HECH® begins in 1979, when this German company was founded. For more than 25 years, HECH® has been present on the German professional sports nutrition market. Trademarks PowerMan, FIG and PMX are now sold in more than 25 countries. The key to the success of our products in the sports nutrition market is the historically established continuous development and research in the field of sports nutrition.
HECH® sports nutrition is famous for its high quality, which is why, from year to year, the company finds new markets in Europe, Asia, and America.
In the production of products, HECH® uses only the best raw materials for the production of products. For example, raw materials for the production of milk proteins are imported from New Zealand. HECH® production facilities are located only in Germany and are subject to strict quality control. Quality control activities at HECH® plants are not limited to the requirements of the European Union. Quality standards comply with IFS (International Food Standards) and ISO 9001. Internal quality control of technological processes and finished products at HECH® enterprises has long become the norm.
Featured Products
3-K Protein-100% Triple Source Plant Protein Blend of three pure plant-based protein sources.
Amino 5100 is the supplement your body needs after a hard workout.
PowerMan Boost&Burn is a dual-action formulation, formulated with L-Carnitine, Green Tea Extract and Caffeine Stimulant (1,3,7-methylxanthines).
Creatine Chewing Creatine

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