Message: #70468
Лена Калининград » 06 Feb 2017, 22:45

Should Women Use Fat Burners

Fat burners are a special type of sports nutrition designed to help reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat. Of course, the tool works only under the condition of intensive training, an active lifestyle.

You should not buy products that are advertised in this spirit: “you will lose weight without training!”. If this kind of means really existed, there would be no fat people in the world.

Fat burners are fully effective preparations based on natural ingredients.

The supplement removes excess fluid from the body, increases metabolism, accelerates the breakdown of the so-called brown fat, localized on the sides, hips, chest. It must be understood that without a combination of fat burners with physical activity, the result should not be expected. It is impossible to position supplements as a magic tool for weight loss. These are just catalysts that manifest themselves as a result of certain reactions. To increase the effect, various fat burners should be used: for example, combine two or three drugs that give the best result in combination. The main thing is to ensure a stable intake of protein foods when taking fat burners. Three grams of pure protein is needed per kilogram of weight, only in this case, muscle cells will not be depleted. The combination of fat burners for women should be under the strict supervision of a doctor or specialist, as many combinations can behave unpredictably. Most fat burners significantly affect the female body. Unfortunately, the use of these substances can adversely affect the work of many organs. The basic principle of medicine is known: you can use the drug when its benefit is greater than its harm.

The only way to know if a fat burner is right for you is through trial and error. However, this kind of “experiment” cannot be carried out by those who have health problems.

You should not rely on the opinion of a fitness trainer as a determining factor.

Alas, but industry professionals often adhere to the rule: the result at any cost. This mindset is quite typical of athletes and should not be allowed to fall prey to health.

The most adequate opinion on the issue of taking fat burners can only be given by a doctor.

Here are some rules that you need to know for those who are going to use fat burners:
No pills can save a woman from the need to monitor calories, control nutrition, focus on the quality of food. Roughly speaking, without a basic diet for weight loss, fat burning is impossible (at the same time, many women are sure that by buying a fat burner they can lose weight without changing their lifestyle).
Sports fat burners for women can increase stamina, but excessive use of them can cause headaches, nervous strain, tremors in the limbs, and even insomnia.
There are no drugs that with a 100% guarantee will reduce the layer of fat by three, six or more percent. You can not consider a fat burner as a harmless vitamin complex and purchase it based on spontaneous information “received” from the mirror.
Manufacturers of sports nutrition offer a huge range of different products aimed at burning fat. All products are divided into women’s and men’s. In the male version of fat burners, aggressive components such as norepinephrine and adrenaline dominate.

In women’s fat burners, the emphasis is on the number of components. Therefore, the composition of this kind of drug often includes chitosan, caffeine, omega-3 fatty acids, green tea extract, tyramine and naringin. Female supplements aimed at burning fat are divided into thermogenics, blockers, diuretics and anorectics (appetite suppressants).

Blockers. This type of fat burner is aimed at blocking fats and carbohydrates in the body. The mechanism of action of the drug is extremely simple: blockers dock with carbohydrate or protein molecules, making them indigestible. After a while, blockers, along with fats and carbohydrates, are simply excreted from the body. Blockers have practically no side effects. The only thing that saddens when taking blockers is the fact that often not only harmful substances, but also useful acids fall under the action of drugs.
Thermogenics increase body temperature by speeding up metabolism. The disadvantage of taking these drugs is the need for cyclicity. Nevertheless, today thermogenics are the most popular fat burners. You need to use thermogenics for no more than one month, then take a break for two weeks and you can resume taking them again. Among the possible side effects effects: increased anxiety, headache, insomnia, palpitations, digestion and others.
Diuretics. Pretty standard diuretics. Diuretics are enclosed in capsules, the main purpose is to remove excess fluid from the body. Excess fat cells are removed along with the liquid. It is not necessary to expect a serious result from diuretics. Diuretics are only effective when used with other fat burning supplements. Taking diuretics for weight loss is not recommended. They can cause many disorders in the body, up to death.
Anorectics today have become a whole industry in sports nutrition. These substances suppress appetite, which leads to a decrease in body weight. By the way, most thermogenics are essentially anorectics. Appetite suppressants affect the hunger center in the human brain. Alas, pure anorectics are dangerous to a woman’s health. Complex fat burners should be purchased, in which the anorectic appetite suppressant is only one of the auxiliary components.
The best fat burners for women are those that contain as many natural ingredients as possible. For example, caffeine, which is the most popular fat burner in the world. Experiments have shown that caffeine intake leads to increased fat utilization during exercise. A simple example: an hour’s run will burn about 800 kilocalories, and only half of them will be taken from adipose tissue. When used before training, caffeine, fat oxidation will increase and as a result, six hundred out of 800 kilocalories will be burned precisely due to subcutaneous deposits.

The Best Fat Burners

Caffeine should be taken one hour before training, the dose should not exceed three hundred milligrams (2-3 tablets). The fact that caffeine stimulates the nervous system and masks the feeling of fatigue should not be ignored, so recovery time after a workout should be increased.

Caffeine is forbidden for women with blood pressure, atherosclerosis, insomnia, heart disease and irritability.

Another natural fat burner is guarana extract. Guarana is a creeping shrub native to South America. This plant contains three times more caffeine than coffee.

Guarana caffeine is absorbed gradually, acting on the body gently, does not lead to overexcitation. This effect is made possible by the presence of tannin in guarana. Among other things, guarana extract contains beneficial minerals and vitamins.

Guarana should be taken after meals, twice a day. The daily dose is up to three grams. Contraindications are the same as those of caffeine.

In addition, natural fat burners are the herbal extract yohimbine and the amino acid L-carnitine.

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