Message: #269853
Ольга Княгиня » 26 Nov 2017, 17:47

Super Papa. Brief guide. Viktor Kuznetsov

Super Dad. Brief guide. Viktor Kuznetsov

Let's get acquainted
Hello reader!
The book you have opened contains a carefully thought out and over time rethought description of the father's experience. Here I have collected all my knowledge about the pregnancy of a woman, about the birth and upbringing of children.
The book can be useful to anyone who is waiting for replenishment in their family, and especially to those future fathers for whom the news of the pregnancy of their life partner came as a surprise. I address mainly men, but not because I am secretly a misogynist. The main goal of this book is to help a person settle comfortably in the role of a father.
The realization that people become parents not at the moment of the birth of a child, but when they find out about the conception that has taken place, came to me only during the second pregnancy of my wife. You have a chance to avoid many mistakes, and maybe fatherhood will become a kind of hobby for you, what a person loves most in life. In any case, it's worth trying to enjoy being a parent. I can do it, I'm sure, and you will be just as good.

С нерушимой верой в существование отцовского инстинкта, Viktor Kuznetsov
Pregnancy and childbirth, or becoming a father is difficult
In the life of every man there comes a moment when he learns firsthand where children come from. No, purely theoretically, of course, for a long time already - from the second grade - he knows what's what. And even not without pleasure, he savored the details of the process - first with the boys in the yard, and as he grew older, all with the same boys, but already in more decent places. For real, all the myths about the stork and cabbage are dispelled only after the notorious: "Honey, I'm pregnant." Moreover, judging by the experience of my more pragmatic friends, even the planning of conception does not greatly affect the power of the emotional shock from this female phrase. Now, in order, what to do for those for whom this phrase has already sounded ... and unexpectedly.

"Honey, I'm pregnant!"
I don’t know how it was with you, but I already knew a few days before X-hour that something had happened. Painfully suspicious was the behavior of my betrothed. I don’t know for what purpose she bore such news in herself for several days, but at that time she behaved approximately like this:

Well, somehow I was told one of the most important news of my life. Even she later agreed that she “behaved somehow stupidly.” And me in the early days symptoms of pregnancy, I thought: “I broke the phone again ... Well, as much as possible!” But now is not about that. So, it happened, she is pregnant. What to do?
In principle, not so much is required of you at this time. If she dreamed of a planned ideal pregnancy, then it may be necessary to keep her on the edge of panic for a while, preventing her from finally falling down there. And so, like, so far nothing more. The wife will need to be examined. Since the child was not planned, she may be found to have untreated or chronic diseases. In this case, their treatment should be started only after the 12th week of pregnancy with exclusively special preparations. Take control over timely visits to doctors, testing and a rational daily routine.

To be honest, in most cases, an unplanned pregnancy is no different from a planned one. If everything worked out the old fashioned way for you and your wife, you should not worry too much. In more than 200 days, you will become a father. However, this significant date still needs to survive.

Pregnant woman - how to behave
So, what objectively happens to the body and psyche of a pregnant woman, and how can a future father get used to this new state of his wife with minimal loss of nerve cells?

In the first trimester
Month one. The following happens: towards the end of the first week of pregnancy, a fertilized egg is introduced into the wall of the uterus. I was surprised to learn that the placenta around the fetus is finally formed only by the third month. Until this time, the embryo is in free swimming and its development is under constant control from the brain.

You need to talk to a woman in a position. It’s great if you and your spouse have heart-to-heart conversations about and without. In such a situation, pregnancy is unlikely to worsen the communicative situation in the family. However, even if earlier your tandem could be called silent, now everything should change. This is especially true for those who are expecting a baby for the first time. You see, pregnancy is complicated. Not surprisingly, new sensations provoke increased anxiety and alertness. At such a moment, the expectant mother needs support. You really try: listen, nod understandingly, smile to the point and often say that everything will be fine Fine.

Thus, the whole body of a woman restructures its work in view of the new state. The constant powerful activity of one of the parts of the brain leads to increased fatigue (do not believe it - try to look at your finger for one minute and think only about it, without being distracted, I did not succeed). Permanent stay in the "on" position this area leads to a reduction in other types of brain activity - hence absent-mindedness, lethargy, drowsiness and others like them. It is clear that in this state, an employee from his wife is like a bulletproof vest made of plasticine, so she is provided with a period of career uselessness. It’s good if she already knows about her curious situation, otherwise you won’t escape complaints about a black streak in life and tears about this. By the way, tearfulness is very much in the spirit of the changes that have taken place in the body.

Due to hormonal changes, gastronomic tastes may change. It's the same with smells. My wife began to like the smell of gasoline from a biker jacket, and earlier she asked to leave it in the garage. And this is a plus, comrades! It's a pity, a single and very short-term plus.

There may be changes in appetite towards one of the extremes and the appearance of the first signs of toxicosis. In principle, the set of symptoms is already sufficient to say about a colleague or neighbor: “And Manka seems to be pregnant,” but as for themselves, here women show some ingenuity and usually begin to attribute their ailments to the parade of planets, the position of the Moon in Gemini or hitherto unknown illness, in the extreme case, that you got it.

The situation will become clear after the first delay, followed by the purchase of all kinds of pregnancy tests. Before that, it’s better to behave with your spouse approximately the way you would like to be treated with a terrible hangover (quietly perform part of your duties, only, mind you, don’t offer beer).

Good to know
A pregnant woman should eat according to the following formulas:

1-5 months: daily rate + ¼;

6-9 months: daily allowance + ½.

The norm of the energy value of the daily ration for a woman of average height and build, performing moderate work, is 2000 kcal. For your woman, you will figure it out yourself.

Hang somewhere in the toilet an eloquent Soviet-style poster with the text, something like “Constipation is the root of all troubles. Give daily chair!". Helps to relax, I swear. Reduces constipation and heartburn also the right diet. Let's repeat what we've been through.

• Fractionally (five times a day in small portions) to eat.

• Take slow walks after meals.

• The last meal - no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

• Regularly consume foods that have an alkaline reaction: milk, cream, cottage cheese, boiled meat and fish, butter and vegetable oil.

• Vegetables should be consumed boiled or stewed, it is better to bake apples.

• The diet should contain natural laxatives - dairy products, vegetables, fruits, dried fruits (dried plums, figs, dried apricots).

• You can extinguish heartburn by drinking half a glass of milk or slightly alkaline mineral water without gas.

• Well prevent heartburn starchy soups, cereals, jelly.

• Do not consume spicy, fatty, smoked foods, coffee, strong tea, sour vegetables, fruits and berries that provoke the production of gastric juice.

• You can not take soda to pay off heartburn. There are special medications that are prescribed for pregnant women (ask your doctor).


In the middle of the third month, the well-being of the expectant mother gradually begins to improve, which, nevertheless, does not particularly affect the pendulum mood. She is still sick in the morning, and all the time she wants something special both in food and from you.

Despite the pendulum, at this time, the appetite slightly increases. The result is weight gain. Well, if it is within the normal range (you can talk about these very limits with your doctor regarding only your woman); Bigger is not better, as fat is added, which can put extra stress on the heart. In the third month, it is better not to allow too much weight gain.

At the end of the third month, the belly is slightly rounded and it becomes clear that the woman is pregnant. My wife was secretly suffering about her appearance during this time. She took vitamins and minerals for beauty (make sure she consults a doctor before strengthening her hair-nails-teeth). In principle, she was intuitively right: doctors really prescribe vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women starting from the 12th week.


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