Message: #351359
Heavy Metal » 03 Jun 2018, 23:20

Ape code of conduct

By nature, chimpanzees are much more aggressive than gorillas, but attacks on humans are still extremely rare for them. In order for the observation of primates (gorillas and chimpanzees) in the national parks and reserves of the African continent to be interesting and safe, certain rules must be observed.

Basic rules of conduct when visiting primates
– Strictly follow the instructions of the guide. This will ensure the safety of both tourists and wildlife.

– do not approach the monkeys closer than 5 meters. This may not be safe for both humans and primates. If the gorillas (chimpanzees) decide to come closer to you, you need to slowly and carefully step back, while not turning your back on them.

– don’t touch the primates. At first, it may seem that some of them are very cute animals, but in fact they are very wayward and strong creatures that may not appreciate your attention. Secondly, the mere touch of a person can transmit infection to animals.

– do not visit primates if you are sick. Monkeys and humans are genetically similar, so even a common cold can kill them, because they have no immunity to human diseases.

– a visit to the gorillas (chimpanzees) should be limited to one hour. The time is counted from the moment you found the first animal.

– do not use flash when photographing primates, as this causes them great stress.

Never make eye contact with large primates.

Don’t laugh or speak too loudly.

– do not make quick movements.

– Always stay close to your guide and group.

– never block the road that gorillas or chimpanzees are walking on.

– Do not eat or drink near primates.

By following these simple rules, primate watching will not only be safe, but also an unforgettable experience!

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