Message: #118705
Аннета Эссекс » 29 May 2017, 14:17

Cheese is good for the human body

You chew cheese, you live longer. Cheeses have been known for a long time and the nature of their origin comes from the ancient East, when nomads took milk with them in sheepskins, and the rennet contained in the walls of the skinskin curdled milk, and complete fermentation of milk occurred, and a product was obtained in the form of cheese, which could last a long time. stored, even in warm climates.
Currently, hard, soft, pickled, sour-milk, rennet cheeses are produced, all these types of cheeses are further divided into many varieties and all of these contain useful substances, and therefore the cheese is good for the human body.
Due to the fact that the history of cheese began with milk, which contains a large number of substances useful for the human body, and among them a special place is occupied by proteins, vitamins, trace elements, carbohydrates, easily digestible fats, mineral salts, enzymes and others necessary for person, elements.

Considering the importance of protein for the human body, it should be noted that it is the main component of the human cell, therefore, cheese is able to provide the protein reserves of the body. As we already know, milk contains a large amount of minerals, vitamins, microelements, carbohydrates and other substances, and cheese is concentrated milk, so cheese is good for the human body.
Protein is necessary for a person, especially indispensable, which brings the body amino acids that it does not produce itself, but receives with cheese, such amino acids as methionine, lysine and tryptophan, and they are useful for the human body.

It is often believed, especially by those who are trying to lose weight, that cheese is a very fatty product, however, this is not so.
Due to the fact that the fat in cheese is not the same as in a hamburger or bacon, it contains milk fat, which contains phosphates, and among them lecithin, which a person needs for proper fat metabolism and digestion, however, should be consumed in food cheeses with a fat content of 5-10%.
Cheeses are rich in all the nutrients that the human body needs for its normal functioning.
It contains all kinds of minerals, such as chlorine, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and others, and without them a person cannot fully live.
Cheese also contains trace elements, but it contains an insignificant amount of them, but without the body cannot work with them, they include: fluorine, cobalt, manganese, iodine, copper, zinc and others, and they are useful for the human body.
These microelements, such as zinc, strengthen the internal walls of human vessels, fluorine contributes to the formation of tooth enamel, without iodine, the functioning of the thyroid gland is disrupted, and so on.

Cheeses contain vitamins of group B, which are involved in the metabolism of proteins in the body, in addition, it contains vitamin PP, C, E, while vitamin PP strengthens blood vessels, which protects the body from heart attacks and strokes, vitamin C strengthens the gums, increases vascular tone, and vitamin E, rejuvenates the skin, increases potency, increases the number of sperm in men and rejuvenates the body, and it is also called the “reproduction” vitamin and it is useful for the human body.
Eating foods, and in particular cheeses, which are rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, vitamins, not only has a positive effect on all human organs and tissues, they also support the general condition of the body and fight various diseases.
Cheeses are useful for everyone, both adults and children, since cheese is easily digestible and does not have side effects, it can be used as a medicinal product for bone fractures, tuberculosis, heart disease, but, nevertheless, cheese should not be considered a panacea from all diseases.
As we already know, cheeses are divided into 3 types: hard large cheeses, hard soft and soft cheeses, and all of them are useful for the human body.
Hard large cheeses such as Swiss and Russian are very common, they have a delicate aroma, pleasant taste and such cheeses can be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Such cheese is useful for the body, especially for caries, bone fractures, osteoporosis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, hypertension, these cheeses have a positive effect on sleep and act as sedatives.
The group of small hard cheeses includes Poshekhonsky, Dutch, Kostroma and others, which also have a pronounced taste and aroma, and the most useful cheese from this group is yak milk cheese, and such cheese improves heart function and reduces weight in obesity and even prevents the development of cancer cells.
Soft cheeses differ from hard ones only in that they can be spread on bread, especially good cheeses such as Roquefort, it is made only from sheep’s milk and has a pungent, ammoniacal odor and a pungent taste, while it is riddled with layers of bluish-green mold.
Such cheeses are very useful for skin diseases, as well as for visual impairment, and due to the chemical composition of such cheeses, metabolism improves and the growth of the child is stabilized.

In addition, the presence of beneficial bacteria in these cheeses normalizes the functioning of the intestines, and the mold that permeates the cheeses contains special substances that protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, we can make an unambiguous conclusion that all cheeses are useful for the human body, and they prolong its life.
However, when choosing cheese, especially hard and semi-hard varieties, care should be taken to ensure that the surface of the rind is not cracked and that there are no water droplets on the cheese.
In addition, it should not have a white coating, which looks like mold, and at the same time it begins to deteriorate and therefore emits an ammonia smell. Also, the surface of the cheese can become covered with an oily coating, which indicates that it has not been in favorable conditions for a long time, and it must be stored at a temperature of +7 degrees.

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