Message: #33616
Варюша » 01 Nov 2016, 15:56

Recipe Millet porridge with raisins and cinnamon

Recipe for millet porridge in milk with raisins
You will definitely like the dish if you decide to cook it for breakfast. So, we soak a handful of raisins in hot and strong morning tea or water, or in alcohol if the dish is prepared for adults. Now we set to cook 100 g of Elite brand millet – it has preserved all the necessary vitamins and nutrients. After 15 minutes, pour the raisins into the porridge, stir and put the pan in the oven, heated to 200 degrees, for another 15 minutes. We mix sugar with cinnamon in arbitrary quantities to taste, take the porridge out of the oven, put it on plates and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. You can flavor the porridge with butter or leave it in this form – the absence of butter will not affect the taste of the dish at all. And then he said that millet porridge with raisins and cinnamon is trite and boring? Anyone who thinks so has not yet tasted this morning delicacy. Watching the video, you will learn how to cook “not boring” millet porridge with raisins and please your children. By their appetite, you can easily understand that the porridge was a success!

Message: #514656
Карина Кошкина » 08 Jul 2019, 19:34

Reply To: Recipe Millet porridge with raisins and cinnamon

Приготовление пшенной каши совсем несложное.
Вам потребуются:
пшенка — 1 стакан;
масло сливочное — 30 г;
молоко — 2 стакана;
сахар — 2 ст. ложки;
вода — 2 стакана;
соль — щепотка.

Залейте водой подготовленную крупу, поставьте на огонь.
Доведите массу до кипения, снимите пену. Отваривайте на среднем огне, пока вода не выпарится.
Влейте прогретое молоко, убавьте огонь. Добавьте соль, сахар.
Отваривайте до загустения массы, помешивая.
Выключите огонь через 20 минут, накройте крышкой.
Оставьте настояться 10 минут.

Приятного аппетита!

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