Message: #139125
Аннета Эссекс » 23 Jul 2017, 14:00

Useful properties of Chinese white tea, varieties and methods brewing

Tea is a delicious and fragrant drink that is loved by so many people. It is a cup of tea that is offered to dear guests, tea drinking is a great excuse to meet friends, this drink helps to warm up on a winter evening, relax after a busy day at work.

There are quite a few varieties of tea: black, green, blue, red, white. These types of tea differ not only in taste and color, but also in the way the tea leaves are processed. White tea belongs to the elite and expensive types of drink – because of the raw materials used and the method of collection and processing.

Description of the drink

White tea is produced from certain varieties of tea bushes. The most famous variety is Da Bai Hao, which translates as “big white fluff”. Also, an elite drink is made from varieties of light Shui Xiang and dark Shui Xiang. The habitat of elite tea bushes is the mountain slopes of Fujian Province. Plants are grown at an altitude of 1000-2100 meters.

Tea bushes growing in mountainous areas open their leaves very early – in early March or late February. Closed buds and young leaves of shrubs that are just beginning to bloom are covered with a whitish coating that protects plants from low temperatures. It is believed that the more this plaque on the plant, the better and healthier the drink will be.

There are strict rules that pickers must abide by: no eating hot spices, drinking alcohol before starting work, using perfume or smoking. These precautions are necessary so that no foreign smell spoils the taste and aroma of the future elite tea. If during the harvest it starts to rain and a strong wind rises, it is believed that real white tea will not be obtained from the soaked raw materials.

Collectors pluck only the upper leaves from the shoot, this is done very carefully and carefully so as not to crush the raw materials. After harvesting, the raw material undergoes solar-shadow fermentation. The leaves are alternately dried in the shade and in the sunlight. This is followed by light heat treatment in special ovens with a strictly maintained temperature and packaging of raw materials in containers. But drinking freshly dried white tea is not recommended, it is advisable to start tasting the drink only a month after the final fermentation.

The first mention of elite white tea dates back to the 12th century. It was the favorite drink at the time. Chinese emperors. It was valued for its taste, aroma, tonic effect on the human body and was considered an effective remedy against many diseases.

What are the varieties

There are 4 main varieties of white tea.

The rarest and most expensive is called Bai Hao Yin Zhen, which translates as “Silver Needles”. The raw material for this drink is unopened tea buds from the upper shoots of bushes. The kidneys are covered with white down. Raw materials undergo minimal fermentation, which allows you to save a maximum of useful substances. Dried tea looks characteristic – the buds look like small silver needles. Needles must be even if the kidneys are twisted or twisted – the technology was not followed in the manufacture and the quality of tea is considered low.

Another famous variety of white tea, which has a great taste and unusual color, is Bai Mu Dan (White Peony). When harvesting raw materials for this type of tea, an upper kidney and a pair of lower leaves are used. In the production of the drink, secret traditional technologies are observed, which are passed down from generation to generation. White Peony tea has an unusual fruity and floral aroma, but no flavorings or additional impurities are used in the manufacture.

Another variety – Shou Mei, translated as “eyebrows of an old man” – grows in the provinces of Fujian and Guangxi. Raw materials – upper buds and leaves, are harvested much later than other varieties of white tea. This affects the taste and color of the drink – the tea is stronger, tart and dark.

Gong Mei white tea is the most affordable and less expensive than other varieties. When collecting and processing raw materials, less sparing technologies are used and most of the young leaves and buds from the bushes are used.

What ingredients are in this tea?

Due to the fact that gentle technologies are used in the production of tea with minimal impact on raw materials, the drink retains a very large amount of useful substances. The composition of white tea is quite impressive:

Elastin. This substance protects the skin from fading and improves its elasticity.
Antioxidants. These substances increase the body’s resistance to various viruses and bacteria, provide protection at the cellular level, and strengthen the immune system.
Catechins. This group of antioxidants has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system of the body, strengthens blood vessels, is the prevention of stroke and heart attack. The substance lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.
Flavonoids. These substances are very useful for humans, as they protect the body from cancer.
Tannins lower blood pressure, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. Find out what other teas lower blood pressure here.
Thiamine replenishes the energy losses of a person, gives vigor and strength.
Essential oils have a bactericidal effect.
Also, the composition of tea is rich in a whole group of vitamins: B1, B2, B6, C, A, K. These elements improve protein metabolism, heal the skin, and help improve metabolism.
White tea contains a group of minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, fluorine.

Useful properties of white tea

The drink has long been considered the elixir of health and longevity. Its beneficial properties are legendary. It is believed that 2 cups of white tea a day reduces the risk of cancer by 30%. The substance epigallocatechin gallate, which is found in large quantities in tea leaves, provides protection.

The drink is able to evoke positive emotions in a person, enter into a state of relaxation and peace.

Due to its unique composition, tea helps to cleanse the human body of toxins and toxins, remove heavy metals. Helps to recover faster in case of poisoning, intoxication, dehydration.

The drink has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. A variety of essential oils improve blood flow to the alveoli of the lungs and bronchi, destroy pathogens in the oral cavity, having a bactericidal effect.

The use of tea in beauty treatments

Tea helps to lose weight. This drink property was opened in 2009. After studying the effect of tea on metabolic processes in the body, it was found that the drink prevents the growth of fat cells. Also, tea has a diuretic effect and regulates water balance.

White tea brew face masks are very useful. The skin receives a maximum of useful substances, is moisturized, acquires a healthy color. It is very good to freeze ice cubes based on white tea. Rubbing the skin with ice tones it, nourishes and moisturizes, which is very important in the hot season.

Wraps with white tea help get rid of cellulite, improve the appearance and tone the skin of the body.

Benefit during pregnancy

The drink is useful for pregnant women. It’s all about its healing composition and a complex of rare and useful substances. Tea reduces fatigue, improves mood, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs.

Fluorine and calcium, which are contained in the drink, protect teeth from caries and strengthen bone tissue.

Antibacterial effect helps protect the body from various infectious diseases, prevents the development of inflammatory processes.

Harmful properties

Oddly enough, but this drink is absolutely safe and very useful. Scientists have not found any contraindications or harmful effects when taking this drink.

How to brew white tea

There are two ways to brew this drink: hot and cold.

The cold brewing method is used when you need to prepare the most thirst-quenching drink. To do this, pour 10 grams of dry leaves with slightly warm boiled water (300 grams) and leave the tea to infuse overnight. In the morning, the healing drink is ready, you need to drink it in small sips.
Hot brew method. Water should not be boiling. The optimum temperature is 60-70 degrees. The proportions of the drink are 5 grams of dry tea per 150 grams of water. The teapot should be glass or porcelain. Brewing is infused for at least 15 minutes. Drunk tea leaves can be poured with hot water again, the benefits and taste of tea will not change.
White tea is a healing drink that protects against many diseases. The only drawback of this elixir of health is the rather high price.

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