Message: #277902
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Dec 2017, 18:32

Women’s sexual secrets (Frankly about the secret). Dilya Derdovna Enikeeva

Women's sexual secrets (Frankly about the secret). Dilya Derdovna Enikeeva

A guest on a TV show, answering a test question: “What makes you feel better?” - where of the three answers it was: sex, money (I don’t remember the third, but it doesn’t matter), she answered: “Sex”. The viewer, who was supposed to guess her answer, made a mistake by saying: "Money." The host of the TV show asked the heroine: “Did you honestly answer this question?” - and when she confidently confirmed that she was sincere, he said: "And I would prefer money."
In this short discussion, the different attitudes of the stronger and the weaker sex towards priorities were highlighted. Men are more focused on social goals, and material well-being is a clear confirmation of their success. For women, relationships with the opposite sex in general and with a beloved man in particular are more important. And sex is an integral part of human life, ideally the apogee of love.

So in vain, some representatives of the stronger sex say that modern women have become mercantile. Yes, one can be indifferent to money only if it is in unlimited quantities, and yet the despicable metal does not occupy a primary place among women's priorities.
Many of my patients, who are not satisfied with their intimate life, say: “My husband earns little, but I am ready to come to terms with this if everything was fine in bed with us. And due to the fact that we have a complete discord in sex, we often quarrel, and family life is unbearable. On the example of these women, you, my readers, make sure that they do not prevaricate at all.
Today's women are more sexually literate than their partners. And when they try to take the initiative, they often do not meet an adequate response from a man. It's all about male sexual egoism! The pleasure of a woman is sacrificed to complexes and a false idea of ​​​​herself as a successful lover. The problem of female anorgasmia mostly starts in the male head.

Women also have enough complexes of their own, and in addition, they are instilled by men who see photos of half-naked beauties everywhere and make claims to their wife: “Why aren’t you like that? Go tighten your chest, remove your stomach. How many times have I heard from patients: "She does not excite me - she has grown fat." And you yourself, my dear, have you lost weight over the years, become prettier? But no, his position is this: “A woman should excite me, and I'm a man, I just have to stand. You see, they owe him, and that she does not get any pleasure with him, these are already her problems - frigid, they say.

Women also have the position: “He is obliged to satisfy me,” but much less frequently. After all, a woman needs not so much an orgasm as caress and tenderness. What an orgasm! Just a few seconds of fun! And it is important for a woman to feel desired, loved, sexually attractive. Although I am convinced and have repeatedly written: there are no anorgasmic women, there are only erotically unawakened ones. And usually the partner is to blame for this, who is either selfish or illiterate and who is prevented by his own complexes from going to a professional or at least reading a book.

And yet it is impossible not to note the positive shifts in matters of sex. The main change is that there are significantly more sexually aware men who have realized that a woman has the same right to orgasm as he does, and that the quality of a lover is not determined by the length of the penis, not by the strength of the erection, and not by the duration of the sexual intercourse. Pleasure is given not by the penis, but by its owner!

When it is possible to realize her most secret desires, a woman in delight throws herself on her husband (or lover) on the neck and is ready to forgive him everything. Yes, sometimes forgiveness is no longer required: the pleasure that both experience during intimacy has a positive effect on their relationship outside the bedroom, and now a couple whose life used to be “unbearable” is already looking at each other with loving eyes. Men are not selfish, they also want a woman to enjoy sex, but some simply do not know how to achieve this.
From this book you will learn how to realize your innermost desires so that sex becomes not a headache for you, but a Song of Songs.
Dilya Enikeeva,
psychiatrist, sexologist,
Candidate of Medical Sciences


As with all books in this series, from time to time you and I will pause for laughter psychotherapy. To do this, here are ironic paraphrases and anecdotes on the topic that we are discussing. And in order to start reading with a smile, I offer you a little warm-up sense of humor.

So, a real woman:

· Descended not from Adam, but from the tempting serpent.

Going to the theater or to a concert, carefully puts her hair on back of the head.

· If she had had a chance to live again, she would have made the same mistakes, but faster.

· From happiness she already on the seventh month.

Can hear the melody of Mendelssohn's march in a man's voice.

· He loves a man a little and understands him very well.

· Feel sorry for the vanquished, but cheat on them with the winners.

· Realizes how lucky she is to be born a WOMAN.

· I am sure that despite the past happy life, real life begins only after menopause.

· Always reserves the last word, even if the word is “YES”.

Works not on herself, but on her husband.

Ready to sacrifice herself if the opportunity presents itself and if it gives her pleasure.

· Changes not husbands, but gloves and lovers.

· Prevents a man from living, but decorates his life.

She will always find a man she doesn't deserve.

A man is not a problem for her, but a solution.

Deciding to lose weight, do not lean on a diet.

· He does not complain about his misfortunes, but poisons a man's life with them.

· Will be able to find a man who has what she needs and knows what to do with it.

Do not follow bad advice, but stay ahead of it.

· Masters the art of pretending naturally.

· Sacrifice himself for the sake of victory over a man.

Allows a man's heart to burst, but not his new dress.

· Prefers to digest the melancholy of everyday life in a sweet sauce.

· Able to make many men happy, but only one unhappy.

· Even if he loses his reputation, he will be able to take advantage of it.

Guesses the intentions of a man, which he does not know about.

It looks like no one of the same age will call her the same age.

Losing his head, takes care of his neck.

· Never show a man his underwear without specific intentions.



The problem of sex in the life of our woman takes about the fifth or sixth place between the problems of new tights and relationships with the boss. However, some women manage to solve all these three problems in a complex way.

E. Panteleev

I often hear from my patients: “There is no time for sex.” However, this is essentially just an excuse.

There are many things in the world that give moral satisfaction and pleasure. Achievements in the professional field a successful career, delicious food, beautiful clothes, a comfortable apartment, a well-groomed garden in the country, a good book, an excellent movie, pleasant music - all this and much more brings joy to a person. And at the same time it takes a lot of time. A businessman spends many hours on business negotiations and everyday fuss, a housewife creates culinary masterpieces, spouses enthusiastically cultivate their suburban area, men and women spend their evenings near the TV, ladies spend hours on the phone with friends and arrange gatherings discussing burning women's problems, and men they sit over a “glass of tea”, ranting about what worries the strong half of humanity, and at the same time they all complain that they don’t have time for sex. How so? Is hanging on the phone, spinning in front of the mirror, forging money, digging in the beds, staring at the TV more pleasant? Even if you put sex on a par with other pleasant things, then why is it in last place, or even completely replaced ?!

“Honey, ready to make love to you every free minute! But so busy, so busy! Not a single free moment!”


There is no such shrine for which it would be worth constantly sacrificing sex. In this case, cause and effect are reversed.

The problem is not that sex distracts from important things, but that things distract from sex.

If, in your opinion, you are not against making love, but chronically there is no time for carnal pleasures, this means that there is time - after all, only the person decides what to spend it on - but there is no desire.

When a person really wants something, he does not look for excuses, but achieves what he wants.

Wives of business people often turn to me, complaining that their husband does not pay attention to them at all, all in his work, disappears on it until late, and he is not up to his wife and not up to sex.

It's not about employment at all. No job takes all twenty-four hours a day. No matter how stressful the life of a modern businessman is, he also


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