Message: #418432
Apache » 30 Nov 2018, 19:34

Shadow tan

A tan in the shade (and the clouds are exactly that) will be more uniform, high-quality and long-lasting. The skin during the process does not lose moisture, does not dry out, which means that the problem of peeling, itching and redness will not be present. For a beautiful tan, you will have to spend much more time, but this option is preferable.
1. The effect of sunlight on the skin

*They may vary in length and aggressiveness. UVA and UVB rays penetrate even through loose objects, as well as through fog, water and clouds.
* Passing through the clouds, the sun's rays are scattered, their effect on the skin becomes less aggressive. It is possible to get a tan in cloudy weather, but to get a beautiful bronze hue, you will have to spend much more time on the beach.
*Hidden in the clouds, the sun's rays contribute to the production of melanin in skin cells. And this leads to natural pigmentation, and it turns out a tan without the sun.
Under a cloudy sky, people do not feel the first signs of burning. But even in cloudy weather, the sun's rays actively affect the skin without heating it.

Cosmetologists and dermatologists say that under the clouds you can tan much more because:

* the action of the sun's rays is less aggressive, does not burn or heat the cellular fluid;
* the skin gradually produces melanin, there is no danger of the formation of pronounced age spots;
* the surface of the whole body slowly takes on a ruddy color, which then transforms into a bronze, chocolate.

The skin during the process does not lose moisture, does not dry out, which means that the problem of peeling, itching and redness will not be present.

But you can get burns and provoke the development of the photoaging process even in relatively cloudy weather. Precautions for getting a tan under clouds:

*Use of sunscreen. If you have to go to the beach in cloudy weather, then you can choose a cream or milk, a spray with a low level of SPF - 15-30.
*People with fair skin should not spend more than 30 minutes outdoors. Even with dense cloudiness, the risk of getting burned, getting sunburn remains.
*On the beach it is better to be before noon and after 17-00. Even diffused sunbeams increase their activity in the daytime. After spending the whole day on the beach under the clouds, by evening, you can find all the signs of burns on the skin.

Few people know that in cloudy weather you need to swim in the sea or in another body of water as often as possible - the tan will fall faster and more evenly. It is better if the skin dries naturally, and during this time the sun's rays scattered through the clouds will have a beneficial effect on the upper layer of the epidermis, being attracted to it by water drops.

2.Recommendations for a beautiful tan in cloudy weather:

*After swimming in the sea, you will need to immediately take a shower and wash off the salt. After water procedures in a pool or pond with fresh water, it is better to postpone the shower for 2-3 hours.
* You need to change your usual diet. Some foods have the amazing ability to activate a tan: melon, spinach, apricots, grapes and broccoli, fish, seafood, poultry liver and avocados.
* Upon returning home from the beach and taking a shower, you can use vegetable or cosmetic oils. They show the resulting tan, and even out it, and fix it. The most effective will be sesame, apricot, rose hips and wheat germ.

After-sun skin care under the clouds requires moisturizing. To do this, it is better to prepare the remedy yourself. Recipe:

- From the packaging of any moisturizer, you need to put 2 tablespoons of the product into a separate glass or ceramic dish.
-Add to them 5 drops of vitamins A and E from the ampoules, mix thoroughly.
-Introduce 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil into the product and mix well again.
The cream is applied in a thin layer immediately after a shower, and after 2-3 hours the procedure should be repeated. The finished mass is stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days, and then a new portion is prepared.

You can use gauze napkins and a decoction of chamomile flowers - just make lotions, wipe the skin after being under the clouds on the beach to relieve inflammation and fix the resulting tan, prevent the appearance of foci of peeling and redness. The decoction is prepared from 1 tablespoon of vegetable raw materials and 300 ml of water, boiled in a water bath for 3-5 minutes and cooled, filtered.

Many people think that you can only get a tan while under the sun and complain about cloudy weather when you are on the coast. To understand how effective it is to sunbathe under the clouds, you need to know at least minimum information about the sun's rays:

*They may vary in length and aggressiveness. UVA and UVB rays penetrate even through loose objects, as well as through fog, water and clouds.
* Passing through the clouds, the sun's rays are scattered and their effect on the skin becomes less aggressive. It is quite possible to get a tan in cloudy weather, but to get a beautiful bronze hue, you will have to spend much more time on the beach.
*Even the sun's rays hidden in the clouds contribute to the production of melanin in skin cells. And this leads to natural pigmentation, and a tan is obtained even without the sun.

Under cloudy skies, people lose their sense of reality and miss the first signs of burning. But even in cloudy weather, the sun's rays also actively affect the skin without heating it at the same time.

Cosmetologists and dermatologists say that under the clouds you can tan much more, and here's why:

- the action of the sun's rays is less aggressive, does not burn or heat the cellular fluid;
- the skin gradually produces melanin, there is no danger of the formation of pronounced age spots;
- the surface of the whole body slowly takes on a ruddy color, which then transforms into bronze, chocolate.

Sunburn in the shade (and the clouds are exactly what they are for a person) will be more uniform, high-quality and long-lasting. The skin during the process does not lose moisture, does not dry out, which means that there will be no peeling, itching and redness.

In order to get a uniform dark tone of the whole body and face, without pronounced spots and signs of sunburn, you will have to spend much more time. But after all, on vacation there is nowhere to rush, so cosmetologists call a tan through the clouds more preferable.

Despite the fact that clouds scatter the sun's rays and make them less aggressive for the skin, experts warn about precautions. You can get burns and provoke the development of the photoaging process even in relatively cloudy weather. Things to remember:

*The use of sunscreen remains essential. If you have to go to the beach in cloudy weather, then you can choose a cream or milk, a spray with a low level of SPF - 15-30. You can use those products that are intended to obtain a uniform, bronze tan.
*People with fair skin should not spend more than 30 minutes outdoors. Even with dense cloudiness, the risk of getting burned, getting sunburn remains.
*On the beach it is better to be before noon and after 17-00. Even scattered sunlight increases its activity during the daytime, so it's not worth the risk. After spending the whole day on the beach under the clouds, к вечеру можно с удивлением обнаружить все признаки ожогов на коже.

Few people know that in cloudy weather you need to swim in the sea or other body of water as often as possible, the tan will fall faster and more evenly. Experts believe that in such weather there is no need to strive to wipe and dry the body as quickly as possible and get rid of water droplets. On the contrary, let the skin dry naturally, and during this time the sun's rays scattered through the clouds will have a beneficial effect on the upper layer of the epidermis, being attracted to it by water drops.

There are a few more effective recommendations that will help you get a beautiful and even quick tan in cloudy weather:

-After swimming in the sea, you will need to immediately take a shower and wash off the salt. It spoils the epidermis, causes its excessive dryness. But if water procedures were taken in a pool or pond with fresh water, then it is better to postpone the shower for 2-3 hours so that the resulting tan is fixed.

-You need to change your eating habits. Some products have the amazing ability to activate a tan. These include: melon, spinach, apricots, grapes and broccoli, as well as fish, seafood, poultry liver and avocados. It is better to refuse barbecue, but it is worth pampering yourself with various southern delicacies.
- Upon returning home from the beach and after taking a shower, you can use vegetable or cosmetic oils. They show the resulting tan, and even out it, and fix it. The most effective will be sesame, apricot, rose hips and wheat germ.

Even if the beach holiday took place during cloudy weather, and there are no signs of sunburn on the skin, you should take care of it and ensure its safety. You will definitely need to moisturize the epidermis, and it is better to do this with a homemade cream. The tool is prepared according to the following algorithm:

* From the packaging of any moisturizer,

Message: #1293327
Саша Калиостро » 05 Nov 2020, 06:20

Reply To: Shadow tan

Можно ли загореть в тени?

В летнее время года многие стремятся приобрести ровный загар. Но почти каждая женщина осознает, что к этому нужно идти постепенно, так как приобрести подходящий оттенок кожи можно только загорая по утрам и вечерам. Ведь в это время суток солнечные лучи наиболее безопасны.

А некоторым людям ультрафиолет, вообще, противопоказан. Исходя из этого, следует знать, можно ли загореть в тени и как правильно это делать, чтобы достичь нужного результата.

Загорает ли кожа в тени?
Чтобы дать ответ на данный вопрос, нужно знать о самом процессе попадания солнечных лучей на кожу. На это влияют два вида ультрафиолета:

UVA-лучи. В отличие от второго вида этот обладает способностью встраиваться в глубокие слои кожи. Из-за этого процесса дерма теряет упругость и эластичность. Эпидермис за короткое время приобретает темный цвет.
UVB-лучи способствуют выработке витамина D в человеческом организме. Этот процесс оказывает положительный эффект на иммунитет, защиту кожи и на общее состояние организма.

Обе разновидности ультрафиолета – излучение, которое действует и на людей, которые находятся под прямыми лучами солнца, и на тех, кто пребывает в теневой зоне. Во втором варианте действие UVA-лучей понижается. Причем новый цвет сохраняется на продолжительное время в эпидермисе.

Следовательно, загар в тени возможен и к тому же наиболее предпочтителен. Он уменьшает возможный риск появления онкозаболеваний кожи и солнечных ожогов. А новый оттенок кожи будет более равномерным и намного дольше продержится.

В тени под пляжным зонтом
Можно ли загореть в тени под зонтом на пляже? Очень даже реально! А вот почему. Находясь вблизи водоемов (на море, речке, озере), высока вероятность образования шоколадного оттенка. Это происходит из-за отражения ультрафиолетовых лучей от воды, песка, земли.

Поэтому можно с уверенностью полагать, что возможно не только загореть, находясь в тени на пляже, но и сгореть. Учитывая, что человек несколько раз сходит поплавать, вероятность этого увеличивается. Лучи солнца проникают повсюду. Поэтому крайне важно при загаре под зонтом на пляже пользоваться солнцезащитными средствами.

Не помешает использование увлажняющих и питательных средств для кожи, чтобы она не страдала от дефицита влаги.

Под тенью деревьев
Не всегда появляется возможность отдыха на море, а загореть в любом случае хочется. Поэтому многие представительницы прекрасного пола располагаются в местах, где расположено огромное количество деревьев.

Так можно ли загореть в тени деревьев? Также как и в случае с зонтом, можно получить бронзовый оттенок кожи. Кроны деревьев обеспечивают защиту от вредных лучей, пропуская при этом солнечные лучи для щадящего загара. Поэтому загар мягко ложится на тело в тени деревьев.

Но даже в таком случае также нужно быть осторожным, потому что радиация даже в тени быстро поступает на кожу.

Пигмент, который вырабатывается при нахождении в лесистой местности намного устойчивее, чем загар на море.

Особенности и правила загара в тени
Солнечные ванны в тени имеют свои преимущества. Но даже в таком случае не стоит забывать о защите. Как безопасно загорать в тени? Существует универсальные правила для равномерного и безопасного загара:

Необходимо правильно подготовить кожу перед загаром.
Правильно выбрать время для солнечных ванн. Время для загара не должно приходиться на пик ультрафиолетовой активности, так как опасно появлением ожогов от солнца.

С утра до 10 часов дня и после 4 часов вечера – подходящее время для безопасного загара. Также стоит отметить, что приобретать привлекательный оттенок нужно понемногу, начиная с 15 минут в день.
Больше двигаться. В движении загар ляжет равномернее.
Загорать в теневом месте. Такой загар имеет больше преимуществ.

Отсутствие косметики. Из-за косметических средств загар может лечь пятнами.

Придерживаясь этих правил, можно загорать под зонтом или под деревьями и добиться ровного, а главное, безопасного загара, который будет радовать его обладателя своей стойкостью и насыщенностью.

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