Message: #91545
Аннета Эссекс » 23 Mar 2017, 21:24

Masala tea with cardamom

About the recipe:
Let’s talk about India. It is known not only for its nature, richness of colors, a great variety of different temples, religions, castes, varied, spicy food, but also the lack of spicy drinks. One of these is masala chai.

Dish Ingredients:
Milk 1 glass
Cinnamon 1 piece
Allspice 4 pcs
Water 2 glass
Black tea 2 tbsp.
Ground cardamom to taste
Sugar to taste

Step 1:
Prepare spices. Separately, I will say about cardamom. This is a spice. It is most often used as a flavoring for baking, but it is often used in the preparation of drinks and other dishes. It has its own taste. Not everyone likes this taste. Therefore, one should be familiar with cardamom before putting it into a drink.
Step 2:
Pour water into the saucepan. Let’s boil. After, we put tea, cinnamon, cardamom and allspice. Let it boil again and immediately turn it off. Allow the drink to sit for 5 minutes. Return to fire.
Step 3:
Pour in milk and bring to a boil again. Remove from fire. Add sugar to taste.
Step 4:
Strain the drink through cheesecloth or a sieve. Pour into cups and serve.

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