Message: #72526
Buckshee » 09 Feb 2017, 16:53

Chin Up Rows

Vertical pulls to the chin
Vertical pulls to the chin buckshee
In any version of the rod pull to the level of the chin, “trapezes”, the lateral heads of the deltas and, to a lesser extent, the front deltoids and biceps are included in the work.

Lateral deltoids work the most in all three options – barbell rows to the chin with a narrow grip (slightly narrower than the shoulders), wide (slightly wider than the shoulders) and pull the block with one hand. The last exercise can be performed in the Smith machine, or on the block.

When spreading the arms while standing, it is impossible to achieve the maximum pumping of the middle bundles of deltas. You can, of course, do supersets, that is, sitting dumbbell presses, then standing “wiring”, or vice versa. But you can maximize the development of the middle deltoids with one exercise.
Or rather, two – by pulling the bar to the level of the chin, or by pulling the block to the level of the chin, since in these exercises the lateral heads of the shoulders can develop strength by 13 more than with “wiring” in a standing position.
Correct execution technique
Stand up straight. Grab the barbell with an overhand grip. After inhaling, pull the bar up, contracting the lateral muscles of the shoulders and the “trapezium” as much as possible. The bar should move strictly vertically, and the elbows should “look” to the sides. The position of the torso must also be strictly vertical. At the slightest tilt forward, the load from the side deltoids will move to the front.

At the top point, the bar of the bar should touch the chin easily, the elbows should be above the shoulders, and the muscles being trained (“trapezoid” and the middle heads of the shoulders) should be as tense as possible. Throughout the approach, look straight ahead without tilting your head back or tilting it down. The slightest bend of the cervical spine will “unload” the trained muscles, which will reduce the benefits of the exercise to a minimum.

It is advisable to use a relatively light weight with which you can perform at least 8 repetitions. There are two reasons for this:

Higher reps work better on smaller muscles, such as the lateral heads of the delts.
With a lot of weight, the traction technique will suffer – it will shift either to the arms or to the back muscles.
Видео Vertical pulls to the chin смотреть

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