Message: #213602
Аннета Эссекс » 04 Oct 2017, 20:44

Nourishing hand masks at home. Baths, balms, compresses

How we would like to have well-groomed hands in addition to our ideal appearance. The hands are most exposed to external influences. We constantly wash something, wash it, and the skin of the hands is dehydrated and degreased. You can, of course, use rubber gloves, but it is not recommended to wear them for more than five minutes, because the hands begin to sweat a lot, and this dries out the skin. From an aesthetic point of view, special attention should be paid to the condition of the hands and nails. The appearance of hands and nails affects our self-esteem, self-confidence, even our posture and facial expressions.

Periodically, 1-2 times a week, it is worth setting aside time for special hand masks. They are applied for 10-15 minutes, after which they are washed off with warm water. Unlike daily cosmetics, masks have a deeper healing effect, and also help a woman keep her hands in good shape for longer.
Egg hand mask

Very effective for aging and wrinkled hands. Just rub a mixture of 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon honey and 1 teaspoon oatmeal into your skin overnight and put on cloth gloves. In the morning, the hands will become soft, wrinkles will smooth out.
Honey mask for hands

The mask softens the hands, makes the skin more tender. Mix 15 g of honey, 25 g of almond or olive oil, egg yolk and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the resulting mixture to your hands and put on cotton gloves. It is best to do this mask at night.
Honey-glycerine hand mask

Softens rough, aging and flaky skin. Mix 1 teaspoon each of glycerin and honey with 2 tablespoons of water. Add 1 teaspoon of oatmeal or wheat flour. The mask is applied for 20-25 minutes.
Potato hand mask

Ordinary potatoes will help you smooth the skin of your hands and soften it. Boil a couple of potatoes and crush them with milk (as for mashed potatoes). Apply the semi-liquid mixture to the skin for 2-3 hours.
Potato Lemon Hand Mask

Take 2 boiled “in uniform” Potatoes and rub them with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. The mixture must be still warm when you lay it in a thick layer on your hands. Then wrap your hands in cellophane and stay in this state for 15 minutes, then rinse off the mask with water and lubricate with cream. At night, you can rub a mixture of egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of honey into the skin of your hands.

Potato-honey mask for hands

Огрубевшая кожа вернет свою мягкость и эластичность, если наложить такую смеюсь: натертая сырая картофелина, чайная ложка меда, несколько капель фhandsтового или овощного сока (лимонного, апельсинового, капустного, морковного).
Овсяная маска для hands

2 tablespoons of oatmeal, 1 tablespoon of hot water and sunflower oil, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and glycerin (it is sold in pharmacies).
Масляная маска для hands

Обмажьте handsи обыкновенным растительным маслом и наденьте хлопчатобумажные перчатки.
Хлебная маска для hands

Размочите в теплом молоке белый хлебный мякиш и нанесите получившуюся массу на handsи. Wash off after 15-20 minutes.
Пилинг-маска для hands из винограда

Ingredients: grape pulp and ground hercules. They need to be taken in such proportions that the resulting mass looks like porridge that does not flow, but does not pour either. Маску наносят толстым слоем и круговыми движениями массируют кожу hands в течение 5—10 минут. Смывают теплой водой и смягчают кожу кремом для hands.
Дынная маска для hands

Увлажняет и отбеливает кожу hands. Ingredients: melon pulp, juice of half a lemon and starch (for density). The proportions of thick porridge. Маску наносят тонким слоем, оставляют на 20—30 минут, затем смывают теплой водой и смазывают handsи защитным кремом.
Бальзам для огрубевшей кожи hands и локтей

Ingredients: juice of one orange and half a glass of vegetable oil. Наносят тонким слоем на кожу hands и локтей, массируют 5—10 минут. If the skin is too dry and cracked, the balm can be left for half an hour, wearing gloves (knitted) to enhance the effect. Then the remains of the balm are removed with a napkin. The balm can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.
Яично-льняная для hands

Маска для очень сухой кожи hands. The yolk of a raw egg is mixed with a tablespoon of linseed oil, a tablespoon of honey and the juice of one lemon. They wash their hands (preferably with water in which the potatoes were boiled), grease them with a thick layer of the mixture, put on linen gloves and do not take them off for an hour or two. Затем споласкивают handsи теплой водой и смазывают универсальным кремом для hands.
Желтково-оливковая маска для hands

For dry, aging and rough skin. Beat half the egg yolk, add gradually 15 g of olive oil. Apply for 15-20 minutes with massaging movements.
Морковная маска для hands

Для огрубевшей кожи hands. Grated carrot, 1 tablespoon a spoonful of sour cream and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Смесь накладывают на чистую кожу hands, укрывают компрессной бумагой, надевают варежки на 40 минут.
Ванночки для шершавых hands

Их отбелит и смягчит ванночка из капустного рассола или сыворотка от простокваши, в которой handsи надо подержать несколько минут. Трещины на handsах вылечат ванночки из размешанного в воде картофельного крахмала (1 столовая ложка на литр воды) или отвара льняного семени (2 столовые ложки на литр воды).
Нашатырно-глицериновая ванночка для hands

Если кожа hands настолько огрубела, что даже крем с трудом помогает, можно сделать ванночки из смеси нашатырного спирта с глицерином. For 2 liters of warm water, they usually take 1 tablespoon of glycerin and a teaspoon of ammonia.

Herbal baths – linden blossom, chamomile or sage – also help well. Приготовьте травяной отвар (ванночка должна быть не слишком горячей), подержите там handsи 10 минут, потом сухие handsи смажьте питательным кремом.

If the skin dries and cracks like old parchment, make trays of decoction of flaxseed (fill a tablespoon with 2 cups of hot water and boil for 15-20 minutes) or any heated vegetable oil.

Ванночка для hands из крахмала

Хороший способ смягчить handsи. It is done like this: a teaspoon of starch is diluted with a glass of water, the resulting paste is diluted with warm water to a liter volume. Hands are kept in this solution for 10-15 minutes, rinsed with warm water, apply a little cream on wet skin. A starch bath is very useful for the elbows, if the skin on them is dry, rough.

Masks of sour cream and cottage cheese, yeast with milk, yolk with honey well tone the skin.
Лосьон из трав для смягчения кожи hands

1 tablespoon of plantain, chamomile, calendula. Pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain, pour in 1 tablespoon of glycerin. You can add 1 teaspoon of honey and 30 g of butter. Hands are rubbed with lotion 2-3 times a day.

Действие масок можно усилить, если перед процедурой 2—3 минуты подержать handsи в горячей воде.
Лечебные процедуры для проблемной кожи hands

With cracks, abrasions and inflamed nail holes, dressings are made with calendula or currant juice, which contribute to the healing of wounds due to the accelerated formation of new tissues. Затем используйте крем для hands.
Холодные компрессы для hands from cottage cheese

They are used for varicose veins and inflammation of the superficial veins. They cool, soothe and relieve inflammation.
cabbage wraps

Used for gout and varicose veins. It is recommended to use 2 times a day (morning and evening) anti-varicose cream.
Trays with ice cubes

Remove swelling. После ванночек нанесите крем, подходящий для ваших hands.

Трещинки на коже hands исчезнут, если смазывать их на ночь рыбьим жиром или нутряным салом.

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