Message: #277902
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Dec 2017, 18:32

Women’s sexual secrets (Frankly about the secret). Dilya Derdovna Enikeeva

Both lived with their parents. Sometimes they ran away from lectures and went home to Nastya or Boris when there was no one in the apartment. He lived with his mother, his parents were divorced. Nastya lived in the same room with her younger sister, who could unexpectedly come from school or from a walk, so they often went to Boris, who had his own room. But at home, he was nervous, because his mother had a free work schedule, and she could come unexpectedly. Boris was afraid of his mother and called him “maman”.

Sexual intercourse, like many young people, took place in a hurry, they hardly undressed and listened intently to any sound. If they heard that the elevator car stopped on their landing, they quickly put their clothes in order and literally bounced off each other. Boris complained that because of this he would soon become impotent. However, speaking of "becoming impotent", Boris clearly overestimated himself, since his sexual abilities were already very small - a few hasty frictions, and he ejaculated. And if they had to interrupt their sexual activities because of the noise of the elevator, then the next time Boris could ejaculate even before the introduction of the penis into the vagina, or the erection did not occur at all.

Once, after such an interrupted intercourse, Boris ejaculated on Nastya's jeans, and when she saw a smear of sperm on her clothes, she involuntarily shuddered with disgust. Naturally, with such a sexual partner and under such conditions, Nastya does not have any sexual satisfaction. experienced.

Accelerated ejaculation is one of the frequent sexual disorders of modern men. For some, it occurs even before intercourse, or immediately after the introduction of the penis, or 1-2 minutes after the onset of friction. Naturally, such a weak partner is not able to caress a woman for a long time until she is sufficiently excited, and tries to insert the penis as soon as possible and start intercourse before ejaculation occurs.

A man chooses a “night butterfly”:

- How much love?

- Today we have a youth tariff - the first 20 seconds are free.


In order for a man to be able to caress his partner for a long time until she reaches the desired degree of sexual arousal, he must have sufficient potency. Some men lose their erections during foreplay, so they avoid foreplay.

There are many erotically unawakened women, because there are many sexual egoists and sexually illiterate men.

Sexual egoism is characteristic mainly of men from an environment with a low intellectual and social status. Their stereotype of sexual behavior is like in the old joke: “Man, have you read Hemingway? No? Then by the bed!”

There are sexual egoists among today's young people. IN целом можно сказать, что все, начавшие половую жизнь в подростковом возрасте, — сексуальные эгоисты. For some, this is temporary. INырастая, они приобретают нравственно-этические навыки вообще и в стереотипе полового поведения, в частности. And for some, sexual egoism, combined with the inability to treat women as a real man should, can persist even into adulthood.

We have a lot of men who are openly consumerist or even boorish towards women. That is why there are so many sexually unsatisfied women.

A woman complains to a doctor about her husband's inhuman behavior in sexual life:

- Recently we had sex with him and at that moment the doorbell rang ...

- And what, he left you at such a moment and went to open the door?

- Worse, doctor ... He dragged me with him!


Many of our compatriots are bad sexual partners due to the lack of sexual culture. Even young people who have quite a decent potency do not know anything about either erogenous zones or erotic caresses, or about other ways to satisfy a woman. INсе, что им известно, — это несколько поз полового акта, а прелюдия занимает всего несколько минут или они вообще обходятся без предварительных ласк; as soon as there is a sufficient erection, they immediately begin sexual intercourse. And since an erection in young people arises quickly enough, even from the presence of a woman, and the desire that they experience is quite intense, they do not have time for foreplay, as they want to immediately realize sexual desire.

“Why are you calling him a hitman?” "Cums fast."


An important reason is the fact that there are many drinking men among our compatriots. Alcohol has a detrimental effect on the sexual sphere. The common belief that alcohol increases potency is not true. It is based on myths, cultural traditions and advertising.

INеликий Шекспир в уста одного из героев “Макбета” вложил такие слова о действии вина на половую сферу: “А вот похоть оно и вызывает, и отшибает, вызывает желание, но препятствует удовлетворению. Therefore, a good drink, one might say, does nothing but distort the soul with debauchery: it excites and weakens, kindles and extinguishes, annoys and deceives, raises, but will not let you stand. These words very capaciously and expressively characterize sexual abilities when drinking alcohol.

After drinking alcohol, a man's sexual arousal intensifies, and there may be a desire for intimacy with any woman who is nearby.

Alcoholic drinks, even in small quantities, have a depressing effect on the nervous system. However, most people are convinced that alcohol has a beneficial effect on their sexual reactivity. IN определенной мере это мнение связано с тем, что алкоголь оказывает “растормаживающим” эффектом, облегчает интерперсональные контакты, снимает эмоциональную скованность, вследствие чего легче возникает половое желание.

Alcohol affects different men differently. In some, the erection intensifies, but the ejaculation is delayed, and they cannot achieve orgasm in any way, even with very long sexual intercourse. Other men after drinking have a desire and an erection, but in the process of sexual intercourse, the erection disappears and then no effort it is impossible to achieve a normal erection. Even 100 grams of hard liquor can lead to the disappearance of an erection. И у третьей группы мужчин после выпивки, а особенно в больших количествах, эрекция вообще не наступает, несмотря на то, что у них появляется желание интимной proximity.

Spouses Ivanovs live articulately.


In addition, in a state of intoxication, a man least of all thinks about how to please his partner, and seeks only to get sexual discharge himself. A man can be rude and unceremonious, and having satisfied his need, he will calmly fall asleep. Естественно, его партнерша remains unsatisfied. If a man drinks often enough, then his partner never experiences an orgasm.

IN постели муж с женой.


“I feel so sorry for you, I don’t touch you again.

— Ugh, fool! And I thought you can’t, and I give it to my godfather.


There are a lot of drinkers in our country, respectively, and there are more impotent people than in other countries. Nevertheless, many men, and especially those with weak potency, drink alcohol before dating a woman in the hope of increasing sexual desire and increasing potency. Their sexual attraction really increases, but in the future a vicious circle arises. Without alcohol, such men are not able to have sexual intercourse. The more they drink, the more potency problems they have.

The woman came to the shop "Intimacy".

I would like to buy my husband a new member.


- Madam, you need to go to the Soft Toy department, and this is the DIY department.


INера лишилась девственности в 16 лет. Однажды ее брат пришел домой вместе с приятелем, оба были сильно навеселе, выпили еще и дома, и брат INеры уснул, а его приятель стал к ней “приставать”. INера вначале сопротивлялась, но боялась разбудить брата, который не раз ее бил, и поэтому быстро сдалась. Приятель брата овладел ею на полу в кухне, грубо и бесцеремонно, потом ушел, а INера плакала от унижения. But she didn't tell anyone.

“He persuaded me to engage in immoral behavior with him.”


IN школе у нее не было поклонника, и когда приятель ее брата как-то зашел к ним и предложил ей сходить на дискотеку, она согласилась, так как ни разу не бывала на танцах, а ей очень хотелось.

They began to meet occasionally. He came to visit всегда слегка или сильно навеселе, мог затащить INеру в ближайший подъезд и там быстро совершал с нею половой акт. Или заставлял INеру делать феллацию. She did not like all this, but she had no other boyfriend, and she put up with his arrogance, rudeness and drunkenness.

Через год INера забеременела, и они поженились. INера бросила школу, пошла работать на фабрику женского белья. The child was born stillborn. Муж продолжал пьянствовать, иногда бил INеру, требовал, чтобы она давала ему денег на выпивку. INера терпела три года, потом они развелись.

INторой раз вышла замуж за мастера цеха, где работала швеей. He, too, was divorced, had two children from his first marriage, and often spent weekends with his old family. INера пыталась с ним скандалить по этому поводу, но у него был тяжелый нрав, он мог грубо обругать жену и даже ударить.

Их сексуальные отношения были ничем не лучше, чем с первым мужем INеры. INторой ее муж тоже выпивал, и совершал половой акт только в состоянии опьянения. IN трезвом состоянии у него не было ни желания, ни эрекции.

They lived like strangers, almost did not talk, only exchanged the simplest phrases on everyday topics, they had nothing to talk about. INсю домашнюю работу делала INера. Her husband gave her a small part of the salary for housekeeping, and drank the rest. He often came home drunk, or went out into the yard after dinner and drank with the neighbors.

INера хотела ребенка, надеясь, что это скрасит ее жизнь, но беременность не наступала. She had chronic adnexitis, adhesions in the area of ​​the appendages, she was treated for some time for secondary infertility, but to no avail.

После 5 лет супружеской жизни INера стала изменять мужу. IN ее любовниках перебывали почти


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