Message: #31526
Олеся Бонд » 24 Oct 2016, 12:40

Lajiang zhengpaigu – steamed pork ribs with spicy seasoning (Chinese cuisine)

For 4 servings: 1 kg of asparagus, salt, 50 g butter, granulated sugar, 240 g flour, 458 ml milk, 3 eggs, 2 tbsp. l. топленого масла, 500 г сыра рикотта 80 г тертого сыра пармезан, 1 пучек рубленой петрушки, 1 пучек рубленого базилика1/ 2 ч. l. lemon peel 8 slices of cooked ham Wash, peel and remove the rough ends of the asparagus. Stems boil for about 15 minutes in salted water with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter and a pinch of sugar. Take it out, let it flow. Measure and pour 500 ml of decoction. Mix 200 g flour, 350 ml milk, eggs and a pinch of salt. Bake 8 pancakes. Mix ricotta with parmesan and herbs, season with spices. Saute the remaining flour in the remaining butter and dilute with asparagus broth and the remaining milk. Stirring, cook for about 5 minutes, then salt, pepper and season with lemon zest. Preheat oven to 250 degrees. Pour half of the sauce into a casserole dish. Grease each pancake with cheese mass. Arrange the ham and asparagus stalks on top, roll up and place in a tin. Pour over the rest of the sauce and bake pancakes for about 10 minutes until golden brown. Затем выложить и подать на стоl.

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